Friday, October 28, 2005
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Department of Mathematics
page Department of Mathematics of IES Arroyo de la Miel. Math Workshop. Joint project: issues and questions raised in an exchange on the teaching of Mathematics and English with a French center. Support issues falling within 2 º, 4 º ESO 1 º, 2 º de Bachillerato. Java Applets on the quadratic function and the Pythagorean Theorem. Links.
Secondary High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Statistics, Geometry, Probability.
Mathematics Department of IES "ABUL" Vilches
Department Page IES Mathematics "ABUL" Vilches. . Recommended Books. Course content. Selectivity problems Bachelor of Social Sciences. Bachelor
Algebra, Analysis, Geometry, Statistics, Probability. Department
do Ensino Secundário - Apoio ao Professor of Mathematics.
Page Portuguese Mathematics resources for teachers: mathematics programs (curriculum), classroom activities, electronic publications, compressed word formats and interactive mathematics.
Primary, Secondary, High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Geometry, Statistics, Probability. Department Overview
Page Electronic Resource Center for the Teaching of Applied Mathematics. Teaching Mathematics and graphing calculator. Applications and instructions for the TI-83, TI-85, TI-92. Activities and resources. Mathematics Educators' Forum. Complexes, commercial mathematics, continuity of functions, Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, systems of equations, sequences and series. Links to resources related to calculators. Associations. Links related to software. Resources: Cooperative Learning (Comparison of Decimals. Activity Home - Calculation I. Running Bike to School). Educator references. Curiosities Mathematics (Mathematics recreational-Puzzles). Interactive pages. Professional Development Resources. Resources for Students. Math servers on the WWW. Magazines on the WWW. Bibliography.
Secondary High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Geometry.
Department. Mathematics of IES La Cabrera
mathematical literature (Romance of the derivative and the arctangent. The story of the three cerite. How do Mathematicians. The frustrated marriage between an abacus and Fi-Fi variable. The problem of the potatoes.) Contest mathematical problems to students at the school. Links. Secondary
. Unclassified
COU Selectivity and logs. Paper on the development of the SATs. Mathematics test models I and II classified by date in pdf and ps formats. Bachelor
Algebra, Analysis, Statistics, Geometry, Probability. ECUACIONES.COM
Solutions to exercises are looking
exercises Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics. Mathematics content is classified in calculus, differential equations, linear algebra and algebra. Registration is required.
Bachelors, University.
Algebra, Analysis.
Egypt, Mathematics, Books ...
Exercises in PDF format (sam) Classified: Exponential function. Logarithmic function. Arithmetic progressions. Geometric progressions. Compound interest and annuities. Trigonometry. Complex numbers. Trinomial and quadratic equation. Combinatorics and induction. Power of a team. Statistics and probability calculus. Limits. Number and. Continuity. Analytical study of the line. Differential calculus. Maximum, minimum, inflection and concavity. Function graphing. Circumference. Ellipse. Hyperbola. Parable. Integral calculus.
Secondary High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, Probability. Egyptian mathematics
Extensa English website dedicated to mathematics and Egypt (with a bibliography section classified by age and another dedicated to games, writing, dynasties, pyramids and temples). Contains a dedicated apathetic Egyptian numbering system and problems using this system. We can do operations using a calculator that will give us the result in the Egyptian numbering system. Secondary
arithmetic. Resolved
Math Exercises
Formula solved exercises, Arithmetic, Algebra, Trigonometry, Analytic Geometry, Calculus and Statistics. (MS Excel).
High, High School, University.
Algebra, Analysis, Statistics, Geometry, Probability.
Other physical and chemical resources, contains an excellent page on rectilinear movement: an introduction, vector, vector addition, the position of a point, vector position, trajectory, distance and displacement, speed and velocity, acceleration, equations, relativity movement. Graphic study: slope of a curve. space related graphics, speed and acceleration time. Uses java applets and Shockwave animations.
Secondary High School.
educational search. Selection of educational resources retrievable through searches by educational level or subject. Daily incorporation of new links. Of great interest to teachers and students of Nursery, Primary, Secondary, BUP and FP.
Nursery, Primary, Secondary, High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Statistics, Geometry, Probability.
collection of links divided into: 1) strategies for calculation. (Many of them using java applets) calculator. 2) Geometry. Fractals. Surfaces. Use of measuring instruments. 3) Logic Games. Troubleshooting. Analysis of variables tables, graphs, etc. (Illustrate, predict, explain ... 4) Stats: access to information and its use. Processed and presented.
Secondary High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, General Mathematics, Probability.
eduro-education network in
Index Castilian educational resources on the Internet. Classified by subject or educational levels. Business resources. Programs and educational institutions. Particular resources, personal pages, notes.
Primary, Secondary, High School. Unclassified
eight lying, Javier PUZZLES Santos
page on puzzles (some designed and recorded by the author of the page) very complete. The information is classified in sequential movements, disengage, release ring, and miscellaneous. It contains a news section. Secondary
. General Mathematics
El Osio de los Santos
Here you will find free education and entertainment software for use online. This site contains exercises done math (which is actually a link to another page by the same authors - ) and a section on using shockwave interactive mathematics: multiplication tables, the first numbers (for children from 2 to 4 years to this page with sound learning the numbers 1 through 9), quadratic equations, descriptive statistics, binomial distribution, the sum of vectors, and random numbers).
Nursery, Primary, Secondary, High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Statistics, Probability.
Clic El Raco
Click is a free software that lets you create different types of educational activities. The website of the "corner of the Click" is a space of cooperation and solidarity between teachers and schools through the exchange of materials produced with the program. You can find the complete list of available materials, classified by language, subject areas and educational levels in the activities section.
Nursery, Primary, Secondary.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, Probability.
Inglés-English Math Dictionary
English-English Dictionary
Secondary Mathematics, Secondary Education, University.
Algebra Analysis, Statistics, Geometry, Probability.
Page IES Puerta del Campo (Ceuta). Comprehensive collection of reviews of mathematics in doc format classified by levels (1, 2.3, BUP, COU, 3 and 4 of ESO, Bachillerato, FP 3 and 4) and content.
Secondary High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Statistics, Geometry.
Epsilon - Notes, problems, resolution of questions ...
Epsilon is a free resource portal created by and for students of Engineering. Notes pdf math (also in physics, electronics, communications and computing): Calculus (one variable). Calculation (n variables). Linear Algebra. Geometry. Differential Eq. Probability. Fourier analysis. Complex Analysis. Numerical Methods. Statistics. Contains a form of notes, mailing lists classified (Cálculo. Linear Algebra. Differential Eq. Probability) and a forum for resolution of questions classified by subject (Mathematics, Physics, Computer, Communications, Electronics and other materials.
BA, University .
Algebra, Analysis, Statistics, Geometry, Probability.
Here you will find instructional videos, examples, exercises and everything you need for your homework. Math content is classified in the Cartesian product. Relationships and roles. Decimal. Addition and subtraction. Multiplication. Division. Multiples and factors. Fractions. Addition and subtraction of fractions. Product and division of fractions. Decimal numbers. Addition, subtraction and multiplication of decimal numbers. Division of decimal numbers. Direct proportionality. Integers. Proportionality. Rule of three. Rule of Three composite. Interest. Empowerment. Combined operations. System binary. Representation of movement. Length measurements. Volume measurements. Time measurements. Surface measurements.
Primary School.
Algebra, Arithmetic.
Escolares.Net Free Resources for Youth and Students
general educational resources. Math works with a comment on its content (equations, systems, geometric shapes, surfaces of revolution, trigonometry). Annotated links.
Secondary High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Geometry.
School of Mathematics - UCV
Information and services of the School of Mathematics. Website of the University of Venezuela. Famous mathematicians of all time. Mathematics: The Golden Age (the scientific and methodological contribution of scholars in ancient Greece.) Software.
High, High School, University.
Algebra, Analysis, Geometry.
School of Mathematics, Mathematics Teaching Information
curriculum race Mathematics Teaching Computer-Assisted School of Mathematics at the Technological Institute of Costa Rica. It also contains the magazine "Mathematics Education and Internet ". In addition to publishing contributions from authors in the field of mathematics and mathematics teaching, the journal has the following sections:" Tools for Mathematics on the Internet, "Contributions Pedagogical and Teaching Materials," Games and Entertainment "," The World of Mathematics, History of Mathematics "," Virtual Forum "," Program of Educational Software "and" Exercises Math Olympics. "Membership is free. Includes lots of software Mathematics and free JavaSketchpad (Sketchpad extension to the Web).
Primary, Secondary, High School.
Algebra Analysis, Arithmetic, Geometry
ESTALMAT (Stimulation of Mathematics) is a project being conducted by the Royal Academy of Sciences in Madrid. Its main objective is to maintain and stimulate interest of boys and girls from 12 to 15 who are particularly attracted by the beauty, depth and usefulness of mathematics. Information on the project, such problems (in HTML) and recommended readings. Links. Secondary
Algebra, Arithmetic, Analysis, Geometry, Statistics. European Schoolnet
Mathematics Section of the site in English European Schoolnet. Resources: Math and new technologies. Links. Discussion forum. General, FAQs. Math resources, history, classic works, publications, activities, problems, projects, software, games and puzzles. Mathematical Applets. Activities discussed and classified by educational level, area of \u200b\u200bmathematics and recommended software. Related mailing lists and European companies Mathematics Teachers of Mathematics.
Primary, Secondary, High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Geometry. Favorite Mathematical Constants
Extensive collection of mathematical constants classified into categories (Numerical Analysis and Complex Geometry, functional iterations, discrete structures). Links to pages related to constant and numbers. Language: English.
High, High School, University.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Geometry.
Fernando Gomez - Personal Page ~ fgomez / index.htm
Information and materials about the program Mathematica (©) and its applications. Secondary educational applications. Zone discharge. Possibility of consultations. Secondary
Algebra, Analysis.
Fibonacci Numbers and Golden section in Nature
English very complete page on Fibonacci Numbers, Section Gold and where they appear in nature. It consists of 200 pages. It contains a historical reference to Fibonacci and his work, a section of recreational mathematics problems (on page called puzzles) in which numbers appear Fibonnaci solutions. Among other sections, we can access the list of the first 500 Fibonacci numbers, algorithms, etc. Quicktime animation features and utilities to Sketchpad. Is well documented with plenty of illustrations, bibliography and links offering. If you want to know something about the subject, the visit is required.
High, High School, University.
Analysis, Arithmetic, Geometry.
Frequently Asked Questions in Mathematics ~ alopez-o/math-faq/math-faq.html
FAQ in English on mathematical structures, numbers and number theory, Fermat's theorem, medals Field, famous constant, international and Olympic competitions, famous problems, formulas and references.
Algebra, Analysis, Geometry, General Math. Geometry
GéomètreII Cabri-Geometry. Interactive materials for learning geometry using the program with Cabri-Geometry II. (Archives). In paragraph 74 mechanisms have been added CabriJava applets that simulate the functioning of the mechanisms that are used in technology and in everyday life: steam engine, excavator, pulleys, etc. Links: interactive geometry, calculators, graphing calculators and mathematics education in general. Bachelor
Algebra, Analysis, Geometry. Cabri Geometry
Cabri page dedicated to the program. Introduction to Geometry. Triangles Circles. Conical Menelaus and Ceva Theorems. Analytic Geometry transformations. Descriptiva.Poliedros geometry. Contains a section on macros. Links and literature on the subject.
Secondary High School.
Geometry for 2 º ESO ~ bbo / geom
Links to fractals, history of mathematics, puzzles, math disclosures and logic. Educational resource for the study of geometry in the level of 2 º ESO plane and solid figures with volume. Working Guide (html-form key to the student). Biographies: Pythagoras, Euclid, Thales, and Descartes. Secondary
Diophantine Equations. History, definition, bibliography, links. Resolution of some equations including Pell's equation, the equation of Mordell and Fermat's Theorem.
Free: Educational applications and software (Computer Room)
These pages offer comprehensive and free, educational applications that are designed for students in CP El Olivar, during the last four courses, with the CLIC program Francesc Busquets (also free): function relationship, Roman numerals-II operations. Primary
hcmth014/comics.html ~ ~ hcmth014/comics.html English
page where you collect comics in a graphic format mathematical content. You can search by name comic or words.
High, High School, University. General Mathematics
Page English on pi. Activities (to learn things and approximate), history, video and applications (in astronomy). Secondary
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