Hello, welcome back to this blog where I already had long without posting something more by laziness than by work or other things. But anyway I said that my favorite Batman comics is and will, is the one that I started and I always called more attention to his kind of stories, not But some of the serious post something already worn out his biography llamese skills etc, so the character that we will get this look is your son, yes, Batman is one comiqueros fans if they live alone and more Marvel Marvel not knew.
His full name is Damian Bruce Wayne Al Ghul, Bats fans will know who is mother to read the last two names are of course the Al Ghul Talia Ra'sy composed, two more enemies dangerous bat.
His full name is Damian Bruce Wayne Al Ghul, Bats fans will know who is mother to read the last two names are of course the Al Ghul Talia Ra'sy composed, two more enemies dangerous bat.
The "first appearance" of this character occurs in the graphic novel Batman: the son of the demon, where Batman and Ra's unite to stop the plans of a villain named Qayin it planned to create a third world war. While plans to destroy Batman Qayin maintains a relationship of husband and even pregnant Talia, Talia then realizes that Batman is so concerned about the safety of her and the baby she no longer cares about justice and crime she is forced to deceive telling you lost the baby but yet she had already secretly given to another family.
Despite the quality of story that had decided to delete the DC comic continuity, events that changed Infinite Crisis Superboy with the punches. "Complicated right?.
Despite the quality of story that had decided to delete the DC comic continuity, events that changed Infinite Crisis Superboy with the punches. "Complicated right?.
Despite that, many years later, Morrison is based on the DC special comic series # 15 where according to Batman's drugged and have sex with Talia, it did say that when Morrison had not read it yet Son of the demon, as a result the creation story of the son of Batman has many differences, which was then the writer says.
series was in Batman and Son where Morrison and Andy Kubert created Damian Wayne, trained by the League of murderers that his mother controlled and genetically modified to be an almost perfect human, the boy at his young age is a master of martial arts including leaving wounded coming to Tim Drake.
When a horde of Man-Bats attack Batman and Talia have to shelter in London for first time is when you see your child's eyes.
When a horde of Man-Bats attack Batman and Talia have to shelter in London for first time is when you see your child's eyes.

Damian's attitude was not expected that the bat was a rebellious kid, stubborn fight, but Batman only sought and understood who was raised in a family of murderers. So with their help they came to Talia, who planned to overthrow Europe with his army of Man-Bats. Upon arriving to her father and son tells Talia that everything did was make two of them were is that spot Batman and then tell her if you want to join him in his league of murderers or leaving with Damian, Batman gives response times and the boat in which they were exploited, leaving Batman safe, but ignoring the whereabouts of her son and mother.
Ra's Al Ghul is getting old fast, but this time do not plan to use the Lazarus Pit but he plans to steal her grandson Damian body to be reborn in a body porder young again. As the young
learns Damian escapes Gotham Batman's cave where he meets Tim Drake and Alfred who explains the situation and Batman realizing that a huge group of ninjas league enters the murderers surrounds the Wayne mansion called Nightwing to begin the battle.
After the entire family travels all the great snowy mountains of Nanda Parbat where Ra's plan to carry out their plans but is stopped by Batman in the last minute when Damian was slowly being consumed by the mind of Al Ghul.

However it seems that Ra's is invincible because it does not die in battle with Bats but borrows the body of a child who never took into account up to that look.
already at the height of the battle, the monks of Nanda Parbat beg them to take their fight to Moreover, as Batman and company away leaving behind a huge explosion.
already at the height of the battle, the monks of Nanda Parbat beg them to take their fight to Moreover, as Batman and company away leaving behind a huge explosion.
In Batman RIP saga see that Damian and his mother Talia with the help of a few ninjas help against criminals Bruce controlled by the evil Dr. Hurt, the Bats are final saved from a possible life without consciousness but not for long as it is killed and sent to the flow of time by Darkseid as we saw in Final Crisis mega event.

the death of Bruce Wayne is the mantle of the bat in the hands of Dick Grayson and Robin is none other than Damian Wayne (since Tim Drake decided to leave behind the place of Robin to become another hero enmascardo).
Today we continue the stories of the son of Batman in the series written by Morrison called Batman and Robin, (by the way very good). It should be noted that the new Robin is also faced with the hordes of the Black Lanterns in Blackestnight event. And the number appeared in Batman # 666 as a batman of the future ready to end the crime in a gothic city more terrible than ever.
Today we continue the stories of the son of Batman in the series written by Morrison called Batman and Robin, (by the way very good). It should be noted that the new Robin is also faced with the hordes of the Black Lanterns in Blackestnight event. And the number appeared in Batman # 666 as a batman of the future ready to end the crime in a gothic city more terrible than ever.
Not as charismatic as their ancestors Robins or without using words like santa cap those criminals escape Batman!, Damian has earned the public taste and the fans of Batman, besides that in the current series manages to give a fresh impetus to the already long history of the bat, see ya!
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