editorial page of the SM. Contains a section devoted to mathematics, divided into: Abacus (digital magazine published monthly), staff room (forum, message board and chat), Resource Bank (excellent search engine, test of selectivity that can be downloaded in pdf, materials to use in the classroom in pdf format: Biographies of mathematics, recreational mathematics, new technologies in the classroom, mathematics and seals, recreational resources in secondary mathematics, tutorial and Ingenio Derive mathematical library: database publishing books, curriculum projects in pdf format classified by communities, level and subject,) and virtual advisor (legal and computer).
Infant, primary, secondary, high school.
Analysis, Algebra, Statistics, Geometry, Probability.
excellent page in English depending on Discovery.com. We can access resources classified students, teachers and parents. Popular mathematics (personal finances, drives, lottery ...). General math (scientific notation, numbers, fractions, decimals). Algebra (polynomials, simplifying expressions, complex numbers). Charts (equation of a line drawing function). Trigonometry (trigonometric expressions, triangles). Calculus (derivatives, integrals). Mathematics in life. This page offers interactivity can solve problems and specific operations related to all issues mentioned above. Educational software classified by areas and age groups said according to various aspects (one of which is its educational value.)
Primary, Secondary, High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, General Mathematics, Probability.
virtual encyclopedia Extensive and excellent education. One of its sections dealing with mathematics: numbers, operations, geometry, mathematical games. Questions. For teachers, the information is classified in training and education sites categorized by level of education, calendar, educational information and forums noticiasn.
nursery, primary, Secondary High School.
Algebra, Arithmetic, Geometry.
IGE (Instituto Galego de Estatística)
http://www.ige.xunta.es/ IGE
pages where we can find, among other information, details of Galicia (Galicia in figures). Resources.
Secondary High School.
Statistics. Index2
site dedicated to mosaics and tessellations in mathematics education. The content is structured in school geometry, geometry in art, teaching material and learning of geometry, materials and skills, computer: a tool to work in the classroom, in what is the proposed work?, tessellations in the classroom, considerations about the activities, activity guide, and literature evaluation proposal.
Primary, Secondary.
Editorial Santillana page that contains documents and resources for the classroom. Html, doc and pdf. We can also access from the home page to resources classified by educational levels (job offers, articles, proposed curriculum, class schedule). You can access reviews criteria of selectivity and correction of individual autonomy.
Nursery, Primary, Secondary, High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, Probability. Index
Teaching Units Teaching Units http://www.pntic.mec.es/Descartes/index.html
being developed in the Descartes PNTIC. These units are classified by level: first and second ESO 4 º ESO option A and B, first and second year of the Bachelors of the modalities of Humanities and Social Sciences, and Natural Science and Health, or Technology. Other levels and applications (The conical, exponential and logarithmic function, the zip line, the Gaussian polynomials, cubic equation in two variables and curves in polar coordinates. Pages with java.
Secondary High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Statistics, Geometry, Probability .
Math Course Index
math activities (tangram, building a sundial, puzzles, tricks, notes ...). doc formats. important issues in html with animated graphics: the concept of derivative, integral, conic equations and systems.
Secondary High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, Probability.
page Gallego Committee of the World Year of Mathematics 2000. Materials: film and mathematics, and video presentations. Agreement of the Commission 4 th of Education and Culture of the Parliament of Galicia on the conclusion in 2000 the World Year of Mathematics. Mathematician of the week.
High, High School, University. Unclassified
. InfoUSA's PlaneMath
Main Page
Excellent English page infoUSA project in collaboration with NASA that aims to encourage the study of mathematics in children with physical disabilities using the internet (contains a PDF document which explains the use of different types of browsers and existing specialized software the market). It seeks to develop new techniques to teach science, mathematics, engineering and aeronautics. These pages are very well documented in their fundamentals (NCTM Math Standards) and goal gives great importance to the troubleshooting section. The information is divided into four sections: Activities, Support, Links and Information for parents. Each interactive unit also contains suggestions for individual activities, group activities and expliaciones on its objectives aimed at parents and teachers involved in the project.
Primary School.
Algebra, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, Probability. Home
http://www.uco.es/ ~ ma1marea
Learning Mathematics reasoning. Page Professor Angel Martinez Recio where a documentation that can be consulted by students of the Faculty of Education and provides information that teachers and students can access educational standards for education mandatory. Theoretical and practical guidelines for the teaching of mathematics. Practical activities (primary and secondary) and search engines. Mathematics and the Internet. Activities for elementary, secondary, teacher training and educational psychology.
Primary, Secondary, University. Unclassified
. Home Pqcom
http://www.arrakis.es/ ~ fcoquiles / index.htm
activities and resources classified in ESO and Bachillerato. On the ESO, the contents are: angles of a triangle. Geometry in the triangle. Cyclic quadrilateral. Tha. Pythagoras (1). Tha. Pythagoras (2). Triangle rec. registered. Platonic solids . As a high school, resources are classified as: Eq vector of a line. Vector in R3 (Rep). COU (selectivity exercises, software (Geo 3, exercises and instructions) and linear programming exercises and matrix calculus exam.) Graphics / Feature (Puzzle1). Derive profit. Func.Trig. elementary. Uses java applets.
Secondary High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Geometry.
very interesting page dedicated to children. General education content of Mathematics. Contains a section of games and software (each discussed in a tab education). free education for nursery, primary, secondary and special education also classified by areas.
Nursery, Primary, Secondary.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Geometry. Javier
Brihuega (Mathematics Education page)
http://roble.pntic.mec.es/ ~ jbrihueg /
Here you can find activities, problems, some of them in the entrance examinations to the university news and links (including one to the utmost and others to Bulletin of the Society of Teachers of Mathematics Madrileña Emma Castelnuovo). Activities (for high school students) are organized by levels and topics: Geometry, Functions, Trigonometry, Probability, Distributions and Statistical Inference and Hypothesis Testing. This page also contains business data and bibliography of the author's own page.
Secondary High School.
Analysis, Statistics, Geometry, Probability. Days
Anoia 2000 Playful
http://www.xtec.es/ ~ jvidal1/index.htm
page in Catalan of Mathematics Playful Days Anoia 2000 took place on 28 March 30, 2000. Contains a virtual exhibition with plenty of graphic documentation and description of materials and activities.
Primary School. Unclassified
Armenteira Geometry
http://leo.worldonline.es/joanjare/santa_maria/la% 20geometria% 20of% 20armenteira.htm
page where we study the geometry of the Santa Maria Church Armenteira. Church Plant. The Leader. The Apse. The Front Page. The north facade. Longitudinal section. Cross section. Mail and suggestions.
Primary School.
Geometry. Lafacu.com
site for students and scholars
Other resource contains an extensive collection of notes with exercises and assignments (algebra, geometry, analysis, statistics, calculator use, also a biography) in html.
High, High School, University.
Algebra, Analysis, Statistics, Geometry, Probability. Lam 2000
http://www.ull.es/bull/lam2000/Index.htm Virtual Exhibition
old math books. University of La Laguna. Excellent site where we can find books at the bottom of your library classified in medieval works. The Encyclopedia. Editions of The Elements. University textbooks. Great authors. Popular arithmetic. Infinitesimal Calculus. Trigonometric tables.
Secondary College.
Algebra, Analysis, Geometry.
Excellent collection of geometric activity cards based on photographs of the city of Évora, Portalegre, Portugal, and Caceres and Badajoz, in Spain. The cards are primarily aimed at children who study Portuguese and English high school early and to teachers for their classroom work, students and teacher training. The rate of the chips is as follows: the city, the streets, cylinders, circles, cones, ellipses, spheres, polygons, triangles, rectangles, octagons, prisms, parallel parables, symmetry, mirrors, tiles, clocks, arches, gates, sculptures, floors and lines. Each tab consists of three parts: observe, laying the foundation and activities. Secondary
Free Textbooks
Textbooks active in digital format on several subjects classified by level of education. Primary
Algebra, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, Probability.
Links2go: Mathematics
http://www.links2go.com/topic/Mathematics Links
classified. Contains links to history (with biographies of women mathematicians), partnerships, games, art, mathematics, resources and search engines. Language: English.
High, High School, University.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Statistics, General Mathematics, Probability. My Task
page with many resources in various subjects. Contains a list of links to mathematics. Consultation Forum.
Primary, Secondary, High School.
Algebra, Analysis, Statistics, Geometry, Probability.
maps http://www.cip.es/netdidactica/articulos/mapas.htm
Concept Maps. This page is justified and exemplified the use of concept maps in mathematics. Maps and functions. The conceptual map. What is it?. Paper on learning. Functions and maps. Learning to map. The teacher's role. Most important objectives. Content on facts concepts and principles. Content on procedures. Attitudes and bibliography.
University. Unclassified
. Mathematics Education
Congress, links, publications (annotated links to pages publications related to mathematical content.) Articles. This site aims to share some initial research articles, conferences, didactic, etc.., Related to mathematics education with the intent to form focus groups among teachers in Algebra, Geometry, Calculus, Probability, Statistics and Technology and Education.
Algebra, Analysis, Statistics, Geometry, Probability. Math
section devoted to mathematics in the online encyclopedia Enciclonet.com. The information is classified in Contents (Introduction, Algebra, Calculus, Geometry, Statistics and Probability, Mathematics at your fingertips), Fundamental Laws and Performers (History of Mathematics).
Primary, Secondary, High School, University.
Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Statistics, Geometry, General Mathematics, Probability.
Mathematics for All in 2000
Corporate website Hypatia of Valladolid. Activities: photography and math. Recreational mathematics: problems classified ESO (first and second cycle) and high school. Section who is? It is full of clues to discover the famous mathematician. In the parents section include the exhibition of "mathematical material" built by students of the Institute and math bingo. We can find in the section did you know that? articles devoted to topics such as DIN, Fibonacci Number, Codification of the letter of the NIF, the Four Color Theorem
,...) Secondary High School. General Mathematics
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