Friday, October 28, 2005

Boobs At Fantasy Fest Home / classroom / math / math
Portal. Internet Municipal Council of A Coruña. Classified Math Links and Primary, ESO 1 º Ciclo, ESO 2 º Ciclo, Bachelor / Cou and Other Mathematics (recreational mathematics, fractals, tiles, knots, Escher, astronomy, polyhedra and software). Olympics.
Nursery, Primary, Secondary, High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Statistics, General Mathematics, Probability.

GEUP Geometry is a program for Microsoft Windows 9x, ME, NT, 2000. The user has a virtual plane where, through the creation of geometric elements and using multiple tools, geometric constructions are possible. With GEUP can graphically simulate geometric problems, check geometric properties or discover new, interactive and visually experiencing. GEUP is a freeware and is distributed through a trial version with which you can check what the program offers. The trial version has limited functionality with respect to the registered version.
Secondary High School.
Geometry. Website

José María Arias
General Bibliography and proper. Cabri-Geometry (Description of the program. Example: movements by the plane. Links.) Calculator (Use Calculator). Mental arithmetic (mental arithmetic simple exercises). Carné-calculus. Cuadros-perimeter and area formulas. Curiosities (recreational mathematics). Cabri-Excel, Derive. Testing (Assessment of learning. Reflections of the authors of the books of the Editorial Casals). Excel-statistics (Statistics and probability worksheet. Description of the program. Sample descriptive statistics). Olympics (English Mathematical Olympiad in doc format). Bach Prize Ext. (Special Award BA in doc format). Programming (mathematics projects and high school for doc format). Selectivity (Collection of evidence of selectivity in doc format). Magazines (List of magazines published in Spain in mathematical content, address and contact telephone numbers). Research Workshop. (Activities: This is a complementary and expansion on the NIF). Transparencies (Transparencies in CDR format on various topics and high school. Methodology on its use.) Videos (List of videos about mathematics and its methodology). Interesting Web. Contains an interesting section on computing.
Secondary High School.
Analysis, Algebra, Statistics, Geometry, Probability.

Math Website
The information is classified in Algebra (Mathematical logic, set theory, linear applications, sets of numbers). Mathematical analysis (Inheritance numeric, numerical series, Real functions of 1 variable, Derivatives of functions of 1 variable), Statistics (Combinatorics). Moreover, a second content rating in trouble (many with solutions including related recreational mathematics), stories and stories, links and free and paid software. Forums, mailing lists, IRC and newsgroups.
High, High School, University.
Algebra, Analysis, Statistics, Mathematics, General. Website

Miguel de Guzmán Ozamiz
Courses (work inaccessible or exhausted that have proved useful to students of the course on History of Mathematics (1998)). Activities. Thumbnails of Geometry of the Triangle. Geometry Experiments (Contains various activities, some very basic, some less, usable for various levels of education). Utilities for the program DERIVE. Thinking about Mathematics Education (Article on innovative trends in Mathematics Education). Some popular articles math. The driving game of mathematics and learning.
Primary, Secondary, High School, University.
Analysis, Arithmetic, Geometry, General Math.

PAGES DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS (IES "Marqués de Santillana" Colmenar Viejo, Madrid)
Pages devoted to mathematical topics general educational and informational type, leaves problems for students, solutions to problems, sample tests, trivia, etc. Mathematical Competition, 2000. Interactive pages that use java applets on some classical geometric patterns and other mathematical interest: 1. Nine-point circle. 2. Fermat point. 3. Orthic triangle. 4. Morley triangle. 5. Ceva's Theorem. 6. Simson. Euler 7.Recta. 8. Triángulos de Napoleón. 9.Teorema de las Bisectrices. 10. Circunferencia de Apolonio. 11-12. Hipocicloides y epicicloides. 13.Cuadratura del rectángulo. 14. Triángulo de Pascal y Triángulo de Sierpinski. 15.Teorema de Bolzano . Unidad didáctica introducción al concepto de función (con applet java). Problemas para alumnos de 1º de Bachillerato (Matemáticas aplicadas a las Ciencias Sociales). Software matemático comercial y freeware comentado con links. Taller de Matemáticas asistido por ordenador utilizando Cabriweb. Contiene un índice de applets geométricos realizados con CabriWeb. Tutorial de CabriWeb.
Secundaria, Bachillerato.
Análisis, Álgebra, Geometría.

Home (Maseducativa)
educational resources index classified by educational levels and areas: natural sciences and mathematics, literature and social sciences. Its purpose is to store and disseminate educational resources on the Internet. To do this have a database updated regularly with new additions. Agenda educational events, a forum for discussion and request for assistance to other educators in the network. Information on mathematics (annotated links and valued) is classified in Generic Pages, Software, Mathematical Olympiads, Problems of logic and wit.
Primary, Secondary, High School.
Not rated.

Portal Links Portal
educational resources of all kinds. Estor resources are classified by levels: preschool, primary, secondary and professional development. Educational Software (Accessed from each classification by educational level). Each program is discussed, with reference to objectives and curriculum content, pedagogical and technical requirements. Annotated links. Educational experiences. Conferences and seminars.
Nursery, Primary, Secondary.
Algebra, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, General Mathematics, Probability. Presentation

MATES program page troubleshooting (no arithmetic exercises.) Adapted for the content of Primary, First and Second Cycle of ESO. With more than 3000 of problems sorted by increasing difficulty. You can download a small demo with 100 problems.
Primary School. Unclassified
. Main
Activities related to the Year 2000. Educational software. Recreational mathematics extensive and well-sorted: (some activities are interactive.) Extensive collection of exercises and activities classified objectives (primary, secondary and higher) in html. Societies. Magazines. Math projects for different educational levels. Information on conferences. Fractals. Mathematical tables. Olympics: Issues in html format in the world Olympics. Users Field. Articles.
Primary, Secondary, High School.
Algebra, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, Probability.

Home (2 pi Math)
Summaries, notes, formulas, graphs, problems, exercises, quizzes, blogs, books and downloads area (software freeware and shareware). Summaries (Chance: Continuous Random Variables. Probability: Normal Distribution. Probability: Discrete Random Variables. Probability: Binomial Distribution. Statistics. Two-dimensional distributions. Statistics: Basic concepts. Arrays. Rank of a matrix. Study of systems of linear equations. Logarithmic Function . Study Functions: schema. Properties of Functions. Summary of Combinatorics). Formulas: (Triangles (resolution). Combinatorics Formulas. Table of Derivatives. Table of standard normal distribution. Binomial Distribution Table. Areas and Volumes. Trigonometric functions. Formulas elementary algebra. Fractional Expressions). Charts (Study of functions, linear functions (animation) Basic Function Charts). Practical (Greek alphabet, Solving Linear Equations, Solving exponential equations). Exercises (Exercises worked Systems of Linear Equations. 6 Exercises exponential equations solved. 18 exercises related to the number and in solution). Problems (Combinatorial (01 to 06). Linear Programming (01 to 03)). Reviews (Review 2 Bach. (Sep.) LOGSE. 2nd BACH. LOGSE - 1st Eval. - Mat.CCSS. 1st BACH. LOGSE - Sufficiency-Mat.CCSS. 1st BACH. LOGSE - September - Mat.CCSS. 1st BACH. LOGSE - Ctrl - Mat.CCSS. Test 2 º Bach. (2 nd ev.) LOGSE). Utilities (recursive function to calculate the factorial of a number in Visual Basic. Calculator Statistics: Stadis).
Secondary High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Statistics, Geometry, Probability.

PARTS Program (Tangram game)
PARTS is a program to play the traditional Tangram. Lets play tangram patterns in seven and fourteen pieces. Create your own figures. Develop more than 200 figures suggested by the program. Keep your personal records. Their distribution is not free. After installation, you can not use the program. You must contact the author.
Primary School.
Geometry. Project

T ^ 3 - SPAIN
The T3 program EUROPA (Teachers Teaching with Technology) is a European project of cooperation between the educational community and Texas Instruments . This initiative is designed to familiarize teachers with the technologies that the implementation of Secondary Education (ESO and Bachillerato) required and help to incorporate these tools in their daily practice. Scheduled Courses: number of hours, location, and telephone coordinator. Publications in zip format: Introduction to Statistics descriptive, probability distributions, matrices with TI-83, TI-92 arrays, Cabri-Geometry with TI-92, with symbolic computation TI-92, introduction to programming, IT-83 numbers, sequences with TI-83. Information on seminars and conferences. Debate: mailing lists. Bibliography: Articles published in English on graphing calculators and Cabri II.
Secondary High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Statistics, Geometry, Probability.

math Quadern 4.0
Free program to work the numbers and the calculation in primary school. The notebook has nine pages Activity: cardinal to the hundreds of million, ordinal to 999, Romans from 1 to 3999, with the limits of management directions, add and subtract from 1 to 5 numbers, without taking or removing, tables 1 through 9, multiply up to three figures and divide, also up to three numbers and subtract with visible or not. Create or edit appropriate difficulty levels for different groups using the program, indicating the time, the number of errors allowed, correct answers required to pass each year and other features. On the page find a manual for proper installation and a clear manual for use. In Catalan and Castilian.

Rafael's link collection ~ flowers / nbmc.html
collection of links in English FAQ in Mathematics, links to personal pages, introduction to K-Theory Algebraic most common mistakes, Institute of Mathematics and links to pages with software.
Algebra, General Math.

English Royal Mathematical Society
page of the Royal English Mathematical Society: Information Society, calendar of events, Olympics, societies, and servers or links categorized in General, Related Topics, Web Servers Departments of Spain, Web Servers Departments of Mathematics, Gopher servers, Institutes and Research Centers, Business Pages, Mathematics Journals, Preprints of Mathematics, Mathematics and Other Files Software Math. Unclassified
. Unclassified
. Educational Resources
Educational Legislation. Lots of information on education. Curricular projects. General mathematics curriculum project and the Canaries. Educational resources of all kinds (books, videos ,...). Charts.
Primary, Secondary, High School. Unclassified

RedeMaTic also reachable by Portuguese Excellent site which covers the use of new technologies in the process teaching and learning of mathematics (Java, Sketchpad, Excel and Cabri). News and announcements. Materials tab in the form of classified doc format in 7 th, 8 th, 9 th year and other materials, with explanations of the software used for development and implementation in the classroom. Each year is classified as teaching units. Links in Portuguese, English, geometry for teachers, problems and activities. Links for students. Software. Java Applets. Publications and Debate. Secondary
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, Probability.

Virtual Journal of Mathematics
Electronic Journal of Mathematics. Contributions. The World of Mathematics. Pedagogical and Didactic Material contributions. Mathematics and Internet Tools (LaTeX2HTML, JavaSketchpad and Mathematica). History of Mathematics. Games & Entertainment. Educational Software programming. Virtual Forum. Math Olympics exercises. School Mathematics, ITCR. Interactive Geometry: JavaSketchpad and 3D animation with Mathematica (20 examples of surfaces, solids and projections).
High, High School, University. Unclassified

Societat d'Educació Matemàtica de la Comunitat Valenciana
Societat Matemàtica Al-Khwarizmi. Mathematics society dedicated to all aspects and especially the cultural and educational. Activities of the association. Valencian Olympiad National and students of 2 º ESO (the problems are in zipped format). New technologies. TI, software and Latex. Materials developed by the group T ^ 3 (resources). Description of the panels of the exhibition of Escher and loan conditions.
Nursery, Primary, Secondary, High School, University.
Algebra, Analysis, Geometry, Statistics, Probability. Spanky Welcome
English page that contains an extensive collection of graphics, annotated links, books and programs to generate fractals. Fractint program information (Versions Windows, Linux, Macintosh and BeOS). Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics. C programming codes Mirror.
High, High School, University.
Analysis, Geometry. The Integrator
History of integration. Page on which we can calculate integrals (using the Mathematica engine ©). Bachelor

The World of Escher - Artwork Gallery, Secure Shopping, Tesselations Contents
All about Escher. Gallery. Safe shopping. Software: © Tesselmania demo (program to cover the plane you'll find the download)
Geometry, General Math. title Contains
software (commercial and free) and exercise (exercise books combined fractions and fractions) in Word format. Secondary
Algebra, Arithmetic, Geometry.


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