The Wind (Spanish)
Worth a look. "Power of Wind" is a film created by advertising agency Nordpol + Hamburg for Wind Energy Initiative ( Epuron / MPT), which won the Golden Lion at Cannes in its category. It shows in poetic form a situation which is often reflected in the classroom. The recovery of self-esteem may be a way of channeling the late great energy supplies that would otherwise be expressed only in the form of aggression and violence.
(You can select the language of the subtitles in the command bar at the bottom of the image)
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Jock Straps In Football Zotero
Perhaps, for reasons of good order, this note should be deployed in two, a question on notice z hill, and one entirely dedicated to dotSUB . However, my experience has joined the two issues, and so, together, appear on this post. is a place where they rise and equally share videos in YouTube, but with the peculiarity that the videos you can find subtitles in different languages \u200b\u200b
Additional information on z otero :
website otero z :
blogoff In : Zotero, a reference manager free and open source
Additional information on :
dotSUB website: http : / /
in Engadget: dotSUB, creating an original movie subtitles
Perhaps, for reasons of good order, this note should be deployed in two, a question on notice z hill, and one entirely dedicated to dotSUB . However, my experience has joined the two issues, and so, together, appear on this post. is a place where they rise and equally share videos in YouTube, but with the peculiarity that the videos you can find subtitles in different languages \u200b\u200b
otero z is a free bibliographic manager works
as Firefox extension (in this blog and had uploaded a video of, "RSS in plain Inglés", with subtitles English). If the selected video is not in our language of choice, we can get down to work and add the corresponding translation in subtitles. In my case, that's what I did with a beautiful video ad called "The Wind" "The Wind", which until then had only been subtitled in Italian (unfortunately from a poor transcription of the original script in English). Then I went touring the site and found the video "How to Zotero." Otero -Z as I could see, there is a free bibliographic manager works as a Firefox extension that was developed by the Center for History and New Media of George Mason University . Then I took the opportunity to add subtitles to video in English. This is not a professional translation but I think that is enough to properly understand the operation of utilities and Zotero. It may be useful for anyone looking for a tool that will help him in managing the different sources will gather for a research project.Link:
Additional information on z otero :
website otero z :
blogoff In : Zotero, a reference manager free and open source
Additional information on :
dotSUB website: http : / /
in Engadget: dotSUB, creating an original movie subtitles
Friday, July 20, 2007
Punishment For Loosing A Bet
THE PLAIN OF YOTHOSAWA. Tribute to Roberto Fontanarrosa (1944-2007 ...)
"With the arrival of spring eternal restart cycle of birth, procreation and death ... " But from now on Yothosawa plain, nothing will be the same ...
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Who Do Football Coaches Talk T
Learning with the blogs in The Nation
In the middle @ - Note II of II
What about these digital spaces in knowledge management and business training?; Key to understanding why are the basis for major transformations by
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Sympathy Loss Of Mother Quotations
50 Anniversary of the National Flag Monument
what contexts and what kind of users / teachers / students believe they could benefit from using educational blogs? "Exchanges about blogging and the blogosphere
The forum was attended for a number of interesting and varied remarks that allowed an extensive development the subject. Because of this, while my late entry to the forum, I found a vast and rich landscape. So vast and rich that I was obliged to make an inventory to systematize and remember everything that had already been expressed. This inventory is the basis for this synthesis is aimed at finding a possible answer to the question proposed. - to a greater or lesser extent, all (or most) contexts and users would benefit from the use of educational blogs, there availability of the tool, the imagination would the only limit ...
could say initially that educational blogs are those that point, obviously, educational contexts and these contexts can take different forms. I think the lowest common denominator thing as educational context would be given by the presence of someone who wants to teach and someone who wants to learn (even if not fully aware of it.) is in this context or learning environment where there will be an action or proceeding in which education can be inserted in a particular technique or technology
, whether the use of the word, a blackboard, video, blog or whatever, that by being at your service may be regarded also as educational
Characterization of a blog as education, I think that happens, then, by intent or purpose manifest more or less put in the service of an action or process of education. The rest may vary, contents, recipients, levels, strategies, resources, approaches, etc., Including the degree of effectiveness in relation to obtaining the basic objective.
The contributions of all participants in the forum have noted the usefulness of blogs in multiple contexts such as education institutionalized and its various levels and deployment, education, research and extension, and education unsystematic. From another point of view indicated that an educational blog could operate as an extension of the classroom, replacing the classroom, classroom-related enhancement of the space par excellence in which historically has been developing the formal education process, "the same was said with regard to process itself: as a course, an alternative to a course, continuity of the course, support the course, etc..
As users / teachers / students who would benefit and there were those who said their opinion concur-that all users would benefit. In summary, the variety and extent of the uses and contexts that were mentioned throughout the debate did nothing to underscore the plasticity and versatility of blogs as educational tools. So I am of the idea that a greater or lesser extent, all (or most) contexts and users would benefit from the use of educational blogs, there availability of the tool, the imagination would be the only limit ... Wednesday, June 20, 2007
University Toronto Admission Average 2010
exchanges on blogs and the blogosphere
Monitoring strategic trends and building corporate identity in the blogosphere are key to the world of management , What are the companies that are committed to this space?
to select the formula and copy only the selected source, but not think-I-Explorer).
An example:
In the middle @ - Note I of II
The opportunity to have face
blog Monitoring strategic trends and building corporate identity in the blogosphere are key to the world of management , What are the companies that are committed to this space?
to select the formula and copy only the selected source, but not think-I-Explorer).
An example:
As I am now far from mathematics (in fact I never got too close) I'm not sure this can be useful.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Puffy Ankles Drinking
may be useful to improve our understanding of
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Ariel Steam Shower Complaints
The use of equations in the blog RSS in Plain
Educational use of blogs
Educational use of blogs
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Who's Your Favorite Teacher Tdsb Teacher
Inglés (subtitled)
I just added the blog links RSS / Atom and included the AddThis Bookmark the blog and at the foot of each entry. can also be seen from today, in the right column, a text as a heading: "full of hope, like a cowboy when it comes to poor people ..."
This text corresponds to a verse of the waltz
"Flor de lino" (1947),
Homero Exposito, whose full version is available on the web at the following link Todotango:
Flor linen. I think that line sums up the new wonder it makes me break into the vast world of new technologies and reminds me also hopes that they can be accompanied by some frustrations and disappointments.
I just added the blog links RSS / Atom and included the AddThis Bookmark the blog and at the foot of each entry. can also be seen from today, in the right column, a text as a heading: "full of hope, like a cowboy when it comes to poor people ..."
This text corresponds to a verse of the waltz
"Flor de lino" (1947),
Homero Exposito, whose full version is available on the web at the following link Todotango:
Flor linen. I think that line sums up the new wonder it makes me break into the vast world of new technologies and reminds me also hopes that they can be accompanied by some frustrations and disappointments.

Sunday, June 3, 2007
Best Place To Buy Spawn By Myogenix
Educational use of blogs
Steve Jobs Speech at Stanford University (1st part)
Steve Jobs Speech at Stanford University (1st part)
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Front Camera Apps E71
Steve Jobs at Stanford University Committee 5
Originally uploaded by Gabriel M. Salman
Birthday Cake For A Stylist
What kind of learning program suggests Negroponte? What are the roles for students and teachers in this environment? What are the prospects the OLPC program to generate inclusion in countries like Argentina and what should be taken into account when implementing it? What are the prospects the OLPC program to generate inclusion in countries like Argentina and what should be taken into account when implementing it? What type of software used laptops and do not require electricity? These questions were addressed by two international experts, the Californian and Canadian Brian Goldfarb Warren Crichlow, during the workshop "Digital Critical Pedagogy," which took place on Tuesday May 22, 2007 at the Auditorium of FLACSO, Buenos Aires. [read more]
Sunday, January 14, 2007
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