My first idea for the title of this post was "the artist's influence in the comic, but this time just as we refer to the artist thought that the artist thought that the word could be used for writer also, since their work is considered by many as an art, hence the phrase "the art of writing."
Returning to the central theme is to relive some words I had written earlier in this blog, to cite examples such as the comic are drawings at the end of everything "and " you need a balance between argument and drawing " because these two statements are indeed (for some) true, ie, perhaps many comic veterans may remember great stories, great plots and scripts that have left a good impression. But there are many good comics, highlighting not the quality of writing, but good drawing that they contained.
go to refresh our memory with some examples such as the highly anticipated crossover JLA / AVENGERS where he knew perfectly handle four numbers, the fight scenes interspersed with the characters very well, showing us the rivalry between the two sides of superheroes and a spectacular finale full of emotion.
What I hear about one of the most memorable sagas by the fans? I'm talking about Crisis on Infinite Earths which show us an endless gallery of characters that is not easy to show, but that the illustrator was able to bring their task with flying colors.

Many of you have guessed the name of the artist of these two incredible series, because if we are talking about George Perez . Without doubt for was no easy task to perform what he did, he would say he had sometimes had to seek help from their peers to show him sketches or vignettes of some people he did not know how to draw given the amount I had to take .
And since we are Speak of the highly acclaimed DC Alex Ross, his work on the series MARVELS was what launched him to success within the industry, for all those who have seen and perused some of the know it is a delight to walk around the watching cartoons the full range of colors that can do.
And is that Ross uses a method widely used in the comic for its work, based on photographs showing the poses and movements that want to draw, using real people, even been told that sometimes they had to interpret movements took hours to make it look perfect.

There are other designers who actually took their drawing skills and all that group of former Marvel artists decided to create his own company called IMAGE, are recorded by the titles of comiqueros Spawn, Witchblade, Darkness, etc.., where each page did show off his skills adding to draw thousands of little details and showing all the characters with perfect bodies, also the increased violence and blood.
This resulted in hundreds of comics fans buy and sell like hotcakes.
One of those partners was Jim Lee Image . Who does not remember that X-MEN # 1 cover endless variations with a picture of this asian?.
recently in this year's ComiCon was given the Claremont Crhis record for best-selling comic in history (that reads arribita), let's be honest, the argument Crhis was not the one that made X-Men # 1 threw sales so insurmountable, but it was that was number 1 on the cover and the picture was very attractive.

We can not include the extraordinary illustrator Dave McKean . His best known work (for us comiqueros) is Arkham Asylum, is simply magnificent as their ideas in the cartoons, the Joker's face, the halls of Arkham madness, it is impossible to describe everything in this paragraph that is why I invite you to check it at least on the Internet. For those too lazy to go there are some pictures of their drawings.

In conclusion, the cartoonist, illustrator and designer as you call is the same but not more important than the author, and there are times when your art is better or worse than the brief but good side of that is that the comic is not necessarily bad.
And for those who want to read something with a lot of eye candy I recommend the series Birds of Prey (first image in this post) that would be something like an example of what I just mentioned. Sale, there are up to the next entry.