Friday, October 28, 2005

Kates Playground Special


School of Mathematics, Mathematics Teaching Information
curriculum career-Assisted Teaching of Mathematics Computer in the School of Mathematics at the Technological Institute of Costa Rica. It also contains the magazine "Mathematics, Education and Internet". In addition to publishing contributions from authors in the field of mathematics and teaching of mathematics, the journal has the following sections: "Tools for Mathematics on the Internet," Contributions Pedagogical and Teaching Materials "," Games and Entertainment "," The World of Mathematics, History of Mathematics "" Virtual Forum "," Teaching Software Programming "and" Exercises Math Olympics. " Registration is free. Includes lots of math software and free JavaSketchpad (extending Sketchpad for the Web).
Primary, Secondary, High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Geometry European Schoolnet
Mathematics Section of the site in English European Schoolnet. Resources: Math and new technologies. Links. Discussion forum. General, FAQs. Math resources, history, classic works, publications, activities, problems, projects, software, games and puzzles. Mathematical Applets. Activities discussed and classified by educational level, area of \u200b\u200bmathematics and recommended software. Related mailing lists and European companies Mathematics Teachers of Mathematics.
Primary, Secondary, High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Geometry.

Fernando Gomez - Personal Page ~ fgomez / index.htm
Information and materials about the program Mathematica (©) and its applications. Secondary educational applications. Download area. Possibility of consultations. Secondary
Algebra, Analysis.

FI & MA Physics and Mathematics
page dedicated to the release notes, SATs (in ZIP), games, puzzles and history . Non-university and university levels. Software. Bachelor
Algebra, Analysis, Geometry.

Freudenthal - Home
page in English and German Freudenthal Institute. Assorted links on mathematics and education. Pdf articles on mathematics and education. Java applets. Projects and activities for primary and secondary.
Primary School. Unclassified

GAMS Guide to Available Mathematical Software
Finder. Guide packs in public domain Fortran allows you to find the appropriate program depending on the type of problem to solve. Language: English.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, Probability. Geometry
GéomètreII Cabri-Geometry. Interactive materials for learning geometry using the program with Cabri-Geometry II. (Archives). In paragraph 74 mechanisms have been added CabriJava applets that simulate the functioning of the mechanisms that are used in technology and in everyday life: steam engine, excavator, pulleys, etc. Links: interactive geometry, calculators, graphing calculators and mathematics education in general. Bachelor
Algebra, Analysis, Geometry.

Free: Educational applications and software (Computer Room)
These pages offer comprehensive and free, educational applications that are designed for students in CP El Olivar, during the last four courses, with CLIC's Francesc Busquets program (also free): function relationship, Roman numerals-II operations. Primary
In this section you can find educational software programs by stage and ongoing education: primary and secondary.
Primary, Secondary.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Geometry.
excellent page in English depending on We can access resources classified students, teachers and parents. Popular mathematics (personal finances, drives, lottery ...). General math (scientific notation, numbers, fractions, decimals). Algebra (polynomials, simplifying expressions, complex numbers). Charts (equation of a line drawing function). Trigonometry (trigonometric expressions, triangles). Calculus (derivatives, integrals). Mathematics in life. This page offers interactivity can solve problems and specific operations related to all issues mentioned above. Educational software areas classified by age and commented upon several aspects (one of which is its educational value.)
Primary, Secondary, High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, General Mathematics, Probability.

index ~ teseu /
notes, exercises and links for Cabri Geometry. 15 exercises in number theory. The notes and exercises are formatted zip.
Secondary High School.
Geometry. INTEGRAL ~ jlagares / integral.esp / integral.htm
Page (Java applets) to learn everything about the definite integral. Part of the resources page Educatius d'en Jordi Lagares Roset. Bachelor
Analysis. Interactive Mathematics Miscellany

and Puzzles Puzzles
, probability and geometry. excellent English website of Professor Alexander Mogolmony specialist in numerical algorithms, programming tools and charts. Great collection of java applets very well classified (memory, arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus, combinatorics, problems).
Primary, Secondary, High School.
Primary, Secondary, High School.

very interesting page dedicated to children. General education content of Mathematics. Contains a section of games and software (each discussed in a form education). Free education for nursery, primary, secondary and special education also classified by areas.
Nursery, Primary, Secondary.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Geometry.
Java classified
Big collection of Java applets and cabrijava of mathematical content (high school trigonometry, calculus, vectors, complex numbers, conic and many). English page.
Primary, Secondary, High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Geometry, Probability. Les Matemàtiques Catalan
page that contains exercises and worked-COU. The matter is classified in algebra, differential calculus, integral calculus and probability. Theory and problems in pdf format. Mathlab Resources (includes a manual in pdf).
Bachelors, University.
Algebra, Analysis, Geometry, Probability. Math
Links to: math pages with links in several languages, dictionaries of mathematics, educational references (learning), math olympics, history, documents related to the teaching of mathematics, activities and problems, training, projects, curriculum, games, fractals, Escher, software and forums. Databases. Unclassified
. Unclassified
Internet Information Services for Mathematicians
seekers German math resources, personal pages of mathematical software, publications and links. History and museums related to mathematics. Electronic publications (many available). English page.
Algebra, Analysis, Statistics, Geometry, Probability. Homepage MathBoys
Notes dvi format (file containing the entire course of Codes and Cryptography Mathematics Degree University of La Rioja the year 96/97, Homotopy subject of the Bachelor of Mathematics at the University of La Rioja the year 96/97, a summary of basic concepts such as General Topology Topological spaces, environments, database environments , bases, sub bases, etc., abstract formulas and statistical tables on confidence intervals, hypothesis testing and linear regression both single and multiple forms on calculation of areas and surfaces, and integration of vector fields and functions on varieties, program on polynomial arithmetic done in Pascal, this work was proposed in the course of premier graduate course, basic definitions for the rings of algebraic structures, short form for the calculation of integrals using the basic methods of integration in one variable, a file that contains an introduction to the related functions and a first developing them (subject Numerical Methods II). Forums, mailing lists, IRC and newsgroups.
Algebra, Analysis, Statistics.

Mathematics Archives MSDOS Software
is a part of the Math Archives site. English page that contains an extensive annotated collection Software for MS-DOS and Windows classified in: advanced calculus. Differential equations. Calculation. Basic algebra. Complex variable. Discrete mathematics. Mathematical dynamics. Fractals. Geometry .. Graphics programs. K-12. Linear algebra and matrix. Modern algebra. Modeled. Number theory. Numerical Analysis. Partial differential equations. Probability. Statistics. Utilities. The software is classified as freeware, shareware (with and without restrictions), and commercial demos.
Nursery, Primary, Secondary, High School, University.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Geometry, General Mathematics, Statistics and Probability

Mathematical Function Graphing Software MathGV
page MathGV ™ freeware program that allows the study and mapping of functions. (You can find it in the download).
High, High School, University.
Recreational Mathematics. Problems, puzzles, games. Riemann Z function, complex numbers, digital sums, mathematical software, ... Language: English.
High, High School, University.
Algebra, Analysis, Geometry.

My Story
Pi Story Pi
. Algorithms for calculation. Software and C source program to calculate Pi. In these pages we can see with 16000 decimal places. Recommended literature and links on the topic. Secondary
arithmetic. Fractal World ~ azurdoza / fractal dimension Homotecia
. Sierpinski triangle. Von Koch curve. Complex Numbers. The Julia Set Mandelbrot Monster. Fractal Programming (with source code in Turbo C + +). Advanced Programming Fractals. Benoit B. Mandelbrot. Bibliography and links. Bachelor
Algebra, Analysis, Geometry.

Fractal Music, Jose Angel Navarro
page dedicated to fractals and music. Uses java applets and software itself can be downloaded. Unclassified
. Unclassified

NonEuclid Hyperbolc Geometry Article + Software Applet ~ joel / NonEuclid / English
page where we found plenty of information about non-Euclidean geometry, from basic concepts (non-Euclidean Geometry, Geometry Spherical, Hyperbolic Geometry, pseudosphere, parallel lines, shape of space: curved space), axioms and advanced concepts. Also contains an extensive section on literature and a java applet sufficient documentation to be used. The software is in zip format. (You can find it in the download area with the documentation.) The activities can be performed using the java applet covering topics such as angles, adjacent angles, different types of triangles, parallelograms, polygons and circles.
Geometry. Prime numbers
Here are a comprehensive study of prime numbers up to 2,000,000, counting the percentages out of their terminations. Software: ZIP program. Secondary

Optimizing mail delivery routes using genetic algorithms
page of the Faculty of Engineering of the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador which assesses the robustness of the algorithms genetic optimization applied to the problem of mail delivery routes, comparing these with other methods of mathematical optimization and develop a PC application that optimizes delivery routes correspondence, using genetic algorithms. This application can be downloaded from the page itself or from the download area. On the find extensive documentation explaining the problem, rationale, application design and implementation of it. bibliography and links on the topic.

Mariló page
Multimedia and Geometry Art. Internet and mathematics: links to pages of all types (history, problems, notes and teaching resources in general). Contains an excellent course on the Internet. Mathematics and diversity. Secondary
Geometry General Mathematics.

Educatius resources page d'en Jordi Lagares Roset ~ jlagares
Software and educational resources. Special education. Sound and Security. Software on functions (6 languages), derivative, definite integral (utilizandi a java applet), trigonometry, linear programming, statistical (simulation samples), normal distribution function. List of problems of Mathematics II. Congresses. Problem of the day, month, year. INTEGRAL (Integral defined).
Secondary High School.
Analysis, Statistics, Geometry, Probability.

homepage. Inici ~ fcalbet
problems (some solution). Calculation exercises. Links. VBasic java programs. Java program on fractals, mcm, normal distribution and calculation. Page in Catalan.
Secondary High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Statistics, Geometry, Probability.


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