Despite this history already a year late as usual, this month arrived in Mexico by Editorial Televisa, which was already before the premiere of "death and rebirth Tony Stark, who as many know that advertising can be a boom for many of the consumers of this hobby run to buy the number. At least for me if it worked because I was looking forward to since I saw the first announcement and I do not really disappointed after reading it, met my expectations of seeing a Tony destroyed both physically and mentally, which is one of the things that I like to happen in superhero comics, so it is that among my favorite stories is "Knightfall" DC or "Born Again" for Marvel.
Otherwise this is one of those comics you need to buy, has a history that although it seems the conclusion of "The Wolrd's Most Wanted" (and indeed it is), the story continues when asked SPOILER Madame Masque to the villain "Gohst" to murder Stark. But most is remarkable to see the great hero who not long ago was the world's most powerful man in command of the peacekeeping force SHIELD become a person without any knowledge in a vegetative state but yet this had been planned by Tony I knew that at any given time to remove any information in his brain this would become nothing but a useless mass. This is the most amazing ability he has, there is no armor or its large arsenal of weapons around the world and can be compared to Batman by these similarities to what I consider the Marvel Bats.

Everything good that has "Tony Stark Disambled" is nothing but TWMW the result of where the waste of quality with Fraction Argument knew him veery good story with little dialogue but rather abrupt turns that made you hooked over the comic, where we could see more action from Stark's loyal secretary Pepper Potts. However, the dialogue balloons must be accompanied by vignettes in which the artist Larroca gave life to the script, this seemed the weak point of the comic but the art is saved (in my opinion) by the colorist Frank D'Armata that was already doing a good job from the Cap series (if not believe me check to the artist without the colors Epting Frank and see a big difference).
For those who still have not read "TWMW" they should have done and not just for the sake of winning the Eisner Award, will give a brief overview: After Norman Osborn Skrull invasion, the old villain known as the Green Goblin comes to power and SHIELD takes over now after having transformed the organization makes HAMMER (many still do not know what that means), that's when you have all the freedoms and one of his first tasks is to get all the secret identities of superhuman , which Tony Stark has, of course he refuses to give that information and sends a virus to the network HAMMER obstruct access to it. Having done that Tony knows that Norman will pursue to death and try to get their technology repulsive so began a career in the world where you try to destroy their stockpiles and more on the way but removing all possible information from his own brain, which as we saw, in the end it leaves SPOILER in a vegetative state.
IM In conclusion: TSD has started well, with everyone expected start where Tony's closest friends seek ways to return to the playboy billionaire to normal key thing is the hard disk that Maria Hill got to face the controller, and otherwise hopefully end in a dignified manner to the character and preparing for the event SIEGE.