Internet Resources Journal of Mathematics MATH
Resources 2mdc
Exercises (classified by subject) of the evidence of selectivity. In mathematics are grouped in geometry, calculus, probability and algebra. Excellent in content and presentation (using Flash). Bachelor
Algebra, Analysis, Geometry, Probability.
3iEduca: Group Dinamization & Educational Telematics
page (in several languages) of the Telematics Group Educational Revitalization. Other general educational resources, contains information on educational resources in areas and levels. Mathematics, links are classified into English (Exercises and resources, personal pages, journals, essays and papers, math software, search engines and documentation) in English (Standards , Geometry, Teacher Resources, Trivia and other links).
Nursery, Primary, Secondary, High School, University
matrix algebra. ~ jvaamond /
Enjoy the calculator using matrix algebra and the generators of practical examples, exercises and self-assessment tests designed in JavaScript. All content on the Web are designed to achieve fluency in the manipulation of matrices and determinants using the Gauss method or triangulation. Definition, matrix operations, range, inverse, determinants and systems of equations. Bachelor
Algebra. Mathematical Analysis II 20Caro/Venturini/index.htm
Mathematical Analysis II page at the Faculty of Cs. Economics, UBA (Universidad de Buenos Aires). Test scores, recommended reading, faculty, course distance journeys.
Antonio Pérez. Math. ~ aperez4
Entertainment, curriculum, experience, resources and links. Software, books (news commentary), Escher. Fibonacci: the Golden Number Problems: mathematics workshop. IRC channel on education. History: Main symbols over time. BBC2: The Adventure of Knowledge (Mathematics), titles of the 10 programs of 24 minutes. Riddles. Selectivity problems Logse Madrid in zip format. Games: java. Video and Mathematics.
Secondary High School.
Arithmetic, General Mathematics, Probability. APM
page Association of Teachers of Mathematics in Portugal. General information, workshops, publications, exhibitions, lesson plans, meetings, resources learning of mathematics. Debate. Contains a section (FAQ) dedicated to answer questions classified by level of education. Humor mathematician. Software. Interactive applications. Mathematical curiosities (cousins \u200b\u200band regularities in chronological evolution in the calculation of pi). Magazine Educação and Mathematics "(some articles in PDF format).
Nursery, Primary, Secondary, High School, University. Unclassified
. /
Excellent English website which was developed to help students improve their math skills interactively using Java. The Content is divided into FlashCards (java-related Activities in addition, multiplication, square roots, rounding. It is possible to create our own activities: fractions, priority operations, algebra, surfaces, equivalent fractions.) Games (interactive related to basic operations). Help for work at home (suna, subtraction, division and division with remainder). Worksheets (to print responses also related to the basic operations). Primary
Algebra, Arithmetic. Basic notes
page html with notes on self-assessment exercises and applied mathematics. Numerical sets. Operations. Using a calculator. Equations. Analysis of a problem. Coordinates. Functions. Notable points. Integral. Matrices. Probability distributions. probability.
Secondary High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Geometry, Probability.
Association for Women in Mathematics.
English page of the Association for Women in Mathematics, which encourages the presence of women in mathematics. Activities, resources and biographies. Classified programs and activities for students, educators and parents. and finally, for everyone. It contains a very interesting paragraph biographies of women mathematicians.
Nursery, Primary, Secondary, High School, University. Unclassified
. Here Matemàtiques
Resources, links, and jobs agenda. Software in English and Catalan. Olympics in Catalonia. Mathematical Kangaroo. Mathplets (applets math: fractions, integrals, vectors, geometric transformations, trigonometry, slide rules, calculating the Julian day, plotting functions, constructive solid geometry, Descartes, Distribution Normal, symbolic calculus, statistics).
Secondary High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Geometry, Statistics, Probability. Banda de Moebius
without semitorsion.html
graphic documentation page dedicated to the Banda de Moebius and the unilateral construction of a surface of the class of the Moebius strip without any semitorsión in three different ways. Secondary
Geometry. Welcome
Math Questions. The purpose This website is to make the doubts that arise when studying mathematics can be resolved by other boaters. Algebra, analysis and statistics. Tests in graphical format. Lots of links.
Algebra, Analysis, Statistics.
Using calculators in the ESO. Very comprehensive site where it discusses the use of calculators. Curriculum and calculator. Page written in the four official English languages. Secondary
. School. Unclassified
Canada's SchoolNet: Learning Resources
page in English educational resources in general. Mathematics annotated links. Contains a classification according to educational levels: kindergarten, primary and secondary.
Nursery, Primary, Secondary.
Algebra, Analysis, Statistics, Geometry, General Mathematics, Probability.
Club of Friends of Mathematics CRYING ~ escurema / crying /
Page Club of Friends of Mathematics SCREAMS. His interest focuses on training a group of university students in mathematical methods and, more specifically in skills and abilities to the solution and approach mathematical problems. Section of problems (one problem per week), trivia (historical notes, anecdotes and famous quotes), documents (developed by Cry), tips (suggested heuristics for mathematical thinking and problem solving) and links to WWW sites dedicated to the dissemination mathematical problems. Secondary
. Unclassified
. Content
page dedicated to Texas Instruments calculadosras and education. What calculator for what age? What calculator choose?. Discussion Groups. Using calculators in the classroom. Material Support. Magazines. Training. Books in English and other languages. Project T3 T3 Spain and Europe. Software & Tools for the classroom. The software for TI calculators can be downloaded from the address
Primary, Secondary, High School. Unclassified
Construction ... (Index)
This material is framed in "geometrical constructions of various materials, it is a working material , aimed at both teachers of upper MM.SS. EGB as that of, in support of the proposed work on Geometry. The electronic book is structured in separate chapters. They collect ideas and suggestions that the teacher must adapt to the level or specific course in which they are working. Geometry of the fold. Looking for the best folio. A little geometry of the triangle. The strip geometry on the strip of paper. The Pythagorean wonders of the regular pentagon. Numbers polygons. The best idea of \u200b\u200bArchimedes. A magic tape. Let's play pool. A versatile curve. A more complicated pool. Equations and shows the properties of the cycloid. Secondary
Algebra, Geometry. Mathematical Curiosities
page with activities and problems with their educational goals discussed in the help page (in features of the pages and use teaching tips.) Problems are classified as very large numbers. Curious problems. Is it true that 2 = square root of 2?. A perfect sequence. Facts about perfect squares. The paradox of the square. Inside or outside? The deception of the string. A failure of intuition. Graph theory. Currency rotation. Rectangle. The Fibonacci sequence. Fibonacci sequence and golden ratio. The regular pentagon. Golden rectangle. Sum of numbers in the calendar. A game that always can win. Games with numbers. Palindrome numbers. Amicable numbers. A rich honey comb. The importance of small changes. Flash mathematician. Those names. All problems have solutions to these sections on the page. Secondary
Arithmetic, Geometry, General Math.
Statistical Inference Course
find a course in statistical inference for high school, which includes activities, worksheets and use the applet Interactive Descartes. Introduction, theory of samples. Central Limit Theorem. Estimate. Estimate average. Estimation of proportion. Hypothesis test. Nature of hypothesis testing. P-value method. Calculation of Type II error. Margins of error. Bibliography. Documents and resources. Bachelor
Statistics. Mates
De Na "?
Web site created by students taking MATH WORKSHOP IES Sierra Minera (La Union, Murcia), with research and curiosities Math. Journey through genius is a game based on a mathematical tracks so that they have to figure out who it is. Matenoticias is a section that includes comics and news about the World Year of Mathematics. In paragraph did you know that ... ? are some curiosities that students found the workshop on polnomios and calculators. Mathematical Eye is a "safari" looking photo of mathematics around us and often do not see. Secondary
Algebra, Geometry, General Math.
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