Friday, October 28, 2005
Inebrya Ice Cream Colour
is an educational resource for learning math in a fun way. Based on the Chinese tangram has to build the figure that tells you joining each problem with your solution. The student can self-correct. There are different levels and within different levels of difficulty level which allows working for diversity in the classroom. Covered all secondary targets. Dare and practice. You'll find a sample in matgram
Professor Freedman's Math Help
can find information about basic math for adults, tips for teachers, tips split reduce anxiety. Mathematics learning. Math tutor. Contains videos. Language: English. Primary
Algebra, Arithmetic, Mathematics, General.
Math in the Movies ~ Reinhold / dir / mathmovies.html
page in English on Mathematics and film. The author analiaza the mathematical content of 80 films.
School, Secondary School, University. General Mathematics
mathematics in English Resources for educators, parents and students. The information is classified in aid (with definitions, examples and worksheets), practice (with leaves of interactive questions), questions, interactive calculation tools, and interactive games. Each of these sections contain sub-classifications in areas of mathematics. Fractals.
Primary, Secondary, High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, Probability.
Mathematical Atlas: a gateqay to Modern Mathematics.
collection of articles on certain areas of modern mathematics. The information is classified in the following disciplines: foundations, combinatorics, number theory and abstract algebra, geometry and topology, analysis (functional analysis, real, complex numbers, differential equations), applications (physics and other sciences), probability and statistics . History. Contains complete information with references and publications.
Algebra, Analysis, Statistics, Geometry, General Mathematics, Probability. Mathematical Constants and
Complete English website dedicated to the classical constants and calculation algorithms. The information is classified as constant (Archimedes, e, log (2), square root of 2, Arpery constant, constant calculation records. Algorithms (arbitrary precision in programming languages, FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) algorithm for multiplication large numbers), binary method of division series, calculus of the inverse and square root with high precision, Newton method, convergence acceleration of series including alternating series, calculation the nth digit of pi without calculating the other). Programs (PiFast: to calculate the digits of pi, a program to calculate pi to 12 billion figures in C program code to calculate several constants, online program in java script to calculate Pi, e, square root of 2, Number Gold, log 2 and log 3). Various (classification numbers (irrational, transcendental ,...), findings that Pi and log (2) are irrational, Gamma function, Riemann Z function, Númeors Bernoulli constant of the theory of numbers and historical notes on constant). Number Theory (calculating primes, project pi (x), calculated on line of primes less than 1000, 5000, 10000 and 30000 through java script). References and links on the topic.
High, High School, University.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic. Mathematical quotations server ~ mwoodard / mqs / Dating
mquot.shtml mathematics in English. Unclassified
. General Mathematics
. Museum Mathematics
Deformation catenoid a helix (in QuickTime file (416kb)). The beauty of surfaces. Geometric designs on paper. Materials and numeric expressions. The geometric problem Sangaku Japanese Temple. Plane tilings (tessellations in everyday life). Links to museums around the world: fractals, geometric designs, and curves.
High, High School, University.
Algebra, Analysis, Geometry.
MathSkills Home Page
English page Department of Mathematics at the University of Hull (England). Html full articles in the publication "MathSkills Newsletter." In addition to providing the department's own information (working groups and research) contains an interesting section with a list math-related jobs classified on various subjects. engineering, finance, communications, control systems and biotechnology.
Bachelors, University. Unclassified
page in English to work with geometric shapes and numeracy games. Uses Shockwave. Primary
Arithmetic, Geometry.
factoring methods numerical
page dedicated to solving systems of equations using the methods of Gauss- Jordan, Doolittle and Choleski. Contains a solved exercise (in html).
Algebra. Nonius ~ jaimecs / index.html Nonius-Arquivo
Electronic Mathematics. History and mathematics teaching. Analysis and differential equations. Methodology. Latest news from the world of mathematics. Links. Doubts analysis. Math programs in various countries, training programs and online calculators. Congresses. Publications (Articles from the number 0 from the project fact sheet Computing and Mathematics Education).
Algebra Analysis, General Math.
Números.htm ~ msanto1/ortografia/numeros.htm
Spelling of numbers. Where table lists the different numbers, cardinal, ordinal multiples and partitive.
Primary School.
Arithmetic, Mathematics, General.
Números.Romanos.html ~ msanto1/ortografia/numrom.htm
Roman numerals. Rules. Examples.
Primary School.
Arithmetic, Mathematics, General. Comenius proxecto
O HEI Meaño not
Page Meaño HEI Galician (Pontevedra) dedicated to their involvement in the European Comenius program: calculation of the radius of the Earth: Eratosthenes. Calculating the Earth-Moon distance. Secondary
Okmath. Math problems solved
Problems and Exercises (in html) solved step by step classified into the following categories: University (Engineering, degrees and diplomas). Schools, colleges (ducation Primary, Secondary, high school, college preparatory courses and vocational training). Selectivity (Testing for entrance exams to college in Spain). This page is updated weekly and resolve doubts about the problems of the web.
Primary, Secondary, High School, University.
Algebra, Analysis, Geometry. Galega Mathematical Olympiad
Of interest to students and teachers at Galicia. this page in Galician contains the basis for convening the English Mathematical Olympiad XXXVII and a form to register on line in Phase Gallega. This page also contains a section for preparing the test (containing the evidence of the years 1999 and 2000 in the Galician Olympiad in pdf format). We can see the list of all winners of the Galician stage since 1963. Bachelor
Algebra, Analysis, Geometry, Probability.
Optimizing mail delivery routes using genetic algorithms
page of the Faculty of Engineering of the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador which assesses the robustness of the algorithms genetic optimization applied to the problem of mail delivery routes, comparing these with other methods of mathematical optimization and develop a PC application that optimizes delivery routes correspondence, using algorithms genetic. This application can be downloaded from the page itself or from the download area. On the find extensive documentation explaining the problem, rationale, application design and implementation of it. bibliography and links on the topic.
page teaching Pedro José Herrero Piñeyro
This site aims to be an aid to teaching in the subjects of topology of 1 Mathematics and Extension Topology 2 of Math. I would be a means of communication between teacher and students and of students among themselves. Here you will find the signature programs, books, worksheets, exercises done by the students, some teacher's lecture notes and some interesting links. The problems are in pdf format.
Mariló page
Multimedia and Geometry Art. Internet and mathematics: links to pages of all types (history, problems, notes and teaching resources in general). Contains an excellent course on the Internet. Mathematics and diversity. Secondary
Geometry, General Math.
math page
mathematical canapés classified page (where we find content related to the existence of infinitely many primes and a demonstration of the Pythagorean theorem), publications (list of author's publications), teaching (first practical program of the computer algebra), mathematical humor and blogs.
Bachelors, University.
Algebra, Arithmetic, Geometry. New Page 1
page Department of Mathematics of IES María Moliner. Contains information about the Department (Photos of members of the same components and groups, books and activities textofijados which contains its programming, participation in Olympics and in the Math Kangaroo contest and the activities report of the previous year), activities students (classified by level fixed issues, Theano and the golden ratio, Biographies for the contest Nivola and Fibonacci Sequence), very well detailed lesson plans and interactive java (Continuidad. Classification of discontinuities. Traslaciones.Números Vectors and Complex), mathematics recreational (optical illusions, logic games and puzzles on-line mathematical) and finely a links section.
Secondary High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Geometry, General Math. New Page 2
page on analytic geometry using a resource that allows you to manipulate elements: java applets. Straight, parables and conic sections.
Secondary High School.
Geometry. New Page 3
page on the history of science. Among other things, contains a section with biographies of mathematicians accompanied Photos or Pictures: Archimedes, Fibonnacci, Thales, Barrow, Galileo, Torricelli, Boole, Galois, Weirstrass, Copernicus, Gauss, Zenon, Descartes, Kepler, Einstein, Newton, Eratosthenes, Pascal, Euler and Pythagoras. It also contains, among other sections devoted to science in general, a section of anecdotes, jokes, interesting facts and scientific explanations of everyday events, pi with 16000 numbers, trivia, a collection of problems sorted by context (at the farm, at school, in the mall, working with numbers, counting coins, family matters, workers, issues of geometry, ancient measures, travel, taps and reservoirs and watches).
Secondary High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Geometry, General Mathematics, Probability. Website
Miguel de Guzmán Ozamiz
Courses (work hard to reach or exhausted that have proved useful to students the course on History of Mathematics (1998)). Activities. Thumbnails of Geometry of the Triangle. Geometry Experiments (Contains various activities, some very basic, some less, usable for various levels of education). Utilities for the program DERIVE. Thinking about Mathematics Education (Article on innovative trends in Mathematics Education). Some popular articles math. The driving game of mathematics and learning.
Primary, Secondary, High School, University.
Analysis, Arithmetic, Geometry, General Math.
Educatius resources page d'en Jordi Lagares Roset ~ jlagares
Software and educational resources. Special education. Sound and Security. Software on functions (6 languages), derivative, definite integral (utilizandi a java applet), trigonometry, linear programming, statistical (simulation samples) normal distribution function. List of problems of Mathematics II. Congresses. Problem of the day, month, year. INTEGRAL (Integral defined).
Secondary High School.
Analysis, Statistics, Geometry, Probability. Vicent
Castellar page ~ sweatshirt / index.html
Global models and simulation with a large amount of documentation (in various formats). Escher (bio - selection of prints - other prints, make mosaics - links and references). Tangram: appleet java to play online. Other proposals zip file solution. IQ test.
Primary, Secondary, University.
Geometry. Website
Angela Núñez ~ anunezca / home.htm
Educational units: vectors (with Java). Educational projects. Exchange problems. Notes (complex numbers and powers in html). Links in English and English. Classroom resources with Java. IRC education Hortaleza CPR (Madrid). Secondary
Algebra, Analysis. Website
José María Arias
General Bibliography and proper. Cabri-Geometry (Description of the program. Example: movements by the plane. Links). Calculator (Use Calculator). Mental arithmetic (mental arithmetic simple exercises). Carné-calculus. Cuadros-perimeter and area formulas. Curiosities (recreational mathematics). Cabri-Excel, Derive. Testing (Assessment of learning. Reflections of the authors of the books of the Editorial Casals). Excel-statistics (Statistics and probability worksheet. Description of the program. Sample descriptive statistics). Olympics (English Mathematical Olympiad in doc format). Bach Prize Ext. (Special Award BA in doc format). Programming (mathematics projects for ESO and Bachillerato formats doc). Selectivity (Collection of evidence of selectivity in doc format). Magazines (List of magazines published in Spain in mathematical content, address and contact telephone numbers). Research Workshop. (Activities: it is a complementary activity and expansion of the NIF). Transparencies (Transparencies in CDR format on various topics and high school. Methodology on its use.) Videos (List of videos about mathematics and its methodology). Interesting Web. Contains an interesting section on computing.
Secondary High School.
Analysis, Algebra, Statistics, Geometry, Probability.
PAGES DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS (IES "Marqués de Santillana" Colmenar Viejo, Madrid)
Pages devoted to mathematical topics general educational and informational type, leaves problems for students, solutions to problems, sample tests, trivia, etc. Mathematical Competition, 2000. Interactive pages that use java applets on some classical geometric patterns and other mathematical interest: 1. Nine-point circle. 2. Fermat point. 3. Orthic triangle. 4. Morley triangle. 5. Ceva's Theorem. 6. Simson. Euler 7.Recta. 8. Napoleon triangles. 9.Teorema of the bisectors. 10. Apollonius circumference. 11-12. Hypocycloids and epicyclic. 13.Cuadratura the rectangle. 14. Pascal's Triangle and Sierpinski Triangle. 15.Teorema of Bolzano. Teaching unit introducing the concept of function (with java applet). Problems for students of 1 Baccalaureate (Mathematics for Social Sciences). Commercial mathematical software and freeware discussed with links. Math Workshop Cabriweb using computer-assisted. Contains an index of geometric applets made with CabriWeb. CabriWeb tutorial.
Secondary High School.
Analysis, Algebra, Geometry.
page in English on Pi. What is Pi. History, memorizing Pi, literature and early figures 100000. Secondary
Algebra. Home ~ qcastell / portada.htm
page in Catalan called Armila (Anthology of Internet Resources Matemàtiques, Llegits, Anotats i Recomanats). It is a page where you collect resources in Internet Mathematics. The information (well clñasificada) is divided into five categories. Three of them are topical index, typological and recipients. In the index, displayed the following categories: Overview, Fundamentals, Algebra, Analysis, Numerical analisys, Stochastic Arithmetic, Geometry, quantities and measures, applied mathematics, discrete mathematics, recreational mathematics, topology, auxiliary materials and non-mathematical topics. In the typological index: software, work material, and other writings. As recipients of the annotated pages, the information is classified in group: all ages, teachers, primary, secondary, high school, extension of the curriculum and other areas of knowledge. All categories are subclassified.
Child Primary, Secondary, High School, University.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Geometry, Statistics, General Math and Probability.
Home (Maseducativa)
educational resources index classified by educational levels and areas: natural sciences and mathematics, literature and social sciences. Its purpose is to store and disseminate educational resources on the Internet. To do this have a database updated regularly with new additions. Agenda educational events, a forum for discussion and request for assistance to other educators in the network. Information on mathematics (annotated links and valued) is classified in Generic Pages, Software, Mathematical Olympiads, Problems of logic and wit.
Primary, Secondary, High School. Unclassified
Portal Links Portal
educational resources of all kinds. Estor resources are classified by levels: preschool, primary, secondary and professional development. Educational Software (Accessed from each classification by educational level). Each program is discussed, with reference to objectives and curriculum content, pedagogical and technical requirements. Annotated links. Educational experiences. Conferences and seminars.
Nursery, Primary, Secondary.
Algebra, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, General Mathematics, Probability. Main
Activities related to the Year 2000. Educational software. Recreational mathematics extensive and well-sorted: (some activities are interactive.) Extensive collection of exercises and activities targeted classified (primary, secondary and higher) in html. Societies. Magazines. Math projects for different educational levels. Information on conferences. Fractals. Mathematical tables. Olympics: Issues in html, Olympics in the world. Users Field. Articles.
Primary, Secondary, High School.
Algebra, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, Probability. Home
All ~ aserra10 /
We find among other things, a section of problems with solution (Evaristo's grandfather, grandfather and grandmother Evaristo, The Alice in Wonderland Tribute to Fermat's Theorem Tales). Works (number theory and problems (not yet available) for the course Mathematics Applied to Social Sciences II, second Bachelor of Humanities and Social Sciences). Javascript links and programs: Diophantus (Solve Diophantine equations), consistency (solves systems of linear congruences), Vector Addition (geometric animation), Difference Vector (geometric animation), product number x vector (geometric animation).
Secondary High School.
Algebra, Arithmetic, Geometry.
Home (2 pi Math)
Summaries, notes, formulas, graphs, problems, exercises, quizzes, blogs, books and downloads area (software freeware and shareware). Summaries (Chance: Continuous Random Variables. Probability: Normal distribution. Probability: discrete random variable. Probability: Binomial Distribution. Statistics. Two-dimensional distributions. Statistics: Basic concepts. Matrices. Rank of a matrix. Study of systems of linear equations. Logarithmic function. Study Features: schema. Properties of Functions. Summary of Combinatorics). Formulas: (Triangles (resolution). Combinatorics Formulas. Table of Derivatives. Table of standard normal distribution. Binomial Distribution Table. Areas and Volumes. Trigonometric functions. Formulas elementary algebra. Fractional Expressions). Charts (Study of functions, linear functions (animation) Graphs of Elementary Functions.) Practical (Greek alphabet, Solving Linear Equations, Solving exponential equations). Exercises (Exercises worked Systems of Linear Equations. 6 Exercises exponential equations solved. 18 exercises related to the number and in solution). Problems (Combinatorial (01 to 06). Linear Programming (01 to 03)). Reviews (Review 2 Bach. (Sep.) LOGSE. 2nd BACH. LOGSE - 1st Eval. - Mat.CCSS. 1st BACH. LOGSE - Sufficiency-Mat.CCSS. 1st BACH. LOGSE - September - Mat.CCSS. 1st BACH. LOGSE - Ctrl - Mat.CCSS. Test 2 º Bach. (2 nd ev.) LOGSE). Utilities (recursive function to calculate factorial a Number in Visual Basic. Statistics Calculator: Stadis).
Secondary High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Statistics, Geometry, Probability. Prometheus
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