Friday, October 28, 2005
Boobs At Fantasy Fest Home / classroom / math / math
Portal. Internet Municipal Council of A Coruña. Classified Math Links and Primary, ESO 1 º Ciclo, ESO 2 º Ciclo, Bachelor / Cou and Other Mathematics (recreational mathematics, fractals, tiles, knots, Escher, astronomy, polyhedra and software). Olympics.
Nursery, Primary, Secondary, High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Statistics, General Mathematics, Probability.
GEUP Geometry is a program for Microsoft Windows 9x, ME, NT, 2000. The user has a virtual plane where, through the creation of geometric elements and using multiple tools, geometric constructions are possible. With GEUP can graphically simulate geometric problems, check geometric properties or discover new, interactive and visually experiencing. GEUP is a freeware and is distributed through a trial version with which you can check what the program offers. The trial version has limited functionality with respect to the registered version.
Secondary High School.
Geometry. Website
José María Arias
General Bibliography and proper. Cabri-Geometry (Description of the program. Example: movements by the plane. Links.) Calculator (Use Calculator). Mental arithmetic (mental arithmetic simple exercises). Carné-calculus. Cuadros-perimeter and area formulas. Curiosities (recreational mathematics). Cabri-Excel, Derive. Testing (Assessment of learning. Reflections of the authors of the books of the Editorial Casals). Excel-statistics (Statistics and probability worksheet. Description of the program. Sample descriptive statistics). Olympics (English Mathematical Olympiad in doc format). Bach Prize Ext. (Special Award BA in doc format). Programming (mathematics projects and high school for doc format). Selectivity (Collection of evidence of selectivity in doc format). Magazines (List of magazines published in Spain in mathematical content, address and contact telephone numbers). Research Workshop. (Activities: This is a complementary and expansion on the NIF). Transparencies (Transparencies in CDR format on various topics and high school. Methodology on its use.) Videos (List of videos about mathematics and its methodology). Interesting Web. Contains an interesting section on computing.
Secondary High School.
Analysis, Algebra, Statistics, Geometry, Probability.
Math Website
The information is classified in Algebra (Mathematical logic, set theory, linear applications, sets of numbers). Mathematical analysis (Inheritance numeric, numerical series, Real functions of 1 variable, Derivatives of functions of 1 variable), Statistics (Combinatorics). Moreover, a second content rating in trouble (many with solutions including related recreational mathematics), stories and stories, links and free and paid software. Forums, mailing lists, IRC and newsgroups.
High, High School, University.
Algebra, Analysis, Statistics, Mathematics, General. Website
Miguel de Guzmán Ozamiz
Courses (work inaccessible or exhausted that have proved useful to students of the course on History of Mathematics (1998)). Activities. Thumbnails of Geometry of the Triangle. Geometry Experiments (Contains various activities, some very basic, some less, usable for various levels of education). Utilities for the program DERIVE. Thinking about Mathematics Education (Article on innovative trends in Mathematics Education). Some popular articles math. The driving game of mathematics and learning.
Primary, Secondary, High School, University.
Analysis, Arithmetic, Geometry, General Math.
PAGES DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS (IES "Marqués de Santillana" Colmenar Viejo, Madrid)
Pages devoted to mathematical topics general educational and informational type, leaves problems for students, solutions to problems, sample tests, trivia, etc. Mathematical Competition, 2000. Interactive pages that use java applets on some classical geometric patterns and other mathematical interest: 1. Nine-point circle. 2. Fermat point. 3. Orthic triangle. 4. Morley triangle. 5. Ceva's Theorem. 6. Simson. Euler 7.Recta. 8. Triángulos de Napoleón. 9.Teorema de las Bisectrices. 10. Circunferencia de Apolonio. 11-12. Hipocicloides y epicicloides. 13.Cuadratura del rectángulo. 14. Triángulo de Pascal y Triángulo de Sierpinski. 15.Teorema de Bolzano . Unidad didáctica introducción al concepto de función (con applet java). Problemas para alumnos de 1º de Bachillerato (Matemáticas aplicadas a las Ciencias Sociales). Software matemático comercial y freeware comentado con links. Taller de Matemáticas asistido por ordenador utilizando Cabriweb. Contiene un índice de applets geométricos realizados con CabriWeb. Tutorial de CabriWeb.
Secundaria, Bachillerato.
Análisis, Álgebra, Geometría.
Home (Maseducativa)
educational resources index classified by educational levels and areas: natural sciences and mathematics, literature and social sciences. Its purpose is to store and disseminate educational resources on the Internet. To do this have a database updated regularly with new additions. Agenda educational events, a forum for discussion and request for assistance to other educators in the network. Information on mathematics (annotated links and valued) is classified in Generic Pages, Software, Mathematical Olympiads, Problems of logic and wit.
Primary, Secondary, High School.
Not rated.
Portal Links Portal
educational resources of all kinds. Estor resources are classified by levels: preschool, primary, secondary and professional development. Educational Software (Accessed from each classification by educational level). Each program is discussed, with reference to objectives and curriculum content, pedagogical and technical requirements. Annotated links. Educational experiences. Conferences and seminars.
Nursery, Primary, Secondary.
Algebra, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, General Mathematics, Probability. Presentation
MATES program page troubleshooting (no arithmetic exercises.) Adapted for the content of Primary, First and Second Cycle of ESO. With more than 3000 of problems sorted by increasing difficulty. You can download a small demo with 100 problems.
Primary School. Unclassified
. Main
Activities related to the Year 2000. Educational software. Recreational mathematics extensive and well-sorted: (some activities are interactive.) Extensive collection of exercises and activities classified objectives (primary, secondary and higher) in html. Societies. Magazines. Math projects for different educational levels. Information on conferences. Fractals. Mathematical tables. Olympics: Issues in html format in the world Olympics. Users Field. Articles.
Primary, Secondary, High School.
Algebra, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, Probability.
Home (2 pi Math)
Summaries, notes, formulas, graphs, problems, exercises, quizzes, blogs, books and downloads area (software freeware and shareware). Summaries (Chance: Continuous Random Variables. Probability: Normal Distribution. Probability: Discrete Random Variables. Probability: Binomial Distribution. Statistics. Two-dimensional distributions. Statistics: Basic concepts. Arrays. Rank of a matrix. Study of systems of linear equations. Logarithmic Function . Study Functions: schema. Properties of Functions. Summary of Combinatorics). Formulas: (Triangles (resolution). Combinatorics Formulas. Table of Derivatives. Table of standard normal distribution. Binomial Distribution Table. Areas and Volumes. Trigonometric functions. Formulas elementary algebra. Fractional Expressions). Charts (Study of functions, linear functions (animation) Basic Function Charts). Practical (Greek alphabet, Solving Linear Equations, Solving exponential equations). Exercises (Exercises worked Systems of Linear Equations. 6 Exercises exponential equations solved. 18 exercises related to the number and in solution). Problems (Combinatorial (01 to 06). Linear Programming (01 to 03)). Reviews (Review 2 Bach. (Sep.) LOGSE. 2nd BACH. LOGSE - 1st Eval. - Mat.CCSS. 1st BACH. LOGSE - Sufficiency-Mat.CCSS. 1st BACH. LOGSE - September - Mat.CCSS. 1st BACH. LOGSE - Ctrl - Mat.CCSS. Test 2 º Bach. (2 nd ev.) LOGSE). Utilities (recursive function to calculate the factorial of a number in Visual Basic. Calculator Statistics: Stadis).
Secondary High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Statistics, Geometry, Probability.
PARTS Program (Tangram game)
PARTS is a program to play the traditional Tangram. Lets play tangram patterns in seven and fourteen pieces. Create your own figures. Develop more than 200 figures suggested by the program. Keep your personal records. Their distribution is not free. After installation, you can not use the program. You must contact the author.
Primary School.
Geometry. Project
T ^ 3 - SPAIN
The T3 program EUROPA (Teachers Teaching with Technology) is a European project of cooperation between the educational community and Texas Instruments . This initiative is designed to familiarize teachers with the technologies that the implementation of Secondary Education (ESO and Bachillerato) required and help to incorporate these tools in their daily practice. Scheduled Courses: number of hours, location, and telephone coordinator. Publications in zip format: Introduction to Statistics descriptive, probability distributions, matrices with TI-83, TI-92 arrays, Cabri-Geometry with TI-92, with symbolic computation TI-92, introduction to programming, IT-83 numbers, sequences with TI-83. Information on seminars and conferences. Debate: mailing lists. Bibliography: Articles published in English on graphing calculators and Cabri II.
Secondary High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Statistics, Geometry, Probability.
math Quadern 4.0
Free program to work the numbers and the calculation in primary school. The notebook has nine pages Activity: cardinal to the hundreds of million, ordinal to 999, Romans from 1 to 3999, with the limits of management directions, add and subtract from 1 to 5 numbers, without taking or removing, tables 1 through 9, multiply up to three figures and divide, also up to three numbers and subtract with visible or not. Create or edit appropriate difficulty levels for different groups using the program, indicating the time, the number of errors allowed, correct answers required to pass each year and other features. On the page find a manual for proper installation and a clear manual for use. In Catalan and Castilian.
Rafael's link collection ~ flowers / nbmc.html
collection of links in English FAQ in Mathematics, links to personal pages, introduction to K-Theory Algebraic most common mistakes, Institute of Mathematics and links to pages with software.
Algebra, General Math.
English Royal Mathematical Society
page of the Royal English Mathematical Society: Information Society, calendar of events, Olympics, societies, and servers or links categorized in General, Related Topics, Web Servers Departments of Spain, Web Servers Departments of Mathematics, Gopher servers, Institutes and Research Centers, Business Pages, Mathematics Journals, Preprints of Mathematics, Mathematics and Other Files Software Math. Unclassified
. Unclassified
. Educational Resources
Educational Legislation. Lots of information on education. Curricular projects. General mathematics curriculum project and the Canaries. Educational resources of all kinds (books, videos ,...). Charts.
Primary, Secondary, High School. Unclassified
RedeMaTic also reachable by Portuguese Excellent site which covers the use of new technologies in the process teaching and learning of mathematics (Java, Sketchpad, Excel and Cabri). News and announcements. Materials tab in the form of classified doc format in 7 th, 8 th, 9 th year and other materials, with explanations of the software used for development and implementation in the classroom. Each year is classified as teaching units. Links in Portuguese, English, geometry for teachers, problems and activities. Links for students. Software. Java Applets. Publications and Debate. Secondary
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, Probability.
Virtual Journal of Mathematics
Electronic Journal of Mathematics. Contributions. The World of Mathematics. Pedagogical and Didactic Material contributions. Mathematics and Internet Tools (LaTeX2HTML, JavaSketchpad and Mathematica). History of Mathematics. Games & Entertainment. Educational Software programming. Virtual Forum. Math Olympics exercises. School Mathematics, ITCR. Interactive Geometry: JavaSketchpad and 3D animation with Mathematica (20 examples of surfaces, solids and projections).
High, High School, University. Unclassified
Societat d'Educació Matemàtica de la Comunitat Valenciana
Societat Matemàtica Al-Khwarizmi. Mathematics society dedicated to all aspects and especially the cultural and educational. Activities of the association. Valencian Olympiad National and students of 2 º ESO (the problems are in zipped format). New technologies. TI, software and Latex. Materials developed by the group T ^ 3 (resources). Description of the panels of the exhibition of Escher and loan conditions.
Nursery, Primary, Secondary, High School, University.
Algebra, Analysis, Geometry, Statistics, Probability. Spanky Welcome
English page that contains an extensive collection of graphics, annotated links, books and programs to generate fractals. Fractint program information (Versions Windows, Linux, Macintosh and BeOS). Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics. C programming codes Mirror.
High, High School, University.
Analysis, Geometry. The Integrator
History of integration. Page on which we can calculate integrals (using the Mathematica engine ©). Bachelor
The World of Escher - Artwork Gallery, Secure Shopping, Tesselations Contents
All about Escher. Gallery. Safe shopping. Software: © Tesselmania demo (program to cover the plane you'll find the download)
Geometry, General Math. title Contains
software (commercial and free) and exercise (exercise books combined fractions and fractions) in Word format. Secondary
Algebra, Arithmetic, Geometry.
Kates Playground Special
School of Mathematics, Mathematics Teaching Information
curriculum career-Assisted Teaching of Mathematics Computer in the School of Mathematics at the Technological Institute of Costa Rica. It also contains the magazine "Mathematics, Education and Internet". In addition to publishing contributions from authors in the field of mathematics and teaching of mathematics, the journal has the following sections: "Tools for Mathematics on the Internet," Contributions Pedagogical and Teaching Materials "," Games and Entertainment "," The World of Mathematics, History of Mathematics "" Virtual Forum "," Teaching Software Programming "and" Exercises Math Olympics. " Registration is free. Includes lots of math software and free JavaSketchpad (extending Sketchpad for the Web).
Primary, Secondary, High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Geometry European Schoolnet
Mathematics Section of the site in English European Schoolnet. Resources: Math and new technologies. Links. Discussion forum. General, FAQs. Math resources, history, classic works, publications, activities, problems, projects, software, games and puzzles. Mathematical Applets. Activities discussed and classified by educational level, area of \u200b\u200bmathematics and recommended software. Related mailing lists and European companies Mathematics Teachers of Mathematics.
Primary, Secondary, High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Geometry.
Fernando Gomez - Personal Page ~ fgomez / index.htm
Information and materials about the program Mathematica (©) and its applications. Secondary educational applications. Download area. Possibility of consultations. Secondary
Algebra, Analysis.
FI & MA Physics and Mathematics
page dedicated to the release notes, SATs (in ZIP), games, puzzles and history . Non-university and university levels. Software. Bachelor
Algebra, Analysis, Geometry.
Freudenthal - Home
page in English and German Freudenthal Institute. Assorted links on mathematics and education. Pdf articles on mathematics and education. Java applets. Projects and activities for primary and secondary.
Primary School. Unclassified
GAMS Guide to Available Mathematical Software
Finder. Guide packs in public domain Fortran allows you to find the appropriate program depending on the type of problem to solve. Language: English.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, Probability. Geometry
GéomètreII Cabri-Geometry. Interactive materials for learning geometry using the program with Cabri-Geometry II. (Archives). In paragraph 74 mechanisms have been added CabriJava applets that simulate the functioning of the mechanisms that are used in technology and in everyday life: steam engine, excavator, pulleys, etc. Links: interactive geometry, calculators, graphing calculators and mathematics education in general. Bachelor
Algebra, Analysis, Geometry.
Free: Educational applications and software (Computer Room)
These pages offer comprehensive and free, educational applications that are designed for students in CP El Olivar, during the last four courses, with CLIC's Francesc Busquets program (also free): function relationship, Roman numerals-II operations. Primary
In this section you can find educational software programs by stage and ongoing education: primary and secondary.
Primary, Secondary.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Geometry.
excellent page in English depending on We can access resources classified students, teachers and parents. Popular mathematics (personal finances, drives, lottery ...). General math (scientific notation, numbers, fractions, decimals). Algebra (polynomials, simplifying expressions, complex numbers). Charts (equation of a line drawing function). Trigonometry (trigonometric expressions, triangles). Calculus (derivatives, integrals). Mathematics in life. This page offers interactivity can solve problems and specific operations related to all issues mentioned above. Educational software areas classified by age and commented upon several aspects (one of which is its educational value.)
Primary, Secondary, High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, General Mathematics, Probability.
index ~ teseu /
notes, exercises and links for Cabri Geometry. 15 exercises in number theory. The notes and exercises are formatted zip.
Secondary High School.
Geometry. INTEGRAL ~ jlagares / integral.esp / integral.htm
Page (Java applets) to learn everything about the definite integral. Part of the resources page Educatius d'en Jordi Lagares Roset. Bachelor
Analysis. Interactive Mathematics Miscellany
and Puzzles Puzzles
, probability and geometry. excellent English website of Professor Alexander Mogolmony specialist in numerical algorithms, programming tools and charts. Great collection of java applets very well classified (memory, arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus, combinatorics, problems).
Primary, Secondary, High School.
Primary, Secondary, High School.
very interesting page dedicated to children. General education content of Mathematics. Contains a section of games and software (each discussed in a form education). Free education for nursery, primary, secondary and special education also classified by areas.
Nursery, Primary, Secondary.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Geometry.
Java classified
Big collection of Java applets and cabrijava of mathematical content (high school trigonometry, calculus, vectors, complex numbers, conic and many). English page.
Primary, Secondary, High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Geometry, Probability. Les Matemàtiques Catalan
page that contains exercises and worked-COU. The matter is classified in algebra, differential calculus, integral calculus and probability. Theory and problems in pdf format. Mathlab Resources (includes a manual in pdf).
Bachelors, University.
Algebra, Analysis, Geometry, Probability. Math
Links to: math pages with links in several languages, dictionaries of mathematics, educational references (learning), math olympics, history, documents related to the teaching of mathematics, activities and problems, training, projects, curriculum, games, fractals, Escher, software and forums. Databases. Unclassified
. Unclassified
Internet Information Services for Mathematicians
seekers German math resources, personal pages of mathematical software, publications and links. History and museums related to mathematics. Electronic publications (many available). English page.
Algebra, Analysis, Statistics, Geometry, Probability. Homepage MathBoys
Notes dvi format (file containing the entire course of Codes and Cryptography Mathematics Degree University of La Rioja the year 96/97, Homotopy subject of the Bachelor of Mathematics at the University of La Rioja the year 96/97, a summary of basic concepts such as General Topology Topological spaces, environments, database environments , bases, sub bases, etc., abstract formulas and statistical tables on confidence intervals, hypothesis testing and linear regression both single and multiple forms on calculation of areas and surfaces, and integration of vector fields and functions on varieties, program on polynomial arithmetic done in Pascal, this work was proposed in the course of premier graduate course, basic definitions for the rings of algebraic structures, short form for the calculation of integrals using the basic methods of integration in one variable, a file that contains an introduction to the related functions and a first developing them (subject Numerical Methods II). Forums, mailing lists, IRC and newsgroups.
Algebra, Analysis, Statistics.
Mathematics Archives MSDOS Software
is a part of the Math Archives site. English page that contains an extensive annotated collection Software for MS-DOS and Windows classified in: advanced calculus. Differential equations. Calculation. Basic algebra. Complex variable. Discrete mathematics. Mathematical dynamics. Fractals. Geometry .. Graphics programs. K-12. Linear algebra and matrix. Modern algebra. Modeled. Number theory. Numerical Analysis. Partial differential equations. Probability. Statistics. Utilities. The software is classified as freeware, shareware (with and without restrictions), and commercial demos.
Nursery, Primary, Secondary, High School, University.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Geometry, General Mathematics, Statistics and Probability
Mathematical Function Graphing Software MathGV
page MathGV ™ freeware program that allows the study and mapping of functions. (You can find it in the download).
High, High School, University.
Recreational Mathematics. Problems, puzzles, games. Riemann Z function, complex numbers, digital sums, mathematical software, ... Language: English.
High, High School, University.
Algebra, Analysis, Geometry.
My Story
Pi Story Pi
. Algorithms for calculation. Software and C source program to calculate Pi. In these pages we can see with 16000 decimal places. Recommended literature and links on the topic. Secondary
arithmetic. Fractal World ~ azurdoza / fractal dimension Homotecia
. Sierpinski triangle. Von Koch curve. Complex Numbers. The Julia Set Mandelbrot Monster. Fractal Programming (with source code in Turbo C + +). Advanced Programming Fractals. Benoit B. Mandelbrot. Bibliography and links. Bachelor
Algebra, Analysis, Geometry.
Fractal Music, Jose Angel Navarro
page dedicated to fractals and music. Uses java applets and software itself can be downloaded. Unclassified
. Unclassified
NonEuclid Hyperbolc Geometry Article + Software Applet ~ joel / NonEuclid / English
page where we found plenty of information about non-Euclidean geometry, from basic concepts (non-Euclidean Geometry, Geometry Spherical, Hyperbolic Geometry, pseudosphere, parallel lines, shape of space: curved space), axioms and advanced concepts. Also contains an extensive section on literature and a java applet sufficient documentation to be used. The software is in zip format. (You can find it in the download area with the documentation.) The activities can be performed using the java applet covering topics such as angles, adjacent angles, different types of triangles, parallelograms, polygons and circles.
Geometry. Prime numbers
Here are a comprehensive study of prime numbers up to 2,000,000, counting the percentages out of their terminations. Software: ZIP program. Secondary
Optimizing mail delivery routes using genetic algorithms
page of the Faculty of Engineering of the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador which assesses the robustness of the algorithms genetic optimization applied to the problem of mail delivery routes, comparing these with other methods of mathematical optimization and develop a PC application that optimizes delivery routes correspondence, using genetic algorithms. This application can be downloaded from the page itself or from the download area. On the find extensive documentation explaining the problem, rationale, application design and implementation of it. bibliography and links on the topic.
Mariló page
Multimedia and Geometry Art. Internet and mathematics: links to pages of all types (history, problems, notes and teaching resources in general). Contains an excellent course on the Internet. Mathematics and diversity. Secondary
Geometry General Mathematics.
Educatius resources page d'en Jordi Lagares Roset ~ jlagares
Software and educational resources. Special education. Sound and Security. Software on functions (6 languages), derivative, definite integral (utilizandi a java applet), trigonometry, linear programming, statistical (simulation samples), normal distribution function. List of problems of Mathematics II. Congresses. Problem of the day, month, year. INTEGRAL (Integral defined).
Secondary High School.
Analysis, Statistics, Geometry, Probability.
homepage. Inici ~ fcalbet
problems (some solution). Calculation exercises. Links. VBasic java programs. Java program on fractals, mcm, normal distribution and calculation. Page in Catalan.
Secondary High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Statistics, Geometry, Probability. Information
curriculum career-Assisted Teaching of Mathematics Computer in the School of Mathematics at the Technological Institute of Costa Rica. It also contains the magazine "Mathematics, Education and Internet". In addition to publishing contributions from authors in the field of mathematics and teaching of mathematics, the journal has the following sections: "Tools for Mathematics on the Internet," Contributions Pedagogical and Teaching Materials "," Games and Entertainment "," The World of Mathematics, History of Mathematics "" Virtual Forum "," Teaching Software Programming "and" Exercises Math Olympics. " Registration is free. Includes lots of math software and free JavaSketchpad (extending Sketchpad for the Web).
Primary, Secondary, High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Geometry European Schoolnet
Mathematics Section of the site in English European Schoolnet. Resources: Math and new technologies. Links. Discussion forum. General, FAQs. Math resources, history, classic works, publications, activities, problems, projects, software, games and puzzles. Mathematical Applets. Activities discussed and classified by educational level, area of \u200b\u200bmathematics and recommended software. Related mailing lists and European companies Mathematics Teachers of Mathematics.
Primary, Secondary, High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Geometry.
Fernando Gomez - Personal Page ~ fgomez / index.htm
Information and materials about the program Mathematica (©) and its applications. Secondary educational applications. Download area. Possibility of consultations. Secondary
Algebra, Analysis.
FI & MA Physics and Mathematics
page dedicated to the release notes, SATs (in ZIP), games, puzzles and history . Non-university and university levels. Software. Bachelor
Algebra, Analysis, Geometry.
Freudenthal - Home
page in English and German Freudenthal Institute. Assorted links on mathematics and education. Pdf articles on mathematics and education. Java applets. Projects and activities for primary and secondary.
Primary School. Unclassified
GAMS Guide to Available Mathematical Software
Finder. Guide packs in public domain Fortran allows you to find the appropriate program depending on the type of problem to solve. Language: English.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, Probability. Geometry
GéomètreII Cabri-Geometry. Interactive materials for learning geometry using the program with Cabri-Geometry II. (Archives). In paragraph 74 mechanisms have been added CabriJava applets that simulate the functioning of the mechanisms that are used in technology and in everyday life: steam engine, excavator, pulleys, etc. Links: interactive geometry, calculators, graphing calculators and mathematics education in general. Bachelor
Algebra, Analysis, Geometry.
Free: Educational applications and software (Computer Room)
These pages offer comprehensive and free, educational applications that are designed for students in CP El Olivar, during the last four courses, with CLIC's Francesc Busquets program (also free): function relationship, Roman numerals-II operations. Primary
In this section you can find educational software programs by stage and ongoing education: primary and secondary.
Primary, Secondary.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Geometry.
excellent page in English depending on We can access resources classified students, teachers and parents. Popular mathematics (personal finances, drives, lottery ...). General math (scientific notation, numbers, fractions, decimals). Algebra (polynomials, simplifying expressions, complex numbers). Charts (equation of a line drawing function). Trigonometry (trigonometric expressions, triangles). Calculus (derivatives, integrals). Mathematics in life. This page offers interactivity can solve problems and specific operations related to all issues mentioned above. Educational software areas classified by age and commented upon several aspects (one of which is its educational value.)
Primary, Secondary, High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, General Mathematics, Probability.
index ~ teseu /
notes, exercises and links for Cabri Geometry. 15 exercises in number theory. The notes and exercises are formatted zip.
Secondary High School.
Geometry. INTEGRAL ~ jlagares / integral.esp / integral.htm
Page (Java applets) to learn everything about the definite integral. Part of the resources page Educatius d'en Jordi Lagares Roset. Bachelor
Analysis. Interactive Mathematics Miscellany
and Puzzles Puzzles
, probability and geometry. excellent English website of Professor Alexander Mogolmony specialist in numerical algorithms, programming tools and charts. Great collection of java applets very well classified (memory, arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus, combinatorics, problems).
Primary, Secondary, High School.
Primary, Secondary, High School.
very interesting page dedicated to children. General education content of Mathematics. Contains a section of games and software (each discussed in a form education). Free education for nursery, primary, secondary and special education also classified by areas.
Nursery, Primary, Secondary.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Geometry.
Java classified
Big collection of Java applets and cabrijava of mathematical content (high school trigonometry, calculus, vectors, complex numbers, conic and many). English page.
Primary, Secondary, High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Geometry, Probability. Les Matemàtiques Catalan
page that contains exercises and worked-COU. The matter is classified in algebra, differential calculus, integral calculus and probability. Theory and problems in pdf format. Mathlab Resources (includes a manual in pdf).
Bachelors, University.
Algebra, Analysis, Geometry, Probability. Math
Links to: math pages with links in several languages, dictionaries of mathematics, educational references (learning), math olympics, history, documents related to the teaching of mathematics, activities and problems, training, projects, curriculum, games, fractals, Escher, software and forums. Databases. Unclassified
. Unclassified
Internet Information Services for Mathematicians
seekers German math resources, personal pages of mathematical software, publications and links. History and museums related to mathematics. Electronic publications (many available). English page.
Algebra, Analysis, Statistics, Geometry, Probability. Homepage MathBoys
Notes dvi format (file containing the entire course of Codes and Cryptography Mathematics Degree University of La Rioja the year 96/97, Homotopy subject of the Bachelor of Mathematics at the University of La Rioja the year 96/97, a summary of basic concepts such as General Topology Topological spaces, environments, database environments , bases, sub bases, etc., abstract formulas and statistical tables on confidence intervals, hypothesis testing and linear regression both single and multiple forms on calculation of areas and surfaces, and integration of vector fields and functions on varieties, program on polynomial arithmetic done in Pascal, this work was proposed in the course of premier graduate course, basic definitions for the rings of algebraic structures, short form for the calculation of integrals using the basic methods of integration in one variable, a file that contains an introduction to the related functions and a first developing them (subject Numerical Methods II). Forums, mailing lists, IRC and newsgroups.
Algebra, Analysis, Statistics.
Mathematics Archives MSDOS Software
is a part of the Math Archives site. English page that contains an extensive annotated collection Software for MS-DOS and Windows classified in: advanced calculus. Differential equations. Calculation. Basic algebra. Complex variable. Discrete mathematics. Mathematical dynamics. Fractals. Geometry .. Graphics programs. K-12. Linear algebra and matrix. Modern algebra. Modeled. Number theory. Numerical Analysis. Partial differential equations. Probability. Statistics. Utilities. The software is classified as freeware, shareware (with and without restrictions), and commercial demos.
Nursery, Primary, Secondary, High School, University.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Geometry, General Mathematics, Statistics and Probability
Mathematical Function Graphing Software MathGV
page MathGV ™ freeware program that allows the study and mapping of functions. (You can find it in the download).
High, High School, University.
Recreational Mathematics. Problems, puzzles, games. Riemann Z function, complex numbers, digital sums, mathematical software, ... Language: English.
High, High School, University.
Algebra, Analysis, Geometry.
My Story
Pi Story Pi
. Algorithms for calculation. Software and C source program to calculate Pi. In these pages we can see with 16000 decimal places. Recommended literature and links on the topic. Secondary
arithmetic. Fractal World ~ azurdoza / fractal dimension Homotecia
. Sierpinski triangle. Von Koch curve. Complex Numbers. The Julia Set Mandelbrot Monster. Fractal Programming (with source code in Turbo C + +). Advanced Programming Fractals. Benoit B. Mandelbrot. Bibliography and links. Bachelor
Algebra, Analysis, Geometry.
Fractal Music, Jose Angel Navarro
page dedicated to fractals and music. Uses java applets and software itself can be downloaded. Unclassified
. Unclassified
NonEuclid Hyperbolc Geometry Article + Software Applet ~ joel / NonEuclid / English
page where we found plenty of information about non-Euclidean geometry, from basic concepts (non-Euclidean Geometry, Geometry Spherical, Hyperbolic Geometry, pseudosphere, parallel lines, shape of space: curved space), axioms and advanced concepts. Also contains an extensive section on literature and a java applet sufficient documentation to be used. The software is in zip format. (You can find it in the download area with the documentation.) The activities can be performed using the java applet covering topics such as angles, adjacent angles, different types of triangles, parallelograms, polygons and circles.
Geometry. Prime numbers
Here are a comprehensive study of prime numbers up to 2,000,000, counting the percentages out of their terminations. Software: ZIP program. Secondary
Optimizing mail delivery routes using genetic algorithms
page of the Faculty of Engineering of the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador which assesses the robustness of the algorithms genetic optimization applied to the problem of mail delivery routes, comparing these with other methods of mathematical optimization and develop a PC application that optimizes delivery routes correspondence, using genetic algorithms. This application can be downloaded from the page itself or from the download area. On the find extensive documentation explaining the problem, rationale, application design and implementation of it. bibliography and links on the topic.
Mariló page
Multimedia and Geometry Art. Internet and mathematics: links to pages of all types (history, problems, notes and teaching resources in general). Contains an excellent course on the Internet. Mathematics and diversity. Secondary
Geometry General Mathematics.
Educatius resources page d'en Jordi Lagares Roset ~ jlagares
Software and educational resources. Special education. Sound and Security. Software on functions (6 languages), derivative, definite integral (utilizandi a java applet), trigonometry, linear programming, statistical (simulation samples), normal distribution function. List of problems of Mathematics II. Congresses. Problem of the day, month, year. INTEGRAL (Integral defined).
Secondary High School.
Analysis, Statistics, Geometry, Probability.
homepage. Inici ~ fcalbet
problems (some solution). Calculation exercises. Links. VBasic java programs. Java program on fractals, mcm, normal distribution and calculation. Page in Catalan.
Secondary High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Statistics, Geometry, Probability.
Purpose Of Religious Art
Software 2 +2 = 4 Math Software
This site offers training programs for math. Timing of exercise performance and automatically corrected. Operations basic. Promote concentration and study habits. Mi_Primer_Mathstraining program is Freeware. Primary
3iEduca: Group Dinamization & Educational Telematics
page (in several languages) of the Telematics Group Educational Revitalization. Other general educational resources, contains information on educational resources in areas and levels. Mathematics, links are classified into English (Exercises and resources, personal pages, journals, essays and papers, math software, search engines and documentation) in English (Calculus, Geometry, Teacher Resources, Trivia and other links).
Nursery, Primary, Secondary, High School, University
Unclassified. Alessandro
Home Page from Brazil
page containing classified mathematical challenges (recreational problems with solution), publications and electronic texts, a collection of java applets ( angles, trigonometric functions, triangle and more), games, graphics (graphical representation of functions using a Java applet), software, discussion, activities for children. Links.
Primary, Secondary, High School.
Analysis, Algebra, Geometry.
Antonio Pérez. Math. ~ aperez4
Entertainment, curriculum, experience, resources and links. Software, books (news commentary), Escher. Fibonacci Golden Number Problems: mathematics workshop. IRC channel on education. History: Main symbols over time. BBC2: The Adventure of Knowledge (Mathematics), titles of the 10 programs of 24 minutes. Riddles. Selectivity problems Logse Madrid in zip format. Games: java. Video and Mathematics.
Secondary High School.
Arithmetic, General Mathematics, Probability. Here Matemàtiques
Resources, links, and jobs agenda. Software in English and Catalan. Olympics in Catalonia. Mathematical Kangaroo. Mathplets (applets math: fractions, integrals, vectors, geometric transformations, trigonometry, slide rules, calculating the Julian day, plotting functions, constructive solid geometry, Descartes, Normal Distribution, symbolic calculus, statistics).
Secondary High School.
Algebra Analysis, Geometry, Statistics, Probability. Fractal area ~ sysifus /
excellent page about fractals. The content is classified basically an introduction to fractals, Fractint course, fractal dimension, fractals in motion, fractal Mandelbrot, Escher. Contains an extensive gallery with images and video clips in Real Player format. If you want a detailed study of the formulas also can be found in these pages. Contains an analysis software to generate fractals, a section on chaos and a detailed study of the concept of fractal dimension.
Secondary Bachelors, University.
Analysis, Geometry. English Association
Derive users.
English Association Derive users. Its purpose is to facilitate the exchange of learning experiences related to the symbolic computation program Derive (©). Contents of the journal of the association. Bibliography, articles, information on Derive (©), courses, congresses and conferences. Links.
High, High School, University.
Algebra, Analysis, Geometry. Bricks Game Home
Home of the different sets of bricks. Free puzzle games. In the discharge area redemat can find one.
Primary School.
Calc 3D is a program to calculate three-dimensional vectors, matrices and complex numbers
page Calc 3D program to calculate three-dimensional vectors, matrices and complex numbers. The calculator is freeware and in several languages. In the discharge area can be found. Bachelor
Algebra, Analysis.
Mathematics Research Center, (CIMAT) - Guanajuato - MEXICO
Its main objective is the study of basic Mathematics (Functional Analysis, Geometry, Dynamical Systems, Modeling), Computer Sciences (research lines and job), probability and statistics (link to the Dept. of Probability and Statistics - CIMAT). Congress, Catalog Maths Reviews and magazines Springer Verlag. Search mathematician. Links related to Mathematics.
Statistics, Probability. Content
page dedicated to Texas Instruments calculadosras and education. What calculator for what age? What calculator choose?. Discussion Groups. Using calculators in the classroom. Handout. Magazines. Training. Books in English and other languages. Project T3 T3 Spain and Europe. Software & Tools for the classroom. The software for TI calculators can be downloaded from the address
Primary, Secondary, High School. Unclassified
Department of Applied Economics (Mathematics)
Department of Applied Economics (Mathematics), University of Malaga. Teaching program: methodology, summary of the subjects, program evaluation system, teachers and bibliography. The notes of interest you can find practically solved, self-assessment exercises. Practice with the program Mathematica. Business Mathematics I (Bachelor of Business Administration and Management). The notes of interest you can find practically solved, self-assessment exercises. Practice with the program Mathematica. Business Mathematics I (Bachelor of Business Administration and Management).
Algebra, Analysis. Don Freeware Freeware
Primary, Secondary, High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, Probability.
El Osio de los Santos
Here you will find free education and entertainment software for use online. This site contains exercises done math (which is actually a link to another page by the same authors - ) and a section on using shockwave interactive mathematics: multiplication tables, the prime numbers (for children from 2 to 4 years to this page with sound learning the numbers 1 through 9), quadratic equation, descriptive statistics, binomial distribution, the sum of vectors, and random numbers).
Nursery, Primary, Secondary, High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Statistics, Probability.
Paradise of mathematicism @ s
Notes, exercises, quizzes, history, links about mathematics in Spain and worldwide, magazines, software (very long), manuals software (Cabri, Derive, MathCad, ...), calculators, exercise, mailing lists, irc and personal pages. Consultations and assistance. Information is very highly rated.
High, High School, University.
Algebra, Analysis, Statistics, Geometry, General Mathematics, Probability.
Clic El Raco
Click is a free software that lets you create different types of educational activities. The website of the "corner of the Click" is a space of cooperation and solidarity between teachers and schools through the exchange of materials produced with the program. You can find the complete list of available materials, classified by language, subject areas and educational levels in the activities section.
Nursery, Primary, Secondary.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, Probability. MATH LINKS
Collection of annotated links. Interesting links. Notes, problems. History, curiosities. Fractals. Magazines. Publications. Chaos Theory. LaTeX. Linux. Institutions. More links.
Primary, Secondary, High School, University.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, General Mathematics, Probability. Prometheus
Inebrya Ice Cream Colour
is an educational resource for learning math in a fun way. Based on the Chinese tangram has to build the figure that tells you joining each problem with your solution. The student can self-correct. There are different levels and within different levels of difficulty level which allows working for diversity in the classroom. Covered all secondary targets. Dare and practice. You'll find a sample in matgram
Professor Freedman's Math Help
can find information about basic math for adults, tips for teachers, tips split reduce anxiety. Mathematics learning. Math tutor. Contains videos. Language: English. Primary
Algebra, Arithmetic, Mathematics, General.
Math in the Movies ~ Reinhold / dir / mathmovies.html
page in English on Mathematics and film. The author analiaza the mathematical content of 80 films.
School, Secondary School, University. General Mathematics
mathematics in English Resources for educators, parents and students. The information is classified in aid (with definitions, examples and worksheets), practice (with leaves of interactive questions), questions, interactive calculation tools, and interactive games. Each of these sections contain sub-classifications in areas of mathematics. Fractals.
Primary, Secondary, High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, Probability.
Mathematical Atlas: a gateqay to Modern Mathematics.
collection of articles on certain areas of modern mathematics. The information is classified in the following disciplines: foundations, combinatorics, number theory and abstract algebra, geometry and topology, analysis (functional analysis, real, complex numbers, differential equations), applications (physics and other sciences), probability and statistics . History. Contains complete information with references and publications.
Algebra, Analysis, Statistics, Geometry, General Mathematics, Probability. Mathematical Constants and
Complete English website dedicated to the classical constants and calculation algorithms. The information is classified as constant (Archimedes, e, log (2), square root of 2, Arpery constant, constant calculation records. Algorithms (arbitrary precision in programming languages, FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) algorithm for multiplication large numbers), binary method of division series, calculus of the inverse and square root with high precision, Newton method, convergence acceleration of series including alternating series, calculation the nth digit of pi without calculating the other). Programs (PiFast: to calculate the digits of pi, a program to calculate pi to 12 billion figures in C program code to calculate several constants, online program in java script to calculate Pi, e, square root of 2, Number Gold, log 2 and log 3). Various (classification numbers (irrational, transcendental ,...), findings that Pi and log (2) are irrational, Gamma function, Riemann Z function, Númeors Bernoulli constant of the theory of numbers and historical notes on constant). Number Theory (calculating primes, project pi (x), calculated on line of primes less than 1000, 5000, 10000 and 30000 through java script). References and links on the topic.
High, High School, University.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic. Mathematical quotations server ~ mwoodard / mqs / Dating
mquot.shtml mathematics in English. Unclassified
. General Mathematics
. Museum Mathematics
Deformation catenoid a helix (in QuickTime file (416kb)). The beauty of surfaces. Geometric designs on paper. Materials and numeric expressions. The geometric problem Sangaku Japanese Temple. Plane tilings (tessellations in everyday life). Links to museums around the world: fractals, geometric designs, and curves.
High, High School, University.
Algebra, Analysis, Geometry.
MathSkills Home Page
English page Department of Mathematics at the University of Hull (England). Html full articles in the publication "MathSkills Newsletter." In addition to providing the department's own information (working groups and research) contains an interesting section with a list math-related jobs classified on various subjects. engineering, finance, communications, control systems and biotechnology.
Bachelors, University. Unclassified
page in English to work with geometric shapes and numeracy games. Uses Shockwave. Primary
Arithmetic, Geometry.
factoring methods numerical
page dedicated to solving systems of equations using the methods of Gauss- Jordan, Doolittle and Choleski. Contains a solved exercise (in html).
Algebra. Nonius ~ jaimecs / index.html Nonius-Arquivo
Electronic Mathematics. History and mathematics teaching. Analysis and differential equations. Methodology. Latest news from the world of mathematics. Links. Doubts analysis. Math programs in various countries, training programs and online calculators. Congresses. Publications (Articles from the number 0 from the project fact sheet Computing and Mathematics Education).
Algebra Analysis, General Math.
Números.htm ~ msanto1/ortografia/numeros.htm
Spelling of numbers. Where table lists the different numbers, cardinal, ordinal multiples and partitive.
Primary School.
Arithmetic, Mathematics, General.
Números.Romanos.html ~ msanto1/ortografia/numrom.htm
Roman numerals. Rules. Examples.
Primary School.
Arithmetic, Mathematics, General. Comenius proxecto
O HEI Meaño not
Page Meaño HEI Galician (Pontevedra) dedicated to their involvement in the European Comenius program: calculation of the radius of the Earth: Eratosthenes. Calculating the Earth-Moon distance. Secondary
Okmath. Math problems solved
Problems and Exercises (in html) solved step by step classified into the following categories: University (Engineering, degrees and diplomas). Schools, colleges (ducation Primary, Secondary, high school, college preparatory courses and vocational training). Selectivity (Testing for entrance exams to college in Spain). This page is updated weekly and resolve doubts about the problems of the web.
Primary, Secondary, High School, University.
Algebra, Analysis, Geometry. Galega Mathematical Olympiad
Of interest to students and teachers at Galicia. this page in Galician contains the basis for convening the English Mathematical Olympiad XXXVII and a form to register on line in Phase Gallega. This page also contains a section for preparing the test (containing the evidence of the years 1999 and 2000 in the Galician Olympiad in pdf format). We can see the list of all winners of the Galician stage since 1963. Bachelor
Algebra, Analysis, Geometry, Probability.
Optimizing mail delivery routes using genetic algorithms
page of the Faculty of Engineering of the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador which assesses the robustness of the algorithms genetic optimization applied to the problem of mail delivery routes, comparing these with other methods of mathematical optimization and develop a PC application that optimizes delivery routes correspondence, using algorithms genetic. This application can be downloaded from the page itself or from the download area. On the find extensive documentation explaining the problem, rationale, application design and implementation of it. bibliography and links on the topic.
page teaching Pedro José Herrero Piñeyro
This site aims to be an aid to teaching in the subjects of topology of 1 Mathematics and Extension Topology 2 of Math. I would be a means of communication between teacher and students and of students among themselves. Here you will find the signature programs, books, worksheets, exercises done by the students, some teacher's lecture notes and some interesting links. The problems are in pdf format.
Mariló page
Multimedia and Geometry Art. Internet and mathematics: links to pages of all types (history, problems, notes and teaching resources in general). Contains an excellent course on the Internet. Mathematics and diversity. Secondary
Geometry, General Math.
math page
mathematical canapés classified page (where we find content related to the existence of infinitely many primes and a demonstration of the Pythagorean theorem), publications (list of author's publications), teaching (first practical program of the computer algebra), mathematical humor and blogs.
Bachelors, University.
Algebra, Arithmetic, Geometry. New Page 1
page Department of Mathematics of IES María Moliner. Contains information about the Department (Photos of members of the same components and groups, books and activities textofijados which contains its programming, participation in Olympics and in the Math Kangaroo contest and the activities report of the previous year), activities students (classified by level fixed issues, Theano and the golden ratio, Biographies for the contest Nivola and Fibonacci Sequence), very well detailed lesson plans and interactive java (Continuidad. Classification of discontinuities. Traslaciones.Números Vectors and Complex), mathematics recreational (optical illusions, logic games and puzzles on-line mathematical) and finely a links section.
Secondary High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Geometry, General Math. New Page 2
page on analytic geometry using a resource that allows you to manipulate elements: java applets. Straight, parables and conic sections.
Secondary High School.
Geometry. New Page 3
page on the history of science. Among other things, contains a section with biographies of mathematicians accompanied Photos or Pictures: Archimedes, Fibonnacci, Thales, Barrow, Galileo, Torricelli, Boole, Galois, Weirstrass, Copernicus, Gauss, Zenon, Descartes, Kepler, Einstein, Newton, Eratosthenes, Pascal, Euler and Pythagoras. It also contains, among other sections devoted to science in general, a section of anecdotes, jokes, interesting facts and scientific explanations of everyday events, pi with 16000 numbers, trivia, a collection of problems sorted by context (at the farm, at school, in the mall, working with numbers, counting coins, family matters, workers, issues of geometry, ancient measures, travel, taps and reservoirs and watches).
Secondary High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Geometry, General Mathematics, Probability. Website
Miguel de Guzmán Ozamiz
Courses (work hard to reach or exhausted that have proved useful to students the course on History of Mathematics (1998)). Activities. Thumbnails of Geometry of the Triangle. Geometry Experiments (Contains various activities, some very basic, some less, usable for various levels of education). Utilities for the program DERIVE. Thinking about Mathematics Education (Article on innovative trends in Mathematics Education). Some popular articles math. The driving game of mathematics and learning.
Primary, Secondary, High School, University.
Analysis, Arithmetic, Geometry, General Math.
Educatius resources page d'en Jordi Lagares Roset ~ jlagares
Software and educational resources. Special education. Sound and Security. Software on functions (6 languages), derivative, definite integral (utilizandi a java applet), trigonometry, linear programming, statistical (simulation samples) normal distribution function. List of problems of Mathematics II. Congresses. Problem of the day, month, year. INTEGRAL (Integral defined).
Secondary High School.
Analysis, Statistics, Geometry, Probability. Vicent
Castellar page ~ sweatshirt / index.html
Global models and simulation with a large amount of documentation (in various formats). Escher (bio - selection of prints - other prints, make mosaics - links and references). Tangram: appleet java to play online. Other proposals zip file solution. IQ test.
Primary, Secondary, University.
Geometry. Website
Angela Núñez ~ anunezca / home.htm
Educational units: vectors (with Java). Educational projects. Exchange problems. Notes (complex numbers and powers in html). Links in English and English. Classroom resources with Java. IRC education Hortaleza CPR (Madrid). Secondary
Algebra, Analysis. Website
José María Arias
General Bibliography and proper. Cabri-Geometry (Description of the program. Example: movements by the plane. Links). Calculator (Use Calculator). Mental arithmetic (mental arithmetic simple exercises). Carné-calculus. Cuadros-perimeter and area formulas. Curiosities (recreational mathematics). Cabri-Excel, Derive. Testing (Assessment of learning. Reflections of the authors of the books of the Editorial Casals). Excel-statistics (Statistics and probability worksheet. Description of the program. Sample descriptive statistics). Olympics (English Mathematical Olympiad in doc format). Bach Prize Ext. (Special Award BA in doc format). Programming (mathematics projects for ESO and Bachillerato formats doc). Selectivity (Collection of evidence of selectivity in doc format). Magazines (List of magazines published in Spain in mathematical content, address and contact telephone numbers). Research Workshop. (Activities: it is a complementary activity and expansion of the NIF). Transparencies (Transparencies in CDR format on various topics and high school. Methodology on its use.) Videos (List of videos about mathematics and its methodology). Interesting Web. Contains an interesting section on computing.
Secondary High School.
Analysis, Algebra, Statistics, Geometry, Probability.
PAGES DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS (IES "Marqués de Santillana" Colmenar Viejo, Madrid)
Pages devoted to mathematical topics general educational and informational type, leaves problems for students, solutions to problems, sample tests, trivia, etc. Mathematical Competition, 2000. Interactive pages that use java applets on some classical geometric patterns and other mathematical interest: 1. Nine-point circle. 2. Fermat point. 3. Orthic triangle. 4. Morley triangle. 5. Ceva's Theorem. 6. Simson. Euler 7.Recta. 8. Napoleon triangles. 9.Teorema of the bisectors. 10. Apollonius circumference. 11-12. Hypocycloids and epicyclic. 13.Cuadratura the rectangle. 14. Pascal's Triangle and Sierpinski Triangle. 15.Teorema of Bolzano. Teaching unit introducing the concept of function (with java applet). Problems for students of 1 Baccalaureate (Mathematics for Social Sciences). Commercial mathematical software and freeware discussed with links. Math Workshop Cabriweb using computer-assisted. Contains an index of geometric applets made with CabriWeb. CabriWeb tutorial.
Secondary High School.
Analysis, Algebra, Geometry.
page in English on Pi. What is Pi. History, memorizing Pi, literature and early figures 100000. Secondary
Algebra. Home ~ qcastell / portada.htm
page in Catalan called Armila (Anthology of Internet Resources Matemàtiques, Llegits, Anotats i Recomanats). It is a page where you collect resources in Internet Mathematics. The information (well clñasificada) is divided into five categories. Three of them are topical index, typological and recipients. In the index, displayed the following categories: Overview, Fundamentals, Algebra, Analysis, Numerical analisys, Stochastic Arithmetic, Geometry, quantities and measures, applied mathematics, discrete mathematics, recreational mathematics, topology, auxiliary materials and non-mathematical topics. In the typological index: software, work material, and other writings. As recipients of the annotated pages, the information is classified in group: all ages, teachers, primary, secondary, high school, extension of the curriculum and other areas of knowledge. All categories are subclassified.
Child Primary, Secondary, High School, University.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Geometry, Statistics, General Math and Probability.
Home (Maseducativa)
educational resources index classified by educational levels and areas: natural sciences and mathematics, literature and social sciences. Its purpose is to store and disseminate educational resources on the Internet. To do this have a database updated regularly with new additions. Agenda educational events, a forum for discussion and request for assistance to other educators in the network. Information on mathematics (annotated links and valued) is classified in Generic Pages, Software, Mathematical Olympiads, Problems of logic and wit.
Primary, Secondary, High School. Unclassified
Portal Links Portal
educational resources of all kinds. Estor resources are classified by levels: preschool, primary, secondary and professional development. Educational Software (Accessed from each classification by educational level). Each program is discussed, with reference to objectives and curriculum content, pedagogical and technical requirements. Annotated links. Educational experiences. Conferences and seminars.
Nursery, Primary, Secondary.
Algebra, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, General Mathematics, Probability. Main
Activities related to the Year 2000. Educational software. Recreational mathematics extensive and well-sorted: (some activities are interactive.) Extensive collection of exercises and activities targeted classified (primary, secondary and higher) in html. Societies. Magazines. Math projects for different educational levels. Information on conferences. Fractals. Mathematical tables. Olympics: Issues in html, Olympics in the world. Users Field. Articles.
Primary, Secondary, High School.
Algebra, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, Probability. Home
All ~ aserra10 /
We find among other things, a section of problems with solution (Evaristo's grandfather, grandfather and grandmother Evaristo, The Alice in Wonderland Tribute to Fermat's Theorem Tales). Works (number theory and problems (not yet available) for the course Mathematics Applied to Social Sciences II, second Bachelor of Humanities and Social Sciences). Javascript links and programs: Diophantus (Solve Diophantine equations), consistency (solves systems of linear congruences), Vector Addition (geometric animation), Difference Vector (geometric animation), product number x vector (geometric animation).
Secondary High School.
Algebra, Arithmetic, Geometry.
Home (2 pi Math)
Summaries, notes, formulas, graphs, problems, exercises, quizzes, blogs, books and downloads area (software freeware and shareware). Summaries (Chance: Continuous Random Variables. Probability: Normal distribution. Probability: discrete random variable. Probability: Binomial Distribution. Statistics. Two-dimensional distributions. Statistics: Basic concepts. Matrices. Rank of a matrix. Study of systems of linear equations. Logarithmic function. Study Features: schema. Properties of Functions. Summary of Combinatorics). Formulas: (Triangles (resolution). Combinatorics Formulas. Table of Derivatives. Table of standard normal distribution. Binomial Distribution Table. Areas and Volumes. Trigonometric functions. Formulas elementary algebra. Fractional Expressions). Charts (Study of functions, linear functions (animation) Graphs of Elementary Functions.) Practical (Greek alphabet, Solving Linear Equations, Solving exponential equations). Exercises (Exercises worked Systems of Linear Equations. 6 Exercises exponential equations solved. 18 exercises related to the number and in solution). Problems (Combinatorial (01 to 06). Linear Programming (01 to 03)). Reviews (Review 2 Bach. (Sep.) LOGSE. 2nd BACH. LOGSE - 1st Eval. - Mat.CCSS. 1st BACH. LOGSE - Sufficiency-Mat.CCSS. 1st BACH. LOGSE - September - Mat.CCSS. 1st BACH. LOGSE - Ctrl - Mat.CCSS. Test 2 º Bach. (2 nd ev.) LOGSE). Utilities (recursive function to calculate factorial a Number in Visual Basic. Statistics Calculator: Stadis).
Secondary High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Statistics, Geometry, Probability. Prometheus
How Do U Clean Pink G Shocks
Prometheus - Interactive Education on the Web uses a very simple to configure pplets that develop interactions with the most diverse. Geometric figures. Numbers (in several languages.) The actual functions. Mandelbrot sets. Regular polyhedra and surfaces in 3D. Mandelbrot set.
Primary School.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Geometry. Project
T ^ 3 - SPAIN
The T3 program EUROPA (Teachers Teaching with Technology) is a European project of cooperation between the educational community and Texas Instruments . This initiative is designed to familiarize teachers with the technologies that the implementation of Secondary Education (ESO and Bachillerato) required and help to incorporate these tools in their daily practice. Scheduled Courses: number of hours, location, and telephone coordinator. Publications in zip format: Introduction to descriptive statistics, probability distributions, matrices with TI-83, TI-92 arrays, Cabri-Geometry with TI-92, with symbolic computation TI-92, introduction to programming, IT numbers -83, sequences with TI-83. Information on seminars and conferences. Debate: mailing lists. Bibliography: Articles published in English on graphing calculators and Cabri II.
Secondary High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Statistics, Geometry, Probability. Project
TELE-EDUCATION The following program is designed to facilitate learning the fundamentals of mathematics as simple and educational for students in 3rd. Secondary. Contents: Products Wise Wise ratios. Factoring polynomials with common factors. Difference factoring square. Factoring Cube sum and difference of cubes. Factoring trinomials. Factoring trinomials squares. Factoring trinomials of the form x2 + bx + c. Factoring trinomials of the form ax2 + bx + c. First degree equations with variable R. First-degree inequalities. System of linear equations with two variables., Quadratic equations. And evaluation exercises. Secondary
There are different figures if you look upside down under a letter of the alphabet. On this page you can find a list of words (Castilian, English and German) that can be read using the calculator. It also contains a forum. Secondary
arithmetic. Learning Resources
Thales-CICA Project (Internet) Distance Education via Internet Learning Resources Project
Thales-CICA (Internet) Distance education through Internet One of the main objectives of the project involved the dissemination of new information technologies and communication to the entire educational community of Andalusia, in particular, the use of Internet as a teaching resource. In math section are classified in Algebra, Analysis and Functional Analysis, Geometry, Number Theory, Numerical Analysis, Operational Investigagción, Probability, Statistics, Computer Science and Other Specialties. (Contains an appeal on Escher and Mathematics).
Secondary High School.
Algebra, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, General Mathematics, Probability. Educational Resources
Educational Legislation. Lots of information on education. Curricular projects. General mathematics curriculum project and the Canaries. Educational resources of all kinds (books, videos ,...). Charts.
Primary, Secondary, High School.
Not rated.
Resources for the Classroom-Secondary-Mathematics
Activities and resources for the classroom. The content is classified in: Educational Units (Random Relationship between activities. Probability and Geometry. Sections of the round bodies. Measure of Time Over Time. Geometry, algebra and formulas 1.Geometría remarkable, remarkable formulas algebra 2. Vector in Plano.). Exercises (curious problems, riddles, amusing anecdotes. Books, videos, shop math problems and games. Problems and exercises given from Murcia). Materials teaching (programming of the first cycle of that ATENEA. The computer in mathematics. MERCURIO. The Electronic Media in Mathematics Curriculum, Mathematics Workshop. Mathematics: Activities with graphing calculators.) Mathematics Olympics. Links. Secondary
Algebra, Analysis, Geometry, Probability. Math Resources Resources
math Iris network. Of departments from different English universities. Search. Meta dictionary of scientific terms.
Algebra, Analysis, Geometry, Statistics.
Resources and Tutorials ~ mrodri7
In these pages you will find classroom activities (in html), activities with manipulatives resources (Azar: Learning to count. Frequencies and Probability. Calculating probabilities.) (Geometry: Some activities to work in high school geometry.) (Action: Some activities to work Measurement in Primary and Secondary). It also contains articles, book references, links, activities with graphing calculators (Technologies Teaching Mathematics in Secondary School. Changes in Algebra curriculum. Resolution a system of equations with a parameter. CBL and calculator TI83. Guide to the TI83) and Cabri. Interventions roundtables (Methodology in the Teaching of Mathematics in Secondary School. The Teaching of Mathematics in European countries) and lectures at conferences (NN.TT. in Mathematics. Technology in Teaching Mathematics in Secondary).
Primary School.
Algebra, Analysis, Statistics, Geometry, Probability.
RedeMaTic also reachable by Portuguese Excellent site which covers the use of new technologies in the teaching / learning of mathematics (Java, Sketchpad, Excel and Cabri). News and announcements. Materials tab in the form of classified doc format in 7 th, 8 th, 9 th year and other materials, with explanations of the software used for development and implementation in the classroom. Each year is classified as teaching units. Links in Portuguese, English, geometry for teachers, problems and activities. Links for students. Software. Java Applets. Publications and Debate. Secondary
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, Probability.
Simple Troubleshooting related to the area of \u200b\u200bmathematics. ~ dcb / math / index.htm
page dedicated to solving problems. Definition of a problem. Parts of a problem. Possible classification problems. We will solve problems.
Primary School.
Algebra, Geometry.
Electronic Journal of the National Seminar: Calculators and Computers in Education
Electronic Journal of the National Seminar: Calculators and Computers in Mathematics Education. (Universidad de Sonora). Mathematical modeling supported TI92 graphing calculator. Teaching Differential Calculus course relying on the management of HP-48GX calculator. Rational Functions: Experience with Graphic Calculator. Using Calculators: Math TI-92 Explorer and in solving problems. Experience with teachers of basic and middle levels. On continuous and discontinuous functions. Some advances in the use of Learning Space in the teaching of mathematics. Do you know high school students use their calculators functions properly? Ordinary Differential Equations using the TI-92 calculator in the classroom: A challenge to the current curriculum of basic education. Geometric Building Strategies packages by "The Geometer's Sketchpad and Autocad" Presentation intuitive precalculus topics from the interaction of different registers of representation of a function. A Mathematical Model for the Onda Sonora. An approach to the concept of probability in computer use. The role of computer in teaching-learning process of mathematics. Teaching the concepts of limits and continuity of functions. Vs. Euclidean geometry. Non-Euclidean Geometry: Teaching with manipulatives and Dynamic Geometry Package. Using the TI-82 graphing calculator in the field of Statistics. "Using a calculator in class TI_83 Calculus and Trigonometry" . Sociology and Mathematics Education Network. Finding the mean from the data and its variations. Traffic between representations in the study of curves using Derive. Notions of randomness. A graphing calculator application. Study of the slope. 7 graphing calculator activities. Development of software to support the differential calculus course. Workshop Course computer-assisted Dynamic Geometry. Analytic Geometry, Charts and Tables. Cognition and Computation: The Case of Geometry and Visualization. (All items in html).
Primary, Secondary, High School, University.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, General Mathematics, Probability.
Virtual Journal of Mathematics
Electronic Journal of Mathematics. Contributions. The World of Mathematics. Pedagogical and Didactic Material contributions. Mathematics and Internet Tools (LaTeX2HTML, JavaSketchpad and Mathematica). History of Mathematics. Games & Entertainment. Educational Software programming. Virtual Forum. Math Olympics exercises. School of Mathematics, ITCR. Interactive Geometry: JavaSketchpad and 3D animation with Mathematica (20 examples of surfaces, solids and projections).
High, High School, University. Unclassified
Resources and materials for activities compiled by various secondary schools in Leganés (Madrid). These materials are designed to be exposed on the boards of the centers. Guess who is (activity related to the history of mathematics: biography, tracks, Spain at the time, was born in ... poster, photo), thinking problems (classified by series, high school and solution), quotes, poems, curiosities, kits, puzzles, you know?.
Secondary High School.
Algebra, Arithmetic, Geometry. SAEM Thales
page of the Mathematical Association Thales. Activities, conferences, publications, journal Thales. Thales Mathematical Olympiad for students in Secondary 2 (suggested problems in several years in html). Resource. Links. Distance Education Courses THALES-CICA-CEC. (Very full notes and documents from other areas of mathematics: algebra, analysis, geometry, numbers, operations research, probability, statistics).
Nursery, Primary, Secondary, Baccalaureate, University.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, General Mathematics, Probability.
page in Galician Galician Society for the Promotion gives you statistics and operations research. Contains information about the association, activities, projects, documents (among which is the project of descriptive statistics for 3 º ESO), newsletter of the Association award for educational innovation and information about their annual conference. A section devoted to high school where we found information (Html \u200b\u200band doc formats) on statistical content subjects in secondary and high schools Enein (Math I and II. Mathematics Applied to Social Sciences. Statistics ESO. Statistical Methods) and also at the primary purposes for Statistics).
Primary, Secondary, High School.
SMILE PROGRAM MATHEMATICS INDEX ~ smile / mathinde.html Stock
200 math lessons divided into the following categories: measurement and geometry, logic, statistics and probability, recreational mathematics , applied mathematics, arithmetic, graphic and visual mathematics, algebra and trigonometry. Language: English.
Nursery, Primary, Secondary, High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Statistics, Geometry, General Mathematics, Probability.
Asturiana Mathematics Education Society "Agustín De Pedrayes" Information on partnership activities: articles, working groups , Asturiana Olympiad (for students in first and second cycle of ESO) and conferences. Assorted links: teaching resources, competitions and Olympics, companies and research groups and several. Problem of the month: three problems proposed and the previous solution.
Secondary High School. Unclassified
The content is geared toward the CBC (CBC), entry course at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) in Argentina . And final exams (in Word format) in mathematics, and engineering economic analysis, and algebra to economic and engineering.
Bachelors, University.
Algebra, Analysis. Math Tables
Tables General Mathematics (Notation of Numbers, Sums Chart, Multiplication Table) Algebra (Basic Identities, Sections, Tapered, polynomial, exponential, Algebra curves), Geometry (Areas, Volumes, Surface Areas, Circles), Trigonometry (Identities, Hyperbolic, Trigonometric Curves), loose ends (Constants, Vectors, Complexity, Miscellaneous, Curves), Statistics (distributions), Calculus (Integral , Derivatives) and Advanced Affairs (Fourier Series, Transforms). These pages can be downloaded to view Off line.
Primary, Secondary, High School, University.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Geometry, Statistics. Math Workshop
page classified activities and number games problems, by levels and spatial vision. Strategies for solving problems. Secondary
Algebra, Arithmetic, Geometry, General Math. The Fractal Microscope
page in English which combines fractals and its relationship to the secondary curriculum. Justification. Fractals in the classroom: coordinate systems, scientific notation, arithmetic, negative numbers, multiplication and distribution property. Secondary
Arithmetic, Algebra.
The Glossary of Mathematical Mistakes Stock
mathematical errors. Error of the month, file errors, errors in news, problems and puzzles ranked in arithmetic, algebra and geometry. English page.
Secondary High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, General Mathematics, Probability.
The Math Forum - Ask Dr. Math
Questions to Dr. Math. Uncertainties and classified according to educational level and content. Search. Problems. Teaching units. (In English).
Primary, Secondary, High School, University.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, General Mathematics, Probability.
The Sound of Mathematics
This page (in English) contains MIDI sound files created using mathematical algorithms and explain the methods used. Music is classified by type of algorithm used: combinatorics (permutations, and Pascal's triangle), constants (Pi, e, Omega, Copeland-Erdos and Frodo), functions (Pi Euler function, Möbius Mu Function, Function and trigonometric functions T ), numbers (Niven numbers, prime numbers and Pythagorean triples) and recursion (Lorenz attractor's, Fibonacci Sequence, Golden Number and Sierpinski Triangle).
Analysis, Arithmetic, Geometry, Statistics.
This is Mega-Mathematics!
page in English containing many activities very well sorted (each consisting of activities, evaluation, vocabulary and extension): color maps, games with possible variations, knots, illustrations for a story (hotel infinity), algorithms and solving problems and puzzles. The content of this website can serve the Math Workshop.
Primary School.
Algebra, Arithmetic, Geometry, Statistics, Probability.
Typis & Sumptibus
Cervantes is a free application program in English for the automatic generation of online courses and manuals. The purpose of this program is assist teachers in developing resources and content development methodology. Unclassified
. Unclassified
Valladolid / Applied Mathematics / Miguel Revilla Revilla ~ / TAhd.html
Algoblemas (Janoi Towers, Euler Paths, etc.). Problems and issues the following tests: asymptotic notations. Mathematical induction. Numerical functions. Sums and products. Factorial and combinatorial numbers. Matrices and determinants. Recurrent successions. Generating functions. Probabilities. Autotext on Numerical Methods. Software: introduction in English to MathLab. Alphabetical dictionary English-language algorithms.
Algebra, Analysis, Statistics, Probability. Virtual Reality
Poliedra classified
Great collection virtual polyhedra. English page.
Secondary College.
search educational resources. Includes math section. Unclassified
. Unclassified
. welcome ~ fuller /
Page Research Group Education Statistics, University of Granada (Department of Mathematics Education). Inmglés contains many documents (some in Word format and some in html) on Teaching of Probability, Teaching Statistics, Research and Doctoral Theses. Contains links for mathematics education. You can highlight a link to the Electronic Journal IASE (Statistical Education Research Newsletter) where we can get several numbers (in English) that are in various formats (doc, pdf and some in RTF).
High, High School, University.
Statistics, Probability.
Welcome to Camel - Camel Bienvenue à
page in English and French Canadian Mathematical Society. Information on the association, publications, Olympics, activities and conferences. Contains a section dedicated to classified resources in education (students and teachers dedicated to classified primary, secondary, resources, journals and technology in education), students, work (job offers very detailed information about the company offering the position, location , qualifications required, job type) and women (articles in pdf format on women and mathematics, biographies of women mathematicians, societies, books and articles on this subject and links. We can also access the directory Canadian women mathematicians listed in alphabetical and geographical).
Primary, Secondary, High School, University. General Mathematics
Xah's Home Page
Groups translation and rotation in the plane. Extensive collection of curves in the plane (70 animations in QuickTime, 120 Geometer's Sketchpad files and 10 programs for Mathematica). Graphics Gallery. Software of all kinds related to mathematics (also freeware). The information is very highly rated. Language: English.
High, High School, University.
Algebra, Geometry. Index
Prometheus - Interactive Education on the Web uses a very simple to configure pplets that develop interactions with the most diverse. Geometric figures. Numbers (in several languages.) The actual functions. Mandelbrot sets. Regular polyhedra and surfaces in 3D. Mandelbrot set.
Primary School.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Geometry. Project
T ^ 3 - SPAIN
The T3 program EUROPA (Teachers Teaching with Technology) is a European project of cooperation between the educational community and Texas Instruments . This initiative is designed to familiarize teachers with the technologies that the implementation of Secondary Education (ESO and Bachillerato) required and help to incorporate these tools in their daily practice. Scheduled Courses: number of hours, location, and telephone coordinator. Publications in zip format: Introduction to descriptive statistics, probability distributions, matrices with TI-83, TI-92 arrays, Cabri-Geometry with TI-92, with symbolic computation TI-92, introduction to programming, IT numbers -83, sequences with TI-83. Information on seminars and conferences. Debate: mailing lists. Bibliography: Articles published in English on graphing calculators and Cabri II.
Secondary High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Statistics, Geometry, Probability. Project
TELE-EDUCATION The following program is designed to facilitate learning the fundamentals of mathematics as simple and educational for students in 3rd. Secondary. Contents: Products Wise Wise ratios. Factoring polynomials with common factors. Difference factoring square. Factoring Cube sum and difference of cubes. Factoring trinomials. Factoring trinomials squares. Factoring trinomials of the form x2 + bx + c. Factoring trinomials of the form ax2 + bx + c. First degree equations with variable R. First-degree inequalities. System of linear equations with two variables., Quadratic equations. And evaluation exercises. Secondary
There are different figures if you look upside down under a letter of the alphabet. On this page you can find a list of words (Castilian, English and German) that can be read using the calculator. It also contains a forum. Secondary
arithmetic. Learning Resources
Thales-CICA Project (Internet) Distance Education via Internet Learning Resources Project
Thales-CICA (Internet) Distance education through Internet One of the main objectives of the project involved the dissemination of new information technologies and communication to the entire educational community of Andalusia, in particular, the use of Internet as a teaching resource. In math section are classified in Algebra, Analysis and Functional Analysis, Geometry, Number Theory, Numerical Analysis, Operational Investigagción, Probability, Statistics, Computer Science and Other Specialties. (Contains an appeal on Escher and Mathematics).
Secondary High School.
Algebra, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, General Mathematics, Probability. Educational Resources
Educational Legislation. Lots of information on education. Curricular projects. General mathematics curriculum project and the Canaries. Educational resources of all kinds (books, videos ,...). Charts.
Primary, Secondary, High School.
Not rated.
Resources for the Classroom-Secondary-Mathematics
Activities and resources for the classroom. The content is classified in: Educational Units (Random Relationship between activities. Probability and Geometry. Sections of the round bodies. Measure of Time Over Time. Geometry, algebra and formulas 1.Geometría remarkable, remarkable formulas algebra 2. Vector in Plano.). Exercises (curious problems, riddles, amusing anecdotes. Books, videos, shop math problems and games. Problems and exercises given from Murcia). Materials teaching (programming of the first cycle of that ATENEA. The computer in mathematics. MERCURIO. The Electronic Media in Mathematics Curriculum, Mathematics Workshop. Mathematics: Activities with graphing calculators.) Mathematics Olympics. Links. Secondary
Algebra, Analysis, Geometry, Probability. Math Resources Resources
math Iris network. Of departments from different English universities. Search. Meta dictionary of scientific terms.
Algebra, Analysis, Geometry, Statistics.
Resources and Tutorials ~ mrodri7
In these pages you will find classroom activities (in html), activities with manipulatives resources (Azar: Learning to count. Frequencies and Probability. Calculating probabilities.) (Geometry: Some activities to work in high school geometry.) (Action: Some activities to work Measurement in Primary and Secondary). It also contains articles, book references, links, activities with graphing calculators (Technologies Teaching Mathematics in Secondary School. Changes in Algebra curriculum. Resolution a system of equations with a parameter. CBL and calculator TI83. Guide to the TI83) and Cabri. Interventions roundtables (Methodology in the Teaching of Mathematics in Secondary School. The Teaching of Mathematics in European countries) and lectures at conferences (NN.TT. in Mathematics. Technology in Teaching Mathematics in Secondary).
Primary School.
Algebra, Analysis, Statistics, Geometry, Probability.
RedeMaTic also reachable by Portuguese Excellent site which covers the use of new technologies in the teaching / learning of mathematics (Java, Sketchpad, Excel and Cabri). News and announcements. Materials tab in the form of classified doc format in 7 th, 8 th, 9 th year and other materials, with explanations of the software used for development and implementation in the classroom. Each year is classified as teaching units. Links in Portuguese, English, geometry for teachers, problems and activities. Links for students. Software. Java Applets. Publications and Debate. Secondary
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, Probability.
Simple Troubleshooting related to the area of \u200b\u200bmathematics. ~ dcb / math / index.htm
page dedicated to solving problems. Definition of a problem. Parts of a problem. Possible classification problems. We will solve problems.
Primary School.
Algebra, Geometry.
Electronic Journal of the National Seminar: Calculators and Computers in Education
Electronic Journal of the National Seminar: Calculators and Computers in Mathematics Education. (Universidad de Sonora). Mathematical modeling supported TI92 graphing calculator. Teaching Differential Calculus course relying on the management of HP-48GX calculator. Rational Functions: Experience with Graphic Calculator. Using Calculators: Math TI-92 Explorer and in solving problems. Experience with teachers of basic and middle levels. On continuous and discontinuous functions. Some advances in the use of Learning Space in the teaching of mathematics. Do you know high school students use their calculators functions properly? Ordinary Differential Equations using the TI-92 calculator in the classroom: A challenge to the current curriculum of basic education. Geometric Building Strategies packages by "The Geometer's Sketchpad and Autocad" Presentation intuitive precalculus topics from the interaction of different registers of representation of a function. A Mathematical Model for the Onda Sonora. An approach to the concept of probability in computer use. The role of computer in teaching-learning process of mathematics. Teaching the concepts of limits and continuity of functions. Vs. Euclidean geometry. Non-Euclidean Geometry: Teaching with manipulatives and Dynamic Geometry Package. Using the TI-82 graphing calculator in the field of Statistics. "Using a calculator in class TI_83 Calculus and Trigonometry" . Sociology and Mathematics Education Network. Finding the mean from the data and its variations. Traffic between representations in the study of curves using Derive. Notions of randomness. A graphing calculator application. Study of the slope. 7 graphing calculator activities. Development of software to support the differential calculus course. Workshop Course computer-assisted Dynamic Geometry. Analytic Geometry, Charts and Tables. Cognition and Computation: The Case of Geometry and Visualization. (All items in html).
Primary, Secondary, High School, University.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, General Mathematics, Probability.
Virtual Journal of Mathematics
Electronic Journal of Mathematics. Contributions. The World of Mathematics. Pedagogical and Didactic Material contributions. Mathematics and Internet Tools (LaTeX2HTML, JavaSketchpad and Mathematica). History of Mathematics. Games & Entertainment. Educational Software programming. Virtual Forum. Math Olympics exercises. School of Mathematics, ITCR. Interactive Geometry: JavaSketchpad and 3D animation with Mathematica (20 examples of surfaces, solids and projections).
High, High School, University. Unclassified
Resources and materials for activities compiled by various secondary schools in Leganés (Madrid). These materials are designed to be exposed on the boards of the centers. Guess who is (activity related to the history of mathematics: biography, tracks, Spain at the time, was born in ... poster, photo), thinking problems (classified by series, high school and solution), quotes, poems, curiosities, kits, puzzles, you know?.
Secondary High School.
Algebra, Arithmetic, Geometry. SAEM Thales
page of the Mathematical Association Thales. Activities, conferences, publications, journal Thales. Thales Mathematical Olympiad for students in Secondary 2 (suggested problems in several years in html). Resource. Links. Distance Education Courses THALES-CICA-CEC. (Very full notes and documents from other areas of mathematics: algebra, analysis, geometry, numbers, operations research, probability, statistics).
Nursery, Primary, Secondary, Baccalaureate, University.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, General Mathematics, Probability.
page in Galician Galician Society for the Promotion gives you statistics and operations research. Contains information about the association, activities, projects, documents (among which is the project of descriptive statistics for 3 º ESO), newsletter of the Association award for educational innovation and information about their annual conference. A section devoted to high school where we found information (Html \u200b\u200band doc formats) on statistical content subjects in secondary and high schools Enein (Math I and II. Mathematics Applied to Social Sciences. Statistics ESO. Statistical Methods) and also at the primary purposes for Statistics).
Primary, Secondary, High School.
SMILE PROGRAM MATHEMATICS INDEX ~ smile / mathinde.html Stock
200 math lessons divided into the following categories: measurement and geometry, logic, statistics and probability, recreational mathematics , applied mathematics, arithmetic, graphic and visual mathematics, algebra and trigonometry. Language: English.
Nursery, Primary, Secondary, High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Statistics, Geometry, General Mathematics, Probability.
Asturiana Mathematics Education Society "Agustín De Pedrayes" Information on partnership activities: articles, working groups , Asturiana Olympiad (for students in first and second cycle of ESO) and conferences. Assorted links: teaching resources, competitions and Olympics, companies and research groups and several. Problem of the month: three problems proposed and the previous solution.
Secondary High School. Unclassified
The content is geared toward the CBC (CBC), entry course at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) in Argentina . And final exams (in Word format) in mathematics, and engineering economic analysis, and algebra to economic and engineering.
Bachelors, University.
Algebra, Analysis. Math Tables
Tables General Mathematics (Notation of Numbers, Sums Chart, Multiplication Table) Algebra (Basic Identities, Sections, Tapered, polynomial, exponential, Algebra curves), Geometry (Areas, Volumes, Surface Areas, Circles), Trigonometry (Identities, Hyperbolic, Trigonometric Curves), loose ends (Constants, Vectors, Complexity, Miscellaneous, Curves), Statistics (distributions), Calculus (Integral , Derivatives) and Advanced Affairs (Fourier Series, Transforms). These pages can be downloaded to view Off line.
Primary, Secondary, High School, University.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Geometry, Statistics. Math Workshop
page classified activities and number games problems, by levels and spatial vision. Strategies for solving problems. Secondary
Algebra, Arithmetic, Geometry, General Math. The Fractal Microscope
page in English which combines fractals and its relationship to the secondary curriculum. Justification. Fractals in the classroom: coordinate systems, scientific notation, arithmetic, negative numbers, multiplication and distribution property. Secondary
Arithmetic, Algebra.
The Glossary of Mathematical Mistakes Stock
mathematical errors. Error of the month, file errors, errors in news, problems and puzzles ranked in arithmetic, algebra and geometry. English page.
Secondary High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, General Mathematics, Probability.
The Math Forum - Ask Dr. Math
Questions to Dr. Math. Uncertainties and classified according to educational level and content. Search. Problems. Teaching units. (In English).
Primary, Secondary, High School, University.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, General Mathematics, Probability.
The Sound of Mathematics
This page (in English) contains MIDI sound files created using mathematical algorithms and explain the methods used. Music is classified by type of algorithm used: combinatorics (permutations, and Pascal's triangle), constants (Pi, e, Omega, Copeland-Erdos and Frodo), functions (Pi Euler function, Möbius Mu Function, Function and trigonometric functions T ), numbers (Niven numbers, prime numbers and Pythagorean triples) and recursion (Lorenz attractor's, Fibonacci Sequence, Golden Number and Sierpinski Triangle).
Analysis, Arithmetic, Geometry, Statistics.
This is Mega-Mathematics!
page in English containing many activities very well sorted (each consisting of activities, evaluation, vocabulary and extension): color maps, games with possible variations, knots, illustrations for a story (hotel infinity), algorithms and solving problems and puzzles. The content of this website can serve the Math Workshop.
Primary School.
Algebra, Arithmetic, Geometry, Statistics, Probability.
Typis & Sumptibus
Cervantes is a free application program in English for the automatic generation of online courses and manuals. The purpose of this program is assist teachers in developing resources and content development methodology. Unclassified
. Unclassified
Valladolid / Applied Mathematics / Miguel Revilla Revilla ~ / TAhd.html
Algoblemas (Janoi Towers, Euler Paths, etc.). Problems and issues the following tests: asymptotic notations. Mathematical induction. Numerical functions. Sums and products. Factorial and combinatorial numbers. Matrices and determinants. Recurrent successions. Generating functions. Probabilities. Autotext on Numerical Methods. Software: introduction in English to MathLab. Alphabetical dictionary English-language algorithms.
Algebra, Analysis, Statistics, Probability. Virtual Reality
Poliedra classified
Great collection virtual polyhedra. English page.
Secondary College.
search educational resources. Includes math section. Unclassified
. Unclassified
. welcome ~ fuller /
Page Research Group Education Statistics, University of Granada (Department of Mathematics Education). Inmglés contains many documents (some in Word format and some in html) on Teaching of Probability, Teaching Statistics, Research and Doctoral Theses. Contains links for mathematics education. You can highlight a link to the Electronic Journal IASE (Statistical Education Research Newsletter) where we can get several numbers (in English) that are in various formats (doc, pdf and some in RTF).
High, High School, University.
Statistics, Probability.
Welcome to Camel - Camel Bienvenue à
page in English and French Canadian Mathematical Society. Information on the association, publications, Olympics, activities and conferences. Contains a section dedicated to classified resources in education (students and teachers dedicated to classified primary, secondary, resources, journals and technology in education), students, work (job offers very detailed information about the company offering the position, location , qualifications required, job type) and women (articles in pdf format on women and mathematics, biographies of women mathematicians, societies, books and articles on this subject and links. We can also access the directory Canadian women mathematicians listed in alphabetical and geographical).
Primary, Secondary, High School, University. General Mathematics
Xah's Home Page
Groups translation and rotation in the plane. Extensive collection of curves in the plane (70 animations in QuickTime, 120 Geometer's Sketchpad files and 10 programs for Mathematica). Graphics Gallery. Software of all kinds related to mathematics (also freeware). The information is very highly rated. Language: English.
High, High School, University.
Algebra, Geometry.
Congratulationsbaby Japanese
editorial page of the SM. Contains a section devoted to mathematics, divided into: Abacus (digital magazine published monthly), staff room (forum, message board and chat), Resource Bank (excellent search engine, test of selectivity that can be downloaded in pdf, materials to use in the classroom in pdf format: Biographies of mathematics, recreational mathematics, new technologies in the classroom, mathematics and seals, recreational resources in secondary mathematics, tutorial and Ingenio Derive mathematical library: database publishing books, curriculum projects in pdf format classified by communities, level and subject,) and virtual advisor (legal and computer).
Infant, primary, secondary, high school.
Analysis, Algebra, Statistics, Geometry, Probability.
excellent page in English depending on We can access resources classified students, teachers and parents. Popular mathematics (personal finances, drives, lottery ...). General math (scientific notation, numbers, fractions, decimals). Algebra (polynomials, simplifying expressions, complex numbers). Charts (equation of a line drawing function). Trigonometry (trigonometric expressions, triangles). Calculus (derivatives, integrals). Mathematics in life. This page offers interactivity can solve problems and specific operations related to all issues mentioned above. Educational software classified by areas and age groups said according to various aspects (one of which is its educational value.)
Primary, Secondary, High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, General Mathematics, Probability.
virtual encyclopedia Extensive and excellent education. One of its sections dealing with mathematics: numbers, operations, geometry, mathematical games. Questions. For teachers, the information is classified in training and education sites categorized by level of education, calendar, educational information and forums noticiasn.
nursery, primary, Secondary High School.
Algebra, Arithmetic, Geometry.
IGE (Instituto Galego de Estatística) IGE
pages where we can find, among other information, details of Galicia (Galicia in figures). Resources.
Secondary High School.
Statistics. Index2
site dedicated to mosaics and tessellations in mathematics education. The content is structured in school geometry, geometry in art, teaching material and learning of geometry, materials and skills, computer: a tool to work in the classroom, in what is the proposed work?, tessellations in the classroom, considerations about the activities, activity guide, and literature evaluation proposal.
Primary, Secondary.
Editorial Santillana page that contains documents and resources for the classroom. Html, doc and pdf. We can also access from the home page to resources classified by educational levels (job offers, articles, proposed curriculum, class schedule). You can access reviews criteria of selectivity and correction of individual autonomy.
Nursery, Primary, Secondary, High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, Probability. Index
Teaching Units Teaching Units
being developed in the Descartes PNTIC. These units are classified by level: first and second ESO 4 º ESO option A and B, first and second year of the Bachelors of the modalities of Humanities and Social Sciences, and Natural Science and Health, or Technology. Other levels and applications (The conical, exponential and logarithmic function, the zip line, the Gaussian polynomials, cubic equation in two variables and curves in polar coordinates. Pages with java.
Secondary High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Statistics, Geometry, Probability .
Math Course Index
math activities (tangram, building a sundial, puzzles, tricks, notes ...). doc formats. important issues in html with animated graphics: the concept of derivative, integral, conic equations and systems.
Secondary High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, Probability.
page Gallego Committee of the World Year of Mathematics 2000. Materials: film and mathematics, and video presentations. Agreement of the Commission 4 th of Education and Culture of the Parliament of Galicia on the conclusion in 2000 the World Year of Mathematics. Mathematician of the week.
High, High School, University. Unclassified
. InfoUSA's PlaneMath
Main Page
Excellent English page infoUSA project in collaboration with NASA that aims to encourage the study of mathematics in children with physical disabilities using the internet (contains a PDF document which explains the use of different types of browsers and existing specialized software the market). It seeks to develop new techniques to teach science, mathematics, engineering and aeronautics. These pages are very well documented in their fundamentals (NCTM Math Standards) and goal gives great importance to the troubleshooting section. The information is divided into four sections: Activities, Support, Links and Information for parents. Each interactive unit also contains suggestions for individual activities, group activities and expliaciones on its objectives aimed at parents and teachers involved in the project.
Primary School.
Algebra, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, Probability. Home ~ ma1marea
Learning Mathematics reasoning. Page Professor Angel Martinez Recio where a documentation that can be consulted by students of the Faculty of Education and provides information that teachers and students can access educational standards for education mandatory. Theoretical and practical guidelines for the teaching of mathematics. Practical activities (primary and secondary) and search engines. Mathematics and the Internet. Activities for elementary, secondary, teacher training and educational psychology.
Primary, Secondary, University. Unclassified
. Home Pqcom ~ fcoquiles / index.htm
activities and resources classified in ESO and Bachillerato. On the ESO, the contents are: angles of a triangle. Geometry in the triangle. Cyclic quadrilateral. Tha. Pythagoras (1). Tha. Pythagoras (2). Triangle rec. registered. Platonic solids . As a high school, resources are classified as: Eq vector of a line. Vector in R3 (Rep). COU (selectivity exercises, software (Geo 3, exercises and instructions) and linear programming exercises and matrix calculus exam.) Graphics / Feature (Puzzle1). Derive profit. Func.Trig. elementary. Uses java applets.
Secondary High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Geometry.
very interesting page dedicated to children. General education content of Mathematics. Contains a section of games and software (each discussed in a tab education). free education for nursery, primary, secondary and special education also classified by areas.
Nursery, Primary, Secondary.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Geometry. Javier
Brihuega (Mathematics Education page) ~ jbrihueg /
Here you can find activities, problems, some of them in the entrance examinations to the university news and links (including one to the utmost and others to Bulletin of the Society of Teachers of Mathematics Madrileña Emma Castelnuovo). Activities (for high school students) are organized by levels and topics: Geometry, Functions, Trigonometry, Probability, Distributions and Statistical Inference and Hypothesis Testing. This page also contains business data and bibliography of the author's own page.
Secondary High School.
Analysis, Statistics, Geometry, Probability. Days
Anoia 2000 Playful ~ jvidal1/index.htm
page in Catalan of Mathematics Playful Days Anoia 2000 took place on 28 March 30, 2000. Contains a virtual exhibition with plenty of graphic documentation and description of materials and activities.
Primary School. Unclassified
Armenteira Geometry 20geometria% 20of% 20armenteira.htm
page where we study the geometry of the Santa Maria Church Armenteira. Church Plant. The Leader. The Apse. The Front Page. The north facade. Longitudinal section. Cross section. Mail and suggestions.
Primary School.
site for students and scholars
Other resource contains an extensive collection of notes with exercises and assignments (algebra, geometry, analysis, statistics, calculator use, also a biography) in html.
High, High School, University.
Algebra, Analysis, Statistics, Geometry, Probability. Lam 2000 Virtual Exhibition
old math books. University of La Laguna. Excellent site where we can find books at the bottom of your library classified in medieval works. The Encyclopedia. Editions of The Elements. University textbooks. Great authors. Popular arithmetic. Infinitesimal Calculus. Trigonometric tables.
Secondary College.
Algebra, Analysis, Geometry.
Excellent collection of geometric activity cards based on photographs of the city of Évora, Portalegre, Portugal, and Caceres and Badajoz, in Spain. The cards are primarily aimed at children who study Portuguese and English high school early and to teachers for their classroom work, students and teacher training. The rate of the chips is as follows: the city, the streets, cylinders, circles, cones, ellipses, spheres, polygons, triangles, rectangles, octagons, prisms, parallel parables, symmetry, mirrors, tiles, clocks, arches, gates, sculptures, floors and lines. Each tab consists of three parts: observe, laying the foundation and activities. Secondary
Free Textbooks
Textbooks active in digital format on several subjects classified by level of education. Primary
Algebra, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, Probability.
Links2go: Mathematics Links
classified. Contains links to history (with biographies of women mathematicians), partnerships, games, art, mathematics, resources and search engines. Language: English.
High, High School, University.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Statistics, General Mathematics, Probability. My Task
page with many resources in various subjects. Contains a list of links to mathematics. Consultation Forum.
Primary, Secondary, High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Statistics, Geometry, Probability.
Concept Maps. This page is justified and exemplified the use of concept maps in mathematics. Maps and functions. The conceptual map. What is it?. Paper on learning. Functions and maps. Learning to map. The teacher's role. Most important objectives. Content on facts concepts and principles. Content on procedures. Attitudes and bibliography.
University. Unclassified
. Mathematics Education
Congress, links, publications (annotated links to pages publications related to mathematical content.) Articles. This site aims to share some initial research articles, conferences, didactic, etc.., Related to mathematics education with the intent to form focus groups among teachers in Algebra, Geometry, Calculus, Probability, Statistics and Technology and Education.
Algebra, Analysis, Statistics, Geometry, Probability. Math
section devoted to mathematics in the online encyclopedia The information is classified in Contents (Introduction, Algebra, Calculus, Geometry, Statistics and Probability, Mathematics at your fingertips), Fundamental Laws and Performers (History of Mathematics).
Primary, Secondary, High School, University.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, General Mathematics, Probability.
Mathematics for All in 2000
Corporate website Hypatia of Valladolid. Activities: photography and math. Recreational mathematics: problems classified ESO (first and second cycle) and high school. Section who is? It is full of clues to discover the famous mathematician. In the parents section include the exhibition of "mathematical material" built by students of the Institute and math bingo. We can find in the section did you know that? articles devoted to topics such as DIN, Fibonacci Number, Codification of the letter of the NIF, the Four Color Theorem
,...) Secondary High School. General Mathematics
editorial page of the SM. Contains a section devoted to mathematics, divided into: Abacus (digital magazine published monthly), staff room (forum, message board and chat), Resource Bank (excellent search engine, test of selectivity that can be downloaded in pdf, materials to use in the classroom in pdf format: Biographies of mathematics, recreational mathematics, new technologies in the classroom, mathematics and seals, recreational resources in secondary mathematics, tutorial and Ingenio Derive mathematical library: database publishing books, curriculum projects in pdf format classified by communities, level and subject,) and virtual advisor (legal and computer).
Infant, primary, secondary, high school.
Analysis, Algebra, Statistics, Geometry, Probability.
excellent page in English depending on We can access resources classified students, teachers and parents. Popular mathematics (personal finances, drives, lottery ...). General math (scientific notation, numbers, fractions, decimals). Algebra (polynomials, simplifying expressions, complex numbers). Charts (equation of a line drawing function). Trigonometry (trigonometric expressions, triangles). Calculus (derivatives, integrals). Mathematics in life. This page offers interactivity can solve problems and specific operations related to all issues mentioned above. Educational software classified by areas and age groups said according to various aspects (one of which is its educational value.)
Primary, Secondary, High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, General Mathematics, Probability.
virtual encyclopedia Extensive and excellent education. One of its sections dealing with mathematics: numbers, operations, geometry, mathematical games. Questions. For teachers, the information is classified in training and education sites categorized by level of education, calendar, educational information and forums noticiasn.
nursery, primary, Secondary High School.
Algebra, Arithmetic, Geometry.
IGE (Instituto Galego de Estatística) IGE
pages where we can find, among other information, details of Galicia (Galicia in figures). Resources.
Secondary High School.
Statistics. Index2
site dedicated to mosaics and tessellations in mathematics education. The content is structured in school geometry, geometry in art, teaching material and learning of geometry, materials and skills, computer: a tool to work in the classroom, in what is the proposed work?, tessellations in the classroom, considerations about the activities, activity guide, and literature evaluation proposal.
Primary, Secondary.
Editorial Santillana page that contains documents and resources for the classroom. Html, doc and pdf. We can also access from the home page to resources classified by educational levels (job offers, articles, proposed curriculum, class schedule). You can access reviews criteria of selectivity and correction of individual autonomy.
Nursery, Primary, Secondary, High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, Probability. Index
Teaching Units Teaching Units
being developed in the Descartes PNTIC. These units are classified by level: first and second ESO 4 º ESO option A and B, first and second year of the Bachelors of the modalities of Humanities and Social Sciences, and Natural Science and Health, or Technology. Other levels and applications (The conical, exponential and logarithmic function, the zip line, the Gaussian polynomials, cubic equation in two variables and curves in polar coordinates. Pages with java.
Secondary High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Statistics, Geometry, Probability .
Math Course Index
math activities (tangram, building a sundial, puzzles, tricks, notes ...). doc formats. important issues in html with animated graphics: the concept of derivative, integral, conic equations and systems.
Secondary High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, Probability.
page Gallego Committee of the World Year of Mathematics 2000. Materials: film and mathematics, and video presentations. Agreement of the Commission 4 th of Education and Culture of the Parliament of Galicia on the conclusion in 2000 the World Year of Mathematics. Mathematician of the week.
High, High School, University. Unclassified
. InfoUSA's PlaneMath
Main Page
Excellent English page infoUSA project in collaboration with NASA that aims to encourage the study of mathematics in children with physical disabilities using the internet (contains a PDF document which explains the use of different types of browsers and existing specialized software the market). It seeks to develop new techniques to teach science, mathematics, engineering and aeronautics. These pages are very well documented in their fundamentals (NCTM Math Standards) and goal gives great importance to the troubleshooting section. The information is divided into four sections: Activities, Support, Links and Information for parents. Each interactive unit also contains suggestions for individual activities, group activities and expliaciones on its objectives aimed at parents and teachers involved in the project.
Primary School.
Algebra, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, Probability. Home ~ ma1marea
Learning Mathematics reasoning. Page Professor Angel Martinez Recio where a documentation that can be consulted by students of the Faculty of Education and provides information that teachers and students can access educational standards for education mandatory. Theoretical and practical guidelines for the teaching of mathematics. Practical activities (primary and secondary) and search engines. Mathematics and the Internet. Activities for elementary, secondary, teacher training and educational psychology.
Primary, Secondary, University. Unclassified
. Home Pqcom ~ fcoquiles / index.htm
activities and resources classified in ESO and Bachillerato. On the ESO, the contents are: angles of a triangle. Geometry in the triangle. Cyclic quadrilateral. Tha. Pythagoras (1). Tha. Pythagoras (2). Triangle rec. registered. Platonic solids . As a high school, resources are classified as: Eq vector of a line. Vector in R3 (Rep). COU (selectivity exercises, software (Geo 3, exercises and instructions) and linear programming exercises and matrix calculus exam.) Graphics / Feature (Puzzle1). Derive profit. Func.Trig. elementary. Uses java applets.
Secondary High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Geometry.
very interesting page dedicated to children. General education content of Mathematics. Contains a section of games and software (each discussed in a tab education). free education for nursery, primary, secondary and special education also classified by areas.
Nursery, Primary, Secondary.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Geometry. Javier
Brihuega (Mathematics Education page) ~ jbrihueg /
Here you can find activities, problems, some of them in the entrance examinations to the university news and links (including one to the utmost and others to Bulletin of the Society of Teachers of Mathematics Madrileña Emma Castelnuovo). Activities (for high school students) are organized by levels and topics: Geometry, Functions, Trigonometry, Probability, Distributions and Statistical Inference and Hypothesis Testing. This page also contains business data and bibliography of the author's own page.
Secondary High School.
Analysis, Statistics, Geometry, Probability. Days
Anoia 2000 Playful ~ jvidal1/index.htm
page in Catalan of Mathematics Playful Days Anoia 2000 took place on 28 March 30, 2000. Contains a virtual exhibition with plenty of graphic documentation and description of materials and activities.
Primary School. Unclassified
Armenteira Geometry 20geometria% 20of% 20armenteira.htm
page where we study the geometry of the Santa Maria Church Armenteira. Church Plant. The Leader. The Apse. The Front Page. The north facade. Longitudinal section. Cross section. Mail and suggestions.
Primary School.
site for students and scholars
Other resource contains an extensive collection of notes with exercises and assignments (algebra, geometry, analysis, statistics, calculator use, also a biography) in html.
High, High School, University.
Algebra, Analysis, Statistics, Geometry, Probability. Lam 2000 Virtual Exhibition
old math books. University of La Laguna. Excellent site where we can find books at the bottom of your library classified in medieval works. The Encyclopedia. Editions of The Elements. University textbooks. Great authors. Popular arithmetic. Infinitesimal Calculus. Trigonometric tables.
Secondary College.
Algebra, Analysis, Geometry.
Excellent collection of geometric activity cards based on photographs of the city of Évora, Portalegre, Portugal, and Caceres and Badajoz, in Spain. The cards are primarily aimed at children who study Portuguese and English high school early and to teachers for their classroom work, students and teacher training. The rate of the chips is as follows: the city, the streets, cylinders, circles, cones, ellipses, spheres, polygons, triangles, rectangles, octagons, prisms, parallel parables, symmetry, mirrors, tiles, clocks, arches, gates, sculptures, floors and lines. Each tab consists of three parts: observe, laying the foundation and activities. Secondary
Free Textbooks
Textbooks active in digital format on several subjects classified by level of education. Primary
Algebra, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, Probability.
Links2go: Mathematics Links
classified. Contains links to history (with biographies of women mathematicians), partnerships, games, art, mathematics, resources and search engines. Language: English.
High, High School, University.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Statistics, General Mathematics, Probability. My Task
page with many resources in various subjects. Contains a list of links to mathematics. Consultation Forum.
Primary, Secondary, High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Statistics, Geometry, Probability.
Concept Maps. This page is justified and exemplified the use of concept maps in mathematics. Maps and functions. The conceptual map. What is it?. Paper on learning. Functions and maps. Learning to map. The teacher's role. Most important objectives. Content on facts concepts and principles. Content on procedures. Attitudes and bibliography.
University. Unclassified
. Mathematics Education
Congress, links, publications (annotated links to pages publications related to mathematical content.) Articles. This site aims to share some initial research articles, conferences, didactic, etc.., Related to mathematics education with the intent to form focus groups among teachers in Algebra, Geometry, Calculus, Probability, Statistics and Technology and Education.
Algebra, Analysis, Statistics, Geometry, Probability. Math
section devoted to mathematics in the online encyclopedia The information is classified in Contents (Introduction, Algebra, Calculus, Geometry, Statistics and Probability, Mathematics at your fingertips), Fundamental Laws and Performers (History of Mathematics).
Primary, Secondary, High School, University.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, General Mathematics, Probability.
Mathematics for All in 2000
Corporate website Hypatia of Valladolid. Activities: photography and math. Recreational mathematics: problems classified ESO (first and second cycle) and high school. Section who is? It is full of clues to discover the famous mathematician. In the parents section include the exhibition of "mathematical material" built by students of the Institute and math bingo. We can find in the section did you know that? articles devoted to topics such as DIN, Fibonacci Number, Codification of the letter of the NIF, the Four Color Theorem
,...) Secondary High School. General Mathematics
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