One of the things me to call the attention of some comikeros and bloggers I've met is his apparent revulsion to the manga, especially the so-called "Marvel zombies" that even hate the DC editorial. For them, Japan's art represents only an invader that has been sitting neglected for many years in this industry fans of the cartoons.
are people who hate those big-eyed characters, who dare not look beyond their blessed series, it is true, there are bad things that can not fail to overlook, such as growing sales of manga in dial " conventions "of comics in our country or the increase in marketing that only serves to release stories to the market with the sole purpose of selling. This
is because of the large companies across the world have managed to gain popularity, surprisingly, thousands of otaku and is ready to buy cards, anime and manga of course.
this rejection is also due to the huge difference between reading a gringo to a manga comic, as in most of the latter when the characters are funny things happen (hitting, angry, flushing) drawings and can deform Giants head to see cat's eyes, all this confuses a new reader that makes you lose a bit of seriousness, do not forget to read upside down, plus the cartoons also read another way, fence begins at the other side, personally the first time I read a manga me very confused because I did not know where to start.

Yet all the time all this is forgotten and it's like when you get braces or "brakers" in the teeth, mold you to feel part of your mouth. And another thing
even more important is that the most important publishing comics in Mexico (VID) does not care much to solve things, rather encourage Mexican writers and artists to create something new is set to make things like a comic of Victor, I wonder who the hell bought it?, will not people who follow the comic gringo, an innocent child out there who likes "100 Mexicans said "or a middle-aged you do not know what you have in your hands or good tito says:" The tianguistas and peppers on the market to go with your apron, "it haha \u200b\u200bmaybe if.
What otaku that they complain about the comic?, some say the rate superheroes Superman is very old fashioned, they make fun of all those who have screens, consider something fussy a person to have series such as Cap, Bats etc.
We also we buy we complain that if the mega obscure other very good stories, if someday Loeb stop writing crap, pure muscle and screens, so many other good things.

The truth is that in this area we have not advanced much to say, since the eighties the stories are more or less the same, with some exceptions that manage to quickly become jewels in the industry.
Like everything bad ends now the turn of the bright side, for it is only necessary to mention part of the manga titles as Evangelion , Inuyasha, Death Note , Bleach, Dragon Ball , One Piece, Sailor Moon uff at last, and many more.
The comic is not far behind, we have many jewels as Planetary , V for Vendetta , Kigdom Come , the work of the duo Loeb / Sale, Ellis / etc Cassady.

Anyone who has read one of these works may have noticed the spectacular to be found to be reading things like that. Many would argue that manga is all the same, then no, in Japan for example there is a culture where you can find manga fills up cooking so do not judge it by something even know. One of the good things is that the diversity of the stories is very extensive as I just mentioned, romance, comedy, Goor, children, adventures and a long long etc.
And before I forget let me say that all those who have enjoyed Animes coming from the sleeve, which is a contradiction to insult something we like.
get away from that and here the answer to the question of the post: what to choose? Is it better the manga or comic? Which do not ever come?.
One day talking with a friend she told me she liked the band Tokio Hotel, but also loved the music of the Jonas Brothers, I said I had to make a difficult descision of just staying with a band, because the two had a very strong competition, to which she replied bluntly: why not enjoy both? .
So bloggers, why do we have to stop reading as bizarre series Hellsing , Or the creations of CLAMP group?, Also for otaku, they do not caidria evil to enter the universe of comikeros, but could not buy the fact the series supers Sin City for example, or with Transmetropolitan Spider Jerusalem sarcastic for those seeking something different, otaku to stop criticizing the superhero comic is all muscular and underwear that is not true, there are many more stories, and komikeros stop saying that they do not like these Ojon, but the point is that these Ojon came very great things like Mazinger Z or better RPG videogame history Chrono Tiger is more than anything else openly GET WITH IT or prejudice. See you until next post!.