The Penguin, the Joker and Catwoman side, is one of the best known enemy of Batman. It first appeared in DETECTIVE COMICS # 58, where the number argument was provided by Bob Kane and Bill Finger Art.
This character has always attracted much attention for his grotesque figure, his dress, umbrellas used and their love of birds.
Much of the popularity of this character is due to their participation in the television series "Batman," 1966. From episode # 3 and almost over the three seasons, and in the memorable film of the same year, The Penguin was played by Burgess Meredith (1907-1997), an experienced actor, best remembered as the Coach Rocky Balboa in the hit film "Rocky." One of the things that most attracted the attention of his performance was the sound that by trying to imitate the cry of a penguin, but it sounded more like a duck, which accept the same over time. The actor also commented that the noise was a way to hide the cough that caused him the cigarette, because, being non-smoker, to correctly interpret the character, was forced to do so.

Decades later, in 1992, the character took new impetus when actor Danny Devito played him in the movie "Batman Returns", a film that is now a modern classic, directed by the famed director Tim Burton. The Penguin version is much darker and more cruel than the 60 series, the comic appearance gives way to a grotesque mutation, where the hands and makeup simulate fins gives a gloomy aspect to the character. It should be noted that the performance of Michael Keaton as Batman and Michelle Pfeiferr in the role of Catwoman, highlight the character of the Penguin lot, making this a lasting image.

The Penguin in the comics is a version that is not funny, like Burgess Meredith, nor is so grotesque and pscotica like Danny Devito, is really a kind of midpoint between them.
Its true Cobblepot Chesterfiled name is Oswald, from very young he was molested and harassed by bullies, especially one known as "Sharkey" that Oswald was mocked for his short stature, obesity and nose of large proportions, coupled his fondness for birds, they gave him the nickname "Penguin." The treatment he received from his fellow men were lining up, being one of the main reasons that pushed him to seek a life outside of society.
But his life was not always linked to the misdeeds, on the contrary, his passion for birds led him to study and university, where he became a renowned ornithologist, but unfortunately, this intelligence was wrong after used to be a brilliant strategist criminal. It is important to mention that his first appearances had not thus be gradually transformed. And so, if the protagonist of his crimes, they always had some relationship with the birds, their criminal activities are now behind the curtains, manipulating and being the brains of many operations.
His dress is always elegant, since it considers itself a "gentleman criminal", so that the suit is required, like the hat and umbrella, the latter is a very small accessory from your mother, Miranda forced him to use, to protect from rain and prevent disease. Now, in adulthood, is something that characterizes it and therefore it is feared, because each of the umbrellas is carrying many surprises and / or lethal weapons.

Physically Cobblepot is far from being an athlete, but to the surprise of many, his fitness and fighting skills are considerable, since a very young age, to take revenge on those who mocked him, study boxing, becoming, over time, in a respectful fighter. Despite this, he always avoids becoming entangled in any skirmish and prefer to leave these tasks to other people or birds trained for this purpose.
Cobblepot currently owns a nightclub which is extremely popular in the criminal underworld, providing the Penguin large amounts of information which it then uses to carry out their operations. His relationship with Batman has changed over time, and now some of the club's activities are relatively "tolerated" because Batman is very useful for this Cobblepot aware of many details of the crime.
His activities and his ability as a strategist are recognized by many villains, including Lex Luthor, who has arrived to work in the smuggling of weapons and other goods, as revealed in the story arc "Tierra de Nadie "as well as in the story" War Games "was one of the heads organized crime in Gotham City.