So, after a long wait for your blog underdog (and hopefully not forgotten) returns to talk about these great events occurring in the comic book universe, we make your stomach turn when you see the letters RIP on the cover of our favorite series, which occur either to increase sales, eliminate irritable characters to readers or sometimes (very few ) to create a great story that will be remembered forever. Of course I mean the death of our beloved heroes in comics.
As many of you know in the now classic series Crisis on Infinite Earths two famous people died and made him a hero does, risking his life to save life his friends and the way the universe.

The original Supergirl (Kara Zor-El, Linda Danvers) decided to fight the powerful Anti-Monitor, venting his anger with the force of his fists making the monster's armor apparently broken, but apparently the Mr. Antimatter download one last breath with a beam of energy that turned fatal for a daughter of Krypton, a dignified death.

Barry Allen was another hero who sacrificed for the common good, having made an elaborate plan to Psycho Piracy Flash comes to the Anti-Monitor's power source which has run with all his strength returning and energy against the mighty machine, at the end of Allen goes out with a piercing cry that haunted travel time to various heroes.
And what happened next?. The Supergirl is a rather complex story that would encompass many lines of this post and that some data you would find maybe the most boring and confusing, but suffice to say that your story was amended post-crisis and parts of the pre crisis were deleted, also worth stressing that in a story before Infinite Crisis last Linda Danvers was changed in even traveled to another land where he married last Superman, changed course with Linda, I mean that no was indeed the real Supergirl so there is nothing comical in their relationship with the blue.

With Flash if it was a tremendous trip (at least in my opinion) bringing him back without any joke just to help Wally in his quest to destroy the plans of Darkseid trying to stop the bullet that killed Orion as seen in Final Crisis series where Grant Morrison brought him back with the excuse that Flash was not dead, but was in suspended animation at the time, even states that it is the narrator in the DC comic 0 Universe.
Finally an example of how DC is unable to maintain their characters killed, although Wally West is popular in the comic so there was no need to bring back to life the second Flash.
One of the most memorable stories not only by fans of Captain Mar-Vell's death is that unlike all else is making dyes from reality because they do not die to death by a supervillain or because of a mega-event but the cancer, he suffered a terrible illness because of ingesting the toxic radiation of the villain Nitro while. The reason why Capt. Mar-Vell could not cure the disease by any terrestrial or space medicine, was known for his attachment that protected him and slowed down the disease so many years cancer that is resistant to attachment and consiguente to any treatment.

was a story like no other where heroes and villains gathered to watch the last breath of the valiant hero who helped countless times fighting Thanos or saving the planet earth in the historic The Kree-Skrull War. However
company as many Marvel brought him back to life back in time before the disease in a story that I dare not mention for being disrespectful to the graphic novel and above.
We all know how he died the cap, on the steps of the courts because of Red Skull and for those who already read Reborn insurance (may not) felt cheated having bought or read the series because even resulted in a plot sense that the Cap is trapped again in different realities of his past to finally return to his true body. In conclusion a boring art history with very irregular.

may see what the editorial heads of Ubiera to overlook the well accepted that readers have with the other chap (Bucky Barnes) but decided to return so that they will not fail in the ranks of the New Avengers in Heroic Age series .
In Final Crisis # 6 Darkseid saw how you control the sanction omega Batman just when he fired the bullet that killed Orion, and Super Bats carrying the body of the war in Gotham City by the struggle of the mantle of Batman in the end it stayed Nightwing (predictable), Dick has since gone through various adventures, including fighting against a horde of undead with the black ring led by Nekron even fight their dead relatives . He also fought against a physically improved and now both sides fight against crime in the company of Damian. Also in the striking
Blackestnight comic # 5 saw how Batman's body resurrected in the form of a black lantern with the help of black hand and as the latter sought nekron delve into the hearts of the heroes of the league which was successfully achieved, however Bats not revived at the end of Blackestnight # 8 other heroes.

and recently talked about the return of the bat on the next series The return of Bruce Wayne apparently because the lightning that sent him to Darkseid Bats left him lost in time (again) and will have to go through the various stages of history up to today., here I leave the covers drawn by Andy Kubert teacher.

Much has been said about his next return, that if Nightwing should stay with the job (which may, if it is not defined when Wayne gets back the mantle again) that if Bruce is the only one who can be Batman ('m so demonstrated) but the important thing to be noted is that DC was unable dead permancer new character again as we have seen for years Superman that more than a good story to get more popularity was the man of steel.
stories In conclusion where our hero dies are almost always attractive and encourage consumers to purchase the product, some are masterpieces and other exercises mercadotenia but what is a fact is that we are filled with emotion and sadness to learn that a character will die, but we hope they will return to life as never happens in reality . See!.
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