In a corner far away from any place is Superboy, who is trapped and looking out from where you are at all costs, so it begins suddenly hit the wall and that unleashes an alien force, an alien force capable of correcting errors and raise the dead who were killed unjustly.
And guess where it is headed that force, you guessed it, the Gotham City cemetery near where the corpse of Jason.

Dying poor Jason faints and is taken to a clinic, then to another where apparently remains in a coma, without any kind of brain activity, until it rises, but by instinct and desire that reason. Jason
permance on the streets a couple of years until a criminal realizes who and what criminal notified until last Gul's daughter, Talia, who kills all who know that Jason is alive and carries to his father.
Ras'h explains that this young man has no chance because his brain is very low level. Talia then gets an idea: take the well lazaro people who revives and rejuvenates. Entering there
Jason recalls everything that happened.

Talia tells him not to go with batman since it jaosn not yet been avenged. Below we see why Jason entered the dark side and crime. Batman
as always I release the Joker after that it ubira killed and now seeking revenge on Batman. Jason
learn and train different martial arts classes and follow the path of Bruce to become a worthy rival to fight with Batman. After that Jason disappears for a while. HUSH
A new enemy is stalking the Dark Knight and his name is Hush, this guy trained almost all the enemies of Bats and hard to recruit in a plot to kill the bat.
One of his plans is to have Bruce See Wayne back Jason Todd, this is faced with Wayne in the cemetery but in the end it is discovered by Batman, as the apparent Todd was nothing but mud and a plot devised by Hush Jason.

Displaying Jason thwarted his plan is more than willing to kill Batman. RED SHIRT
The old enemy of batman "Red Hood" is back in Gotham, creating new crimes and leaving clues to bat.
In one of the times that confronts Batman, this feels a strange sense of deja vu, as the stunts and how hood remind someone, someone who according to the lies dead. Batman
also faces Amaze, who is brought to gotham by criminals and gangsters. Batman robin with the help of well leave their books, while another place is giving Jason beat the Joker really remember what they felt for many years.

Since then Batman is secretly engaged to find masters of the mystical arts and witches as Zatanna to ask if it is possible that the dead back to life, they tell Bats that there are different forms but no is very reliable, also asked that this apparent curiosity about how back from the dead. Batman does not answer and leaves with more questions than answers. DISCLOSURES
red sweatshirt ONIX brutally beaten one of the vigilantes in Gotham, where bat suddenly appears for a final battle that will serve to dispel all doubts.
The two faced off in a fight violent and bloody rest until:

The revelation of Jason Bruce is striking and strongly Creek Bruce consciousness, by a part by the guilt felt when you see it had no time to have escaped the explosion and the joker, and partly for having created a criminal and not have known that from hae killed while walking his young buddy enters the living and in their own city. However
to reach the cave Alfred asks what it will do now that you know is jason live, what bats replied "this changes nothing," absolutely nothing. "

MASTER VS discipleship
This time Jason kidnaps the joker, because despite the battle that had previously bat, escaped from him and now have the joker as batman hostage and calling for rescue. Jason
that has all the explosives so that tells you not to try to do anything strange. Besides that drops a bomb on Bludawhen where nocturnam Ala, who laughs at the irony of the situation: (a batman who has to decide whether to save or run to the joker destroyed the city.) Batman
Jason decides to confront all that is, remove your secret weapon again, until finally come to where the Joker. Jason
Bruce berates him why this did not kill the Joker after he killed him and gives him two terrible options: Jason killed the joker if before Bruce does not kill the clown first. Batman
does the unforgivable: throw a Batarang at the neck while the joker jason explodes the bomb site, aparentenmente all die but the facts would change after infinite crisis is one year Later after 52.
Batman is dead, after the events of FINAL CRISIS # 6, killed by Darkseid who we think it is the only enemy that can kill you easily. Well
Jason Todd is alive and after spending time as Batman and in a team in the series of 52 is back in Gotham to take charge of the bat at all costs, believing that Bruce always been sympathetic to the trash of Gotham and neck that is why this advance, we construct a new mortal dress with a new technologically advanced equipment and begins to take justice into their own hands. After long battles
Jason hijackers to the Current Tim Drake and third Robin to Nightwing can rescue him and confront him.
The latter to meet Todd shows a video that should mostrasre when Bruce died, this explains to Jason that he should seek help pscologica and is deeply sorry for not saving him that day that the Joker killed him. Ignoring this last Jason se prepara a una batalla final con ala nocturna para de una ves saber por todas quien es verdadero Robin.

Al final Jason es derrotado y prefiera morir a aceptar su derrota asi que se lanza al vacio y ¿ustedes creen que haya muerto?.
Pues bueno aqui termina la historia de Jason Todd en dos partes, sin duda la segunda tragedio que marco al caballero nocturno despues de la muerte de sus padres, y un chico con una vida tragica y llena de injusticia.
Nos vemos hasta la siguiente entrada¡¡
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