Hello beautiful! First of all, thank you very much for participating and leaving a bit of your dreams, plans, hopes, projects ... in short, a bit of you! I hope that in the two years that we mesecitos of ye increasingly aimed at your goals. You are a true cieletes! Also, I met lots of new craft with much to offer. I regret not having done a very thorough monitoring of your comments and, therefore, I want to do now. There goes the list:
1 - Divanitas: A multifaceted where they exist. As soon as you band, you will know us, right?
2 - Cris Purrusalda: Another versatile craftsman, storyteller ...
3 - Fresh coconut: I love your project "365" and there are many pictures of you that reflects very well how I understand photography as a medium of expression and art.
4 - Wednesday: Viva Guille and your family! will be our battle cry. And the slogan of Wednesday, PERSEVERANCE, I think the key!
5 - Hanna Balus: Nice to meet you, person! Hey, as good craft, get a network that captures opportunities for you no escape! but would need a good pair distinguishes opportunities, because I think I missed a lot!
6 - WixaHM: Positive butt ever! Long live the Independent Republic of your home!
7 - Ainhoa: I can not say anything because nothing we have said.
8 - Chechi: I wish you luck in your desire to be a mom!
9 - butterflies: The third objective, the more difficult but also the most beautiful ...
10 - 4lunesteatro: Yes we can! A coral kiss!
11 - Buckle: Nurture and take care of you! reciprocity is important.
12 - Andree: Example of clear ideas!
13 - Lali: That all the trouble you know from now on by eating a donut are prohibited from time to time!
14 - Virginia: What does the life of the opposition, I know from experience! Courage!
1 - Divanitas: A multifaceted where they exist. As soon as you band, you will know us, right?
2 - Cris Purrusalda: Another versatile craftsman, storyteller ...
3 - Fresh coconut: I love your project "365" and there are many pictures of you that reflects very well how I understand photography as a medium of expression and art.
4 - Wednesday: Viva Guille and your family! will be our battle cry. And the slogan of Wednesday, PERSEVERANCE, I think the key!
5 - Hanna Balus: Nice to meet you, person! Hey, as good craft, get a network that captures opportunities for you no escape! but would need a good pair distinguishes opportunities, because I think I missed a lot!
6 - WixaHM: Positive butt ever! Long live the Independent Republic of your home!
7 - Ainhoa: I can not say anything because nothing we have said.
8 - Chechi: I wish you luck in your desire to be a mom!
9 - butterflies: The third objective, the more difficult but also the most beautiful ...
10 - 4lunesteatro: Yes we can! A coral kiss!
11 - Buckle: Nurture and take care of you! reciprocity is important.
12 - Andree: Example of clear ideas!
13 - Lali: That all the trouble you know from now on by eating a donut are prohibited from time to time!
14 - Virginia: What does the life of the opposition, I know from experience! Courage!
15 - Celiha: For the stubborn, according to what, is BENONE!
16 - Ani: How's cholcolate tablet?
17 - Hueleacoco: Another athlete! they're good, that exercise is an investment in ourselves short, medium and long term! So we will be a great granny!
18 - Petite Blaine: These activities or hobbies (crafts, blogs, etc.) carry a lot of inactivity, so you certainly have to exercise and loosen up a bit!
19 - Elena and other felts: Call them dreams, projects and dreams, the truth is that they are the engine and must be born from within.
20 - Chris: I enjoy the kids, another safe investment!
21 - Merceditas: A vice is removed with a vice, it has happened to you?
22 - EvitaDinamita: Hey beautiful, how you intend to find you without an e-mail, blog or whatever? run like wildfire and send me your contact!
23 - Moment add: The truth is that work on what you like not so difficult. By the way, thank you for your review!
24 - Rakel: is no small thing what you propose. If you find the recipe, post on your blog!
25 - Vero: Hello beautiful! We'll have to make are the rest of the year and do something to strengthen one another! For me the key, as said Wednesday, in the exercise and everything, is perseverance. At first a hard time but then becomes an addiction!
26 - Kekosikas: say it once more than a hundred red red!
27 - Ana: what your purpose?
28 - Mery: For all Manuelas, a memory.
29 - Silvy: marcarte That's not targets, I think, is because muuuuuuy're still young, am I right? I started to catch me more seriously after thirty! Well
beautiful!, Because up to now draw New Year! Today is the birthday of my little 5 years and wanted to celebrate in this way, so again it will be she who will draw a slip. As you can see in the picture, is the crown that they do at school for that special day and I have to do a few little walk warm up, then the numbers I've thrown like confetti and he has had to jump off the floors to catch one.
And the winner, you see, is the number 4 on the list, our companion Wednesday! And chance has this type of poetry, just going to touch the partner who spoke of perseverance and had to edit three points to participate (she thought there was a mistake and what happened really is that I had abandoned the super blog, glubs!).

gift I have not spoken yet and I'd rather get in touch with the winner for me to comment on what you use most, the colors that you like, etc ... Throughout the day I write and tell me! Congratulations and thanks again to all for participating!
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