Within the vast gallery of characters that gives us the universe marvel, there are some who manage to transcend through his charisma, personality, etc. and that makes it to the hearts of the fans. This time after a long break from this blog will discuss that the mutant with metal claws is currently one of the most beloved and famous.
The year was 1974 and The Incredible Hulk # 180 (at the end of the story to be precise) came a new villain, the giant emerald, that the next number is presented as Weapon X, a Canadian government agent would prove have enough power to deal closely with the alter-ego of David Bruce Banner ... CHANGE OF EQUIPMENT
After some time and after that the original X-men were caught by the living island Krakoa, Wolverine, along with other mutants from various parts of the world (which you can tell Colossus and Nightcrawler) were recruited by Charles Xavier to save his students, the difference between this new group of X-men was no longer adolescents was that they could not control his powers, but young people who had a moderate control of their skills and in many cases and had even used.

After rescuing the original X-men, the meeting between the two groups was not very pleased, because while Iceman was jealous with his new teammates, Jean Grey was courted by Logan, a situation which led him a fierce confrontation with Angel, being separated by the timely intervention of Marvel Girl. After many adventures with the X team, Wolvie became much in the soul of the group, coming to save the lives of all its peers in at least one occasion and became a great friend of Jubile, mainly Shadowcat and Nightcrawler, who were most affected when the mutant lost his adamantium skeleton at the hands of Magneto.
After a series of adventures in time and space, when X finally arrive home, they find that their old enemy Apocalypse is again in its old ways and decide to face his Four Riders.
After a bloody battle against Death, the X are easily overcome by the rider (a Although they are more). Finally, it is Wolverine who fury attacks and makes it back, but after an attack and deadly accurate, Death takes the life of Logan with his sword, but time would discover later that it was a Skrull in disguise and that the real Wolverine was under the mask of Death.

What had happened was that Logan had been replaced by a Skrull ship and supplanted, after what had been presented to Apocalypse, who explained that he and Sabretooth would fight for the right to become one of their riders, Wolverine knew he was more likely to leave the mental control of his enemy Creed, who willingly and without of "control" would become an agent of chaos for the sheer pleasure of it ... OTHER
There are a few miniseries about Wolvie can not be missed in the collection of any fan, the first is the second Origin and End (some Weapon X also considered as indispensable but really is not much) . In Origin are told early in the life of Logan finally discovers his real name is James Howlett, who had a brother who was presumed dead, his mother committed suicide after seeing James / Logan was a mutant and witnessed the death of her husband and the gardener's name Logan. The reader also knows his love by a young Wolverine name Rose, and hunting suffering at the hands of the gardener's son just called Dog.

In The End (A Series of type "What if?), One discovers that his brother John (like his father) was actually isolated from the world for years and was always on the lookout for his brother James, who faces similar powers (even higher) than those of Wolverine, who after several years is the only X-men of the "old days" that is alive, aged greater than 250 years. After couple of confrontations in which Wolvie discovered fragments of his past and more lies from the thought that there were finally confronts his brother (who has become part of your team in a terrorist attack) face to face and kills him. POWERS AND ABILITIES
The X factor in James is that your immune system is 100% efficient, so you recover from any type of injury (mental or physical) in a short period of rest, sometimes even after a bloody fighting one of his eyes "grew up" back into basin. It also has a pair of retractable claws that come out of the back bone of his hands, his skeleton is coated with adamantium, which makes their bones indestructible. Wolvie can also speak over 20 languages, has extensive training in all types of Eastern meditation techniques and fighting and fighting is one of the most experienced melee, even to the extent of Captain America also dominates as well as all weapons and firearms. See
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