That's right, Steve Rogers return to the Marvel universe in nuemero # 5 of this miniseries, with the help of brilliant Brubaker and Hitch. At last we know the conclusion of this story where we see what happened with Steve, Sharon Carter and post course plans Von Doom and the evil Red Skull. PLOT
Thanks to the time machine built by Doom and the robot scientist Zola, Steve Rogers the original Cap is caught in time, he is reviving again into the most important moments of his life, questioning one of the realities time again and again.
While elsewhere the new Cap with Black Widow are captured in a database HAMMER by Osborn and Buck Avengers as he was about to find the body of Rogers. Osborn tells him that now sends the message to the entire nation that Sharon was the second person who participated in the murder of Steve and proposes to let him go alive if Carter is Natasha, she agrees and after a while Buck escapes facilities.
While Reed Richards and Pym discover that Agent 13 was the ideal piece to bring back to life thanks to Steve blood and murder weapon components have similar features, but Sharon is already held by Doom Skull ready to bring back to Steve, which they succeed! But wait, there's something different about this Cap "or no, it is within the skull!?. MY OPINION
Well here goes my opinion on the 4 numbers that I have read. The truth is a pretty boring series (yes, boring) if I was not spawn when I read the numbers or had dreams, but the truth is that this story is that Steve is trapped in time and live the stories again and we know them a hundred times is a tedious read. Another thing is the art that the truth will never convince me, I think Steve Epting is much better, besides ubiera will work out better in the series since a long time been working with Ed
is that the truth and it will happen, and what often seen with other heroes who revive and even that it possesses Skull Steve also impresses me because unfortunately Marve has announced that the cap will return to join the Avengers and everything will be as before in THE SIEGE depues so I no longer see much joke with this miniseries.
Here 's some images that will come in the final number.

As I said, the cap will return to belong to the Avengers along with Stark and the Mighty Thor (now if you feel powerful) in a new history.
Well I can tell on my second favorite character and I really hope they do another series regular with the new cap that this excellent like this now, I say if Batman sets aside 10 series including: Nightwing or Robin, why not do the same?.
Another thing I like to see is the reaction of Buck and how they take the fact that Captain America is back, maybe by respto handed him the costume.
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